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Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions

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Cue Card

Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • what kinds of ideas or opinions they have
  • how you know them; and,
  • explain why you think their ideas or opinions are interesting.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. When do you think children start to have their own opinions?
  2. Are a child’s opinions influenced by their parents?
  3. Who is more likely to influence the opinion of an intelligent child?
  4. How do you think people come up with new ideas?
  5. Do you think ideas from the past are still relevant today?
  6. What kinds of people have great ideas in your country?

Sample Cue Card Answer

My friend Rachel is one of those people who always seems to have a fascinating perspective on the world. We'll be chatting about something mundane, like our weekend plans, and she'll suddenly say something that makes me stop and think. Like the time she pointed out that our obsession with true crime podcasts is actually a reflection of our deep-seated fear of being vulnerable. Or when she argued that social media is actually a form of performance art, and we're all just trying to curate the perfect persona. Her ideas are like a breath of fresh air, making me see things from a completely new angle.

What I love about Rachel is that she's not afraid to challenge the status quo. She's always questioning assumptions and pushing boundaries, even if it means going against the crowd. Like when she suggested that we should start a community garden in an abandoned lot in our neighborhood, and people thought she was crazy. But she persisted, and now it's a thriving green space that brings the community together. Her fearlessness is infectious, and it's inspired me to take more risks and speak my mind.

Rachel's opinions are always well-researched and thoughtfully considered, but she's not afraid to change her mind if presented with new information. She's got this amazing ability to balance conviction with humility, which makes her opinions feel both confident and open to evolution. It's a rare quality, and it's something that I admire and aspire to. When we discuss politics or social issues, I always leave the conversation feeling like I've learned something new and valuable.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

breath of fresh air
something or someone that is refreshing and exciting, often because it is new or unusual
The new employee brought a breath of fresh air to the team with her innovative ideas.
The surprise party was a breath of fresh air after a long, stressful week.
think outside the box
to think creatively and come up with new, original ideas
The company needs someone who can think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.
She's always been able to think outside the box and come up with unique art pieces.

Sample Part 3 Answers

When do you think children start to have their own opinions? I think children start to develop their own opinions at a pretty young age. As soon as they start to assert their independence and form their own thoughts and feelings, they begin to have their own opinions. For some kids, this might be as early as 2 or 3 years old, while for others it might be a bit later. But I think it's safe to say that by the time they're in elementary school, most kids have started to form their own opinions about things. And it's really interesting to see how their opinions can change and evolve over time as they learn and grow.

Are a child’s opinions influenced by their parents? Absolutely, a child's opinions are heavily influenced by their parents. Parents are usually the first people to shape a child's thoughts and feelings, and they play a huge role in helping kids develop their opinions. For example, if a parent is passionate about a particular issue or cause, they're likely to pass that passion on to their child. And even if a child doesn't necessarily agree with their parent's opinion, they're still likely to be influenced by it in some way. Plus, parents often model behaviors and attitudes that kids pick up on, which can also shape their opinions.

Who is more likely to influence the opinion of an intelligent child? I think an intelligent child is more likely to be influenced by someone who is knowledgeable and passionate about a particular subject. For example, if an intelligent child is interested in science, they might be really influenced by a science teacher who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject. Or, if they're interested in music, they might be influenced by a musician who is talented and passionate about their craft. Intelligent kids are often drawn to people who can share their expertise and inspire them to learn more.

How do you think people come up with new ideas? I think people come up with new ideas by making connections between seemingly unrelated things. When we're exposed to different experiences, people, and ideas, our brains start to make connections and patterns that can lead to new insights. For example, an artist might see a beautiful sunset and think of a new color palette to use in their next painting. Or, a scientist might read about a breakthrough in one field and think of a way to apply it to another field. It's all about making those connections and being open to new experiences and ideas.

Do you think ideas from the past are still relevant today? I think ideas from the past can still be incredibly relevant today. Just because an idea is old doesn't mean it's no longer useful or valuable. In fact, many of the ideas and principles that were developed in the past are still the foundation of many of the things we use and enjoy today. For example, the principles of physics that were discovered by Newton and Galileo are still used by engineers and scientists today. And the ideas of great thinkers like Plato and Aristotle are still studied and debated by philosophers and scholars. The key is to take the best of the past and build on it, rather than just discarding it as outdated.

What kinds of people have great ideas in your country? I think people from all walks of life can have great ideas, regardless of their background or profession. However, I think people who are curious, open-minded, and passionate about learning are more likely to come up with innovative ideas. In my country, I think people in the tech industry, artists, and entrepreneurs are often at the forefront of coming up with new and creative ideas. They're not afraid to take risks and think outside the box, which is essential for innovation.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

assert their independence
to take control of one's own life and make one's own decisions
As children grow older, they start to assert their independence and make their own choices.
strong enthusiasm or excitement about something
She has a passion for music and plays the guitar every day.
pass on
to give something to someone else, often in the form of knowledge, skills, or values
Parents pass on their values to their children through their words and actions.
model behaviors
to show someone how to behave or act by doing it yourself
Parents model good behavior for their children by being kind and respectful to others.
drawn to
attracted to something or someone
She's drawn to art and spends most of her free time painting.
an important discovery or achievement
The scientists made a breakthrough in their research and discovered a new cure for the disease.
build upon
to use something as a foundation and add to it
The new company built upon the success of the previous business and expanded its services.
think outside the box
to think creatively and come up with new and original ideas
The company encouraged its employees to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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