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Describe a time you went out with your friends and had a good time

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Cue Card

Describe a time you went out with your friends and had a good time

You should say:

  • Where you went
  • When it was
  • What you did
  • And explain why you had a good time.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Who should people spend more time with: friends or family?
  2. What’s the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?
  3. Do you prefer being with a large group of people or with just a few friends?
  4. Has science and technology improved people’s relationships?

Sample Cue Card Answer

It was a Friday night, and we'd all been counting down the minutes until the weekend. We'd been planning this night out for weeks, and the anticipation was palpable. We met up at this new bar that just opened downtown, and as soon as we walked in, we knew we were in for a treat. The vibe was electric, and the drinks were flowing.

We spent the first hour just catching up and laughing, reliving old memories and making new ones. We took silly photos, made fun of each other's jokes, and just enjoyed each other's company. It was one of those nights where everything felt right with the world.

But the highlight of the night came when we stumbled upon a karaoke bar next door. We'd had a few drinks by then, so our inhibitions were nonexistent. We belted out our favorite tunes, danced on tables, and even managed to get the whole bar singing along with us. It was pure chaos, but in the best possible way.

Looking back, it's nights like those that remind me of the importance of friendship. We'd all been going through our own struggles, but for a few hours, we forgot about all that and just lived in the moment. It was a night I'll never forget, and one that I'll always treasure.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

counting down the minutes
to eagerly wait for something to happen or for a certain time to arrive
I'm counting down the minutes until my birthday.
We're counting down the minutes until the concert starts.
able to be felt or sensed strongly
The excitement in the room was palpable.
The tension between them was palpable.
reliving old memories
to remember and enjoy past experiences again
We spent the evening reliving old memories.
Looking at old photos is a great way to relive old memories.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Who should people spend more time with: friends or family? I think it's really important to strike a balance between spending time with friends and family. For me, personally, I think friends are the ones who help you grow as a person, you know, they're the ones who challenge you, who push you to try new things, and who support you in ways that family can't always do. I mean, don't get me wrong, family is super important, but friends are the ones who you choose to be around, and that choice is what makes those relationships so special. Plus, friends are the ones who you can be your true self around, without fear of judgment or expectation. I think that's why I always feel so rejuvenated after a night out with my friends - it's like I've been able to shed all the stress and anxiety of everyday life and just be me.

What’s the difference between staying with friends and staying with family? For me, the biggest difference between staying with friends and staying with family is the level of comfort and relaxation. When I'm staying with friends, I feel like I can totally let my hair down and be myself, without worrying about what anyone else thinks. I mean, friends are the ones who know all your quirks and flaws, and they love you anyway, right? But when I'm staying with family, there's always this underlying sense of responsibility, you know, like I need to be 'on' and be the best version of myself. It's not that I don't love my family, it's just that there's a different dynamic at play. With friends, it's all about having fun and enjoying each other's company, whereas with family, it's more about, well, family stuff - you know, like traditions and expectations.

Do you prefer being with a large group of people or with just a few friends? Honestly, I'm a total introvert at heart, so I have to say that I prefer being with just a few close friends. There's something about being in a big group that just overwhelms me - I feel like I get lost in the noise and can't really connect with anyone on a deeper level. But when it's just a few of us, I feel like we can really dig in and have meaningful conversations, you know, the kind that leave you feeling seen and heard. Plus, with a small group, you can actually hear each other talk and respond, whereas in a big group, it's all just noise and chaos. Give me a quiet night in with a few close friends any day!

Has science and technology improved people’s relationships? I think science and technology have definitely changed the way we interact with each other, but whether that's an improvement is up for debate. On the one hand, it's amazing that we can now connect with people all over the world with just a few clicks. I mean, I've made some incredible friends online who I never would have met otherwise, and we've formed these deep, meaningful connections despite being physically far apart. But on the other hand, I think all this technology can also make us feel more isolated and alone. I mean, how many times have you been in a room full of people, but everyone's staring at their phones? It's like, we're all connected, but not really. So, I guess what I'm saying is that science and technology are just tools - it's up to us to use them in a way that brings us closer together, not further apart.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

let your hair down
to relax and be yourself, without worrying about what others think
I feel like I can really let my hair down when I'm with my friends.
At the party, everyone let their hair down and had a great time.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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