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Describe an activity that made you feel tired

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an activity that made you feel tired

You should say:

  • when and where it was
  • why you took part in this activity
  • what the activity was; and,
  • explain why it made you feel tired.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Does studying make people feel tired nowadays?
  2. When do people usually feel tired?
  3. Do people have fewer holidays now compared to the past?
  4. What are the differences between feeling tired after studying, and feeling tired after exercising?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm gonna tell you about the most exhausting thing I've done recently - and it's not a marathon or a triathlon. It's a garage sale. Yeah, you heard that right. My family and I decided to declutter our entire house and sell everything we no longer need. Sounds simple, but trust me, it was a Herculean task. We spent hours sorting, pricing, and categorizing every single item. My mom was in charge of pricing, my dad was in charge of hauling stuff out, and I was in charge of setting up the display. We worked non-stop for 12 hours, and by the end of it, I was running on fumes.

The worst part was dealing with the early birds - you know, those people who show up at the crack of dawn, ready to snag the best deals. They're like vultures, circling around, waiting for you to make a mistake so they can pounce. I swear, some of them were trying to negotiate prices down to pennies. I mean, come on, folks, it's a garage sale, not a hostage negotiation. But hey, I guess that's just part of the game.

As the day went on, the sun beat down on us, and the crowds got bigger. I was running around, restocking tables, answering questions, and making change. My feet were killing me, and my brain was mush. I was ready to call it a day, but my parents were determined to sell every last item. And you know what? We did. We sold everything, and it felt amazing. But, man, I was exhausted. I mean, who needs a marathon when you can just have a garage sale?

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

running on fumes
to be extremely tired, often to the point of exhaustion
After working 12 hours straight, I was running on fumes.
She's been running on fumes all week, she needs a break.
early birds
people who arrive early, often to gain an advantage
The early birds got the best deals at the sale.
The early bird catches the worm.
call it a day
to stop what you're doing and go home for the day
I'm exhausted, let's call it a day.
We've been working on this project for hours, let's call it a day and finish tomorrow.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Does studying make people feel tired nowadays? Studying can definitely make people feel tired, especially in today's fast-paced world where students are constantly bombarded with information and have a lot of pressure to perform well. With the rise of technology, students have access to a vast amount of information at their fingertips, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it's amazing to have so many resources available, but on the other hand, it can be overwhelming and lead to mental fatigue. Additionally, the pressure to succeed and get good grades can cause students to spend long hours studying, often at the expense of sleep and physical activity, which can exacerbate feelings of tiredness.

When do people usually feel tired? People usually feel tired after a long day of physical or mental activity, or when they haven't had enough sleep. For example, if someone has been working a 9-to-5 job all day, they might feel tired in the evening because their body and mind have been actively engaged for several hours. Similarly, if someone has been studying for an exam all day, they might feel tired because their brain has been working hard to absorb and process new information. Even simple tasks like household chores or running errands can be tiring, especially if they involve physical labor or require a lot of concentration.

Do people have fewer holidays now compared to the past? It seems like people have fewer holidays now compared to the past, at least in terms of quality time off. While people may have more vacation days, they often end up checking work emails or taking work calls during their time off, which can make it hard to truly disconnect and relax. Additionally, with the rise of the gig economy and more people working freelance or remote jobs, the lines between work and personal life can get blurred, making it harder to take a real break. In the past, people might have had more traditional jobs with set hours and more defined boundaries between work and personal life, which could have made it easier to take time off and recharge.

What are the differences between feeling tired after studying, and feeling tired after exercising? Feeling tired after studying and feeling tired after exercising are two different kinds of tiredness. When you're tired after studying, it's often a mental fatigue, where your brain feels drained and you might feel like you can't focus or think clearly anymore. This kind of tiredness can be relieved by taking a break, getting some fresh air, or doing something relaxing. On the other hand, feeling tired after exercising is more of a physical fatigue, where your body feels exhausted and you might feel like you can't move anymore. This kind of tiredness is often relieved by rest, stretching, or taking a warm bath. While both kinds of tiredness can be uncomfortable, they require different kinds of self-care to recover from.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress
After working non-stop for months, she experienced burnout and had to take a break from her job.
run on fumes
to continue to function or operate with very little energy or resources
After a week of not sleeping well, he was running on fumes and couldn't concentrate at work.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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