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Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member

You should say:

  • When it was
  • Who you felt proud of
  • What they did
  • And explain why you felt proud of them.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. On what occasions do parents feel proud of their children?
  2. Should parents reward their children? Why and how?
  3. Is it good to reward children often? Why?
  4. On what occasions are adults proud of themselves?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'll never forget the day my little sister, Emma, won her first piano competition. She was only 10 years old at the time, and she had been practicing for months. I was in high school, and I had to take her to the competition because my parents were out of town. I was a bit annoyed at first, but as soon as she started playing, I was completely blown away. She was so focused and confident, and her music was beautiful. When they announced her as the winner, I was beaming with pride. I remember thinking, 'Wow, my little sister is a rockstar!'

What really got me was that she had been struggling with self-doubt and stage fright just a few months prior. But she worked hard and pushed through her fears, and it paid off in a big way. I was so proud of her for persevering and believing in herself. And when we got home, our parents were over the moon with pride too. We all celebrated with ice cream and a big hug. It was a really special moment for our family.

Looking back, I realize that moment taught me a lot about the importance of supporting and encouraging each other. As siblings, we're always going to have our ups and downs, but in that moment, I felt so grateful to be Emma's big sister. I felt proud to be able to support her and cheer her on. And I knew that no matter what challenges she faced in the future, she'd always have our family behind her, cheering her on.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

beaming with pride
feeling extremely proud and happy
I was beaming with pride when my team won the championship.
She was beaming with pride as she accepted her award.

Sample Part 3 Answers

On what occasions do parents feel proud of their children? I think parents feel proud of their children on occasions when they see them overcome challenges or achieve something they've been working towards for a long time. For example, when a child finally masters a difficult skill, like riding a bike or playing a musical instrument, parents can't help but feel a sense of pride. It's not just about the achievement itself, but about the perseverance and hard work that went into it. When parents see their child push through obstacles and come out on top, they feel proud of the person they're becoming. It's a mix of emotions - happiness, relief, and a sense of 'we did it!' - all rolled into one.

Should parents reward their children? Why and how? I believe parents should reward their children, but not just for any reason. Rewards should be given when a child demonstrates good behavior, like sharing with others, being kind to a sibling, or completing a difficult task. The reward itself doesn't have to be grand; it could be something as simple as a sticker, a special outing, or extra storytime before bed. The key is to make the reward meaningful and tied to the behavior you want to encourage. By doing so, parents can reinforce positive habits and values, and help their child develop a sense of self-worth and motivation. The 'why' behind the reward is just as important as the reward itself - it's about teaching children that their efforts and choices have consequences, and that good behavior is worth recognizing and celebrating.

Is it good to reward children often? Why? While rewards can be a great motivator, I don't think it's good to reward children too often. When rewards become too frequent, they can start to feel expected, rather than earned. Children may begin to do things solely for the reward, rather than for the inherent value of the activity itself. For example, if a child is always rewarded for reading a book, they may start to read just for the reward, rather than developing a genuine love for reading. By spacing out rewards and making them more meaningful, parents can help their child develop a sense of intrinsic motivation, and a love for learning and growth that goes beyond just getting a reward.

On what occasions are adults proud of themselves? I think adults are proud of themselves on occasions when they push past their comfort zone and achieve something they thought was impossible. For instance, when an adult finally lands their dream job, runs a marathon, or learns a new skill, they feel an overwhelming sense of pride. It's not just about the achievement itself, but about the growth and self-improvement that came with it. When adults see themselves overcome obstacles and come out on top, they feel proud of the person they're becoming. It's a mix of emotions - happiness, relief, and a sense of 'I did it!' - all rolled into one. And it's not just about big accomplishments; adults can be proud of themselves for smaller, everyday achievements, like trying something new, taking a risk, or simply showing up and putting in the effort.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

proud of themselves
feeling happy and satisfied with one's own accomplishments or achievements
She was proud of herself for finally learning how to play the guitar.
He was proud of himself for completing the difficult project at work.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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