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Describe something you did that was successful but difficult

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe something you did that was successful but difficult

You should say:

  • what it was
  • why it was difficult
  • whether you received any help; and
  • explain how you felt after you succeeded.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Should people set goals for themselves?
  2. How would you define success?
  3. How do young people measure success?
  4. Are successful people lonely?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm gonna tell you a story about the time I organized a community garden in my neighborhood. It was a huge success, but it was a real challenge to get off the ground. I mean, we're talking about a vacant lot that had been an eyesore for years, and I'm talking about a neighborhood that didn't exactly have a history of community engagement. But I was determined to make it happen.

I spent months rallying my neighbors, attending city council meetings, and navigating bureaucratic red tape. And let me tell you, it was a real slog. There were times when I thought it just wasn't worth it. But I kept pushing forward, and eventually, we secured funding and got the garden up and running.

It was amazing to see the impact it had on the community. Kids were learning about sustainability, seniors were socializing and getting exercise, and the whole neighborhood was coming together. It was a real source of pride for everyone involved. And it just goes to show that with persistence and determination, you can make a real difference in people's lives.

But here's the thing: it wasn't just about the end result. It was about the journey. It was about building relationships with my neighbors, learning about their struggles and their strengths, and finding ways to support each other. It was about creating a sense of community and connection in a place where it was desperately needed.

And that's what I think is so important to remember when we're facing difficult challenges. It's not just about achieving success; it's about the people we meet and the lessons we learn along the way. And if we can keep that in mind, I think we can accomplish some amazing things.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

off the ground
to start something successfully
The new business got off the ground with the help of a successful Kickstarter campaign.
a difficult or tedious task
The hike was a real slog, but the view from the top was worth it.
source of pride
something that makes you feel proud
The new community center was a source of pride for the whole town.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Should people set goals for themselves? I think setting goals for oneself is an essential part of personal growth and development. When I was in college, I set a goal to learn a new language, Spanish, in just one year. It was a challenging task, but having a clear objective helped me stay focused and motivated. I dedicated a specific time each day to study, and I surrounded myself with native speakers to practice my conversation skills. By the end of the year, I was able to hold conversations with my friends and even read Spanish literature. Setting that goal and achieving it gave me a tremendous sense of accomplishment and confidence. It showed me that with hard work and determination, I could overcome obstacles and achieve what I set my mind to.

How would you define success? To me, success is not just about achieving a specific outcome, but about the journey itself. When I was working on a team project to launch a new product, our goal was to increase sales by 20% within the first quarter. It was a tough target, but we worked tirelessly to make it happen. We encountered many setbacks, from production delays to marketing missteps, but we persevered and adapted. In the end, we not only met our sales target but exceeded it by 10%. What I realized was that success wasn't just about hitting that number; it was about the skills we developed, the relationships we built, and the lessons we learned along the way. Success is about growth, resilience, and the ability to navigate uncertainty.

How do young people measure success? I think young people today measure success in a more holistic way than previous generations. When I was in my early twenties, I was part of a startup that aimed to create an app for social good. Our team was passionate about making a positive impact, and we defined success not just by the app's popularity but by the number of lives we could change. We measured our success by the feedback we received from users, the partnerships we formed with organizations, and the social media buzz around our cause. It was a different kind of metric, one that went beyond just financial gain or personal achievement. Young people today are more focused on creating a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their work, and that's how they measure success.

Are successful people lonely? I don't think success necessarily leads to loneliness. In fact, I believe that success often comes from building strong relationships and connections with others. When I was working on a project to create a community garden in my neighborhood, I was able to bring people together from all walks of life. We worked side by side, shared our expertise, and supported each other through the ups and downs. As we achieved our goal of creating a thriving garden, we also formed lasting bonds and a sense of community. Success, in this case, was not just about achieving a goal but about the people we met and the connections we made along the way. Successful people often have a strong support network, and that's what helps them stay grounded and fulfilled.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

set goals for oneself
to decide and plan to achieve something
I set a goal to learn a new language in just one year.
personal growth and development
the process of improving oneself, learning, and becoming a better person
Setting goals for oneself is an essential part of personal growth and development.
stay focused
to keep your attention on something and not get distracted
Having a clear objective helped me stay focused and motivated.
overcome obstacles
to successfully deal with problems or challenges
Setting that goal and achieving it showed me that with hard work and determination, I could overcome obstacles and achieve what I set my mind to.
sense of accomplishment
a feeling of pride and satisfaction after achieving something
Setting that goal and achieving it gave me a tremendous sense of accomplishment and confidence.
extremely good or excellent
Setting that goal and achieving it gave me a tremendous sense of accomplishment and confidence.
journey itself
the process or experience of doing something, rather than just the end result
To me, success is not just about achieving a specific outcome, but about the journey itself.
to continue trying hard to do something, even when it's difficult
We persevered and adapted, and in the process, we not only met our sales target but exceeded it by 10%.
considering the whole situation or person, not just one part
I think young people today measure success in a more holistic way than previous generations.
social good
actions or activities that benefit society or the community
Our team was passionate about making a positive impact, and we defined success not just by the app's popularity but by the number of lives we could change.
sense of purpose
a feeling of direction or meaning in life
Young people today are more focused on creating a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their work, and that's how they measure success.
strong relationships
close and supportive connections with others
I believe that success often comes from building strong relationships and connections with others.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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