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Describe a time when you needed to search for some information

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time when you needed to search for some information

You should say:

  • what kind of information you were looking for
  • when you were looking for it
  • where you looked; and
  • explain why you needed this information.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. How do people look for information nowadays?
  2. What kind of information do people get from television?
  3. Do you think libraries are still relevant in the digital age?
  4. How has the internet helped disabled people?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was on a mission to find the perfect recipe for my grandma's famous chocolate cake. She had passed away a few years ago, and I had inherited her old recipe book, but the page with the cake recipe was torn out. I was determined to recreate it for my family's holiday dinner. I scoured the internet, scrolling through countless food blogs and recipe websites, but nothing seemed quite right. I tried searching for 'grandma's famous chocolate cake recipe' but all I got were generic results. I needed to think like a detective.

I started by asking my relatives if they remembered any details about the recipe. My aunt recalled that it had a unique ingredient - espresso powder. I added that to my search query and suddenly, the results got more promising. I found a few recipes that included espresso powder, but they still didn't seem quite right. I decided to dig deeper, searching for recipes from the 1950s and 60s, when my grandma was likely to have created the recipe. That's when I stumbled upon a vintage cookbook website that had a recipe for a'mocha cake' that looked suspiciously like my grandma's.

I decided to take a chance and try the recipe. As I mixed and baked the cake, the aroma that filled my kitchen was unmistakable - it was my grandma's cake. The flavors were spot on, and the texture was perfect. I felt like I had solved a puzzle, and it was all thanks to my persistence and creative searching. It just goes to show that sometimes, the information we need is out there, we just need to know how to look for it.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

scoured the internet
to search thoroughly and carefully through something, especially a large amount of information
I scoured the internet for the perfect gift
She scoured the city for a new job
think like a detective
to think carefully and methodically, like a detective solving a mystery
I had to think like a detective to figure out who ate the last cookie
She thought like a detective to solve the puzzle
dig deeper
to search more thoroughly or investigate further
I dug deeper into the data to find the answer
She dug deeper into the mystery to uncover the truth

Sample Part 3 Answers

How do people look for information nowadays? You know, I think the way people look for information has changed dramatically over the past decade. Nowadays, most people rely on their smartphones to find what they're looking for. I mean, think about it, with just a few taps on your screen, you can access a vast amount of information on the internet. Whether it's searching for the latest news, looking up a recipe, or trying to find the nearest restaurant, the internet has made it all so convenient. I personally use Google to find most of the information I need. I just type in what I'm looking for, and voilà, I get a plethora of results to choose from. It's amazing how much information is at our fingertips, isn't it?

What kind of information do people get from television? I think television is still a great source of information, especially for people who prefer visual content. I mean, let's be honest, watching a documentary or a news program is way more engaging than reading about it online. People get a wide range of information from television, from current events and news to educational programs and documentaries. I personally love watching documentaries on Netflix or National Geographic or BBC. They're so informative and entertaining at the same time. Plus, you get to see the visuals, which makes it easier to understand complex topics.

Do you think libraries are still relevant in the digital age? Absolutely, I think libraries are still super relevant, even in the digital age. While it's true that we can find most information online, libraries offer so much more than just books. They provide a quiet space for people to study, work, or just relax. Plus, they often have a vast collection of books, journals, and other resources that you might not be able to find online. I personally love going to libraries because they're so peaceful and quiet. It's a great place to focus and get some work done. And, let's not forget about the librarians, they're always so helpful and knowledgeable. They can guide you to the right resources and even help you with your research.

How has the internet helped disabled people? I think the internet has been a game-changer for people with disabilities. It's provided them with a level of accessibility and independence that they might not have had otherwise. For example, people who are visually impaired can use screen readers to access information online. Those who are hearing impaired can use video conferencing with sign language interpreters. And, people with mobility issues can shop, work, and connect with others from the comfort of their own homes. It's amazing how the internet has leveled the playing field for people with disabilities. They can now participate fully in society and access the same information as everyone else.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

at our fingertips
easily accessible or available
It's amazing how much information is at our fingertips, isn't it?
a large or excessive amount of something
I just type in what I'm looking for, and voilà, I get a plethora of results to choose from.
way more
much more or to a greater extent
watching a documentary or a news program is way more engaging than reading about it online.
super relevant
extremely relevant or important
I think libraries are still super relevant, even in the digital age.
level the playing field
to create a fair and equal opportunity for everyone
It's amazing how the internet has leveled the playing field for people with disabilities.
something that has a significant and often unexpected impact
I think the internet has been a game-changer for people with disabilities.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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