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Describe a photograph you like in your room

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a photograph you like in your room

You should say:

  • What is in the photograph
  • Where it is
  • How you got it
  • And explain why you like it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a photo with a phone?
  2. Do you think photographers are artists?
  3. What are the benefits of children learning how to paint?
  4. Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work?

Sample Cue Card Answer

There's this one photograph in my room that always catches my eye. It's an old Polaroid of my grandparents on their honeymoon in Paris. They're standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, beaming with happiness. What I love about this photo is the way it captures a moment in time. You can see the joy and excitement on their faces, and it's infectious. Every time I look at it, I feel like I'm experiencing that moment with them.

The photo is creased and faded, but that only adds to its charm. It's like it's been handled and loved so much over the years that it's developed its own unique character. I can imagine my grandparents pulling it out at family gatherings and sharing stories about their adventures in Paris. It's a tangible connection to my family's history, and it makes me feel grateful for the memories we've shared.

What I think I love most about this photo, though, is the way it reminds me of the power of love and connection. My grandparents have been married for over 50 years, and this photo is a testament to the love they shared from the very beginning. It's a reminder that relationships take work, but they're worth it. Every time I look at this photo, I'm inspired to nurture my own relationships and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

to preserve or record a particular moment or event
The photo captures the moment when I graduated from college.
The song captures the mood of the summer.
a physical object that represents a connection to something or someone
The locket is a tangible connection to my grandmother.
The family heirloom is a tangible connection to our heritage.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a photo with a phone? One of the biggest advantages of taking a photo with a phone is the convenience factor. I mean, let's be real, our phones are always with us, so we can capture a moment at any time. I was at the park the other day and saw the most beautiful sunset, and I was able to whip out my phone and snap a quick photo. If I had to carry around a separate camera, I probably would have missed the shot. On the other hand, the quality of the photo might not be as high as one taken with a professional camera. For example, the lighting might not be as good, or the image might be a bit grainy. But for everyday moments, I think the convenience of a phone camera outweighs the potential drawbacks.

Do you think photographers are artists? Absolutely, I think photographers are artists. I mean, when you think about it, photography is all about composition, lighting, and capturing a mood or emotion. It's not just about pointing a camera and clicking a button. A good photographer has an eye for detail and can tell a story through their photos. For instance, I have a friend who's a photographer, and she can take a picture of a ordinary object, like a chair, and make it look extraordinary. She'll play with the lighting, the angles, and the composition to create a visually stunning image. That's artistry, in my opinion.

What are the benefits of children learning how to paint? I think one of the biggest benefits of children learning how to paint is that it helps them develop their creativity and self-expression. When kids are painting, they're not worried about making mistakes or creating a perfect piece of art. They're just letting their imagination run wild and exploring different colors and textures. This freedom to create can be really liberating for kids, and it can help them develop a sense of confidence and self-esteem. Plus, painting can be a great way for kids to express their emotions and work through challenges in a healthy way. I remember when I was a kid, I used to love painting and drawing, and it was always a great way for me to relax and unwind.

Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work? I think that's a tricky question. While hard work and dedication are definitely important for achieving success as an artist, I'm not sure that anyone can become famous just through hard work alone. I mean, there are so many talented artists out there, and fame is often a combination of talent, luck, and being in the right place at the right time. That being said, I do think that hard work and perseverance can definitely increase your chances of success as an artist. If you're passionate about your craft and willing to put in the time and effort to hone your skills, you'll be more likely to get noticed and build a following. But fame is never guaranteed, and there are always going to be factors outside of your control that can affect your success.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

whip out
to take out or produce something quickly
I whipped out my phone to take a photo of the sunset.
to be more important or have a greater effect than something else
The convenience of a phone camera outweighs the potential drawbacks.
the skill of creating something beautiful or impressive
The photographer's artistry was evident in her stunning photos.
run wild
to be completely free and uncontrolled
The children's imagination ran wild as they painted their masterpieces.
work through
to deal with a difficult situation or emotion
Painting helped me work through my stress and anxiety.
faux pas
a social blunder or embarrassing mistake
She made a faux pas by wearing white to the wedding.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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