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Describe a school you went to in your childhood

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a school you went to in your childhood

You should say:

  • Where it was
  • What it was like
  • What you learned there
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What’s the difference between teachers now and teachers in the past?
  2. What’s the difference between being taught by a teacher and being taught by AI?
  3. What’s the difference between a private school and a public school?
  4. What’s the difference between international schools and other schools?

Sample Cue Card Answer

My elementary school was a tiny, two-story building on the outskirts of town, surrounded by cornfields that seemed to stretch on forever. The walls were painted a faded yellow, and the playground was just a patch of cracked asphalt with a few rickety swings and a slide that always seemed to be in the shade. But to me, it was the most magical place on earth. Every morning, I'd walk through those creaky front doors and into a world of possibility. My teacher, Mrs. Johnson, would greet us with a warm smile and a lesson plan that always seemed to spark our curiosity.

The classrooms were small, with maybe 20 kids in each, and we all knew each other's names, quirks, and secrets. We'd spend hours pouring over textbooks, working on projects, and taking naps on our mats during quiet time. The smell of fresh crayons and glue sticks still transports me back to those carefree days. But what I loved most about my school was the sense of community. We were a tight-knit family, and everyone looked out for each other. We'd have these epic recess battles, playing tag and capture the flag until the bell rang, signaling the end of the day.

Looking back, I realize that school wasn't just a place to learn math and reading; it was a place to learn about people, about empathy, and about the world beyond our little town. It was a place where we could be ourselves, without judgment, and explore our passions. And even though I've moved on to bigger and better things, that little school will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my happy place, my sanctuary, and my launching pad into the world.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

stretch on forever
to seem to go on endlessly
The highway stretched on forever, with no signs of civilization in sight.
The possibilities seemed to stretch on forever, and I felt like I could do anything.
spark our curiosity
to arouse interest or curiosity
The mysterious stranger's story sparked my curiosity and made me want to learn more.
The teacher's lesson plan was designed to spark our curiosity and encourage us to ask questions.
carefree days
days without worries or responsibilities
I spent my carefree days at the beach, soaking up the sun and playing in the waves.
My childhood was filled with carefree days, exploring the woods and playing with friends.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What’s the difference between teachers now and teachers in the past? I think one of the main differences between teachers now and teachers in the past is their approach to teaching. When I was in school, my teachers were more focused on lecturing and having us memorize information. They were the authority figures, and we were expected to absorb what they were teaching without questioning it too much. Nowadays, teachers are more focused on encouraging critical thinking and creativity. They want their students to ask questions, explore different perspectives, and develop problem-solving skills. This shift in approach has made learning more engaging and interactive, and I think it's really beneficial for students.

What’s the difference between being taught by a teacher and being taught by AI? For me, the biggest difference between being taught by a teacher and being taught by AI is the human element. When I'm learning from a teacher, I can sense their passion and enthusiasm for the subject matter, which is infectious and motivates me to learn more. A teacher can also pick up on my nonverbal cues and adjust their teaching style to meet my needs. With AI, it's a more impersonal experience, and I feel like I'm just interacting with a computer program. Don't get me wrong, AI can be a great tool for supplementing learning, but it can't replace the emotional connection and empathy that a human teacher provides.

What’s the difference between a private school and a public school? In my experience, one of the main differences between a private school and a public school is the level of resources available. Private schools often have more funding, which means they can offer smaller class sizes, state-of-the-art facilities, and a wider range of extracurricular activities. This can create a more personalized learning environment, where students receive more individualized attention and support. Public schools, on the other hand, often have to work with limited budgets, which can result in larger class sizes and fewer resources. However, public schools are also more diverse and representative of the broader community, which can be a valuable learning experience in itself.

What’s the difference between international schools and other schools? I think one of the main differences between international schools and other schools is the cultural diversity. International schools attract students from all over the world, which creates a unique learning environment that's rich in different perspectives and experiences. This diversity is reflected in the curriculum, which often incorporates global issues and languages. The student body is also more transient, with students coming and going from different countries, which can be both exciting and challenging. As a result, international schools often place a strong emphasis on adaptability, flexibility, and cultural awareness.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

authority figures
people in positions of power or control
The teachers were the authority figures in the classroom.
critical thinking
the ability to analyze information and form judgments
Teachers nowadays encourage critical thinking in their students.
emotional connection
a strong feeling of attachment or bond between people
A teacher can provide an emotional connection with their students.
impersonal experience
an experience that lacks a personal or human touch
Learning from AI can be an impersonal experience.
spreading or catching a feeling or attitude
The teacher's passion for the subject was infectious.
nonverbal cues
signals or signs that are not spoken, such as body language
A teacher can pick up on nonverbal cues from their students.
the most advanced or modern
Private schools often have state-of-the-art facilities.
adding something to make it more complete or effective
AI can be used to supplement learning.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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