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Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed

You should say:

  • what it was about
  • when it was
  • what the teacher did; and
  • why you enjoyed the lesson.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Why do people learn foreign languages?
  2. What makes a good language teacher?
  3. Do you think grammar is important when learning a foreign language?
  4. Do you think it is interesting to be a foreign language teacher? Why?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I had this one English teacher in high school, Mrs. Johnson, who was literally the coolest. She had this way of making us actually care about grammar and syntax. One lesson that still stands out was when she taught us about the power of active voice. She didn't just drone on about it, though - she had us act out scenes from our favorite books and movies, but with a twist: we had to rewrite the dialogue in active voice. It was hilarious watching my friends try to rephrase lines like 'The ball was thrown by John' into 'John threw the ball'.

But what really made it click was when she showed us how it changed the whole tone of the scene. Suddenly, the characters sounded more confident and in control. It was like a lightbulb moment for all of us. We realized that the way we write and speak can actually change the way we think and feel. From that day on, I made a conscious effort to use active voice in my own writing and speaking. It's crazy how much of a difference it can make.

Mrs. Johnson also had us create our own comics, using active voice to describe the actions. It was so much fun, and it really helped us see how the words we choose can create a whole different atmosphere. I still have that comic book somewhere, and every time I look at it, I'm reminded of how much I loved that lesson. It's amazing how one simple concept can have such a lasting impact.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

active voice
a grammatical construction in which the subject of the sentence performs the action described by the verb
The dog bites the man (active) vs. The man was bitten by the dog (passive)
She wrote the letter (active) vs. The letter was written by her (passive)

Sample Part 3 Answers

Why do people learn foreign languages? One reason people learn foreign languages is to broaden their cultural understanding and connect with others on a deeper level. For instance, I had a friend who was an exchange student in Japan, and she told me that learning Japanese allowed her to appreciate the nuances of the culture, from the intricate tea ceremonies to the subtle differences in body language. By learning the language, she was able to form meaningful relationships with her host family and friends, and even landed a job at a Japanese company after returning to the US. It's experiences like these that show how language learning can be a powerful tool for building bridges between cultures and communities.

What makes a good language teacher? A good language teacher is someone who can make the learning process feel like an adventure, rather than a chore. I had an English teacher in high school who was incredible at doing just that. She would use real-life scenarios and authentic materials, like news articles and videos, to teach us grammar and vocabulary. But what really made her stand out was her ability to create a sense of community in the classroom. She'd often have us work in small groups to complete tasks, and she'd circulate around the room, offering feedback and encouragement. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and she made us feel like we were all in this together, learning and exploring the language as a team.

Do you think grammar is important when learning a foreign language? While some people might think that grammar is dry and boring, I believe it's essential to language learning. Think about it - grammar is the foundation upon which all communication is built. Without a solid grasp of grammar, you're limited in what you can express and understand. I remember when I was learning Spanish, I struggled to understand the subjunctive mood, but once I finally grasped it, it opened up a whole new world of expression for me. I could suddenly understand and communicate complex ideas and emotions, and it was incredibly empowering. Of course, grammar shouldn't be the only focus - vocabulary, pronunciation, and practice are all crucial too - but it's the glue that holds everything together.

Do you think it is interesting to be a foreign language teacher? Why? I think being a foreign language teacher can be incredibly rewarding. Not only do you get to share your passion for language and culture with others, but you also get to see the light bulb go off in students' heads when they finally understand a difficult concept. Plus, as a language teacher, you're constantly learning and growing alongside your students. You have to stay up-to-date on new language trends, cultural developments, and teaching methods, which keeps the job exciting and dynamic. I had a friend who taught English in South Korea, and she loved how her students would share their own cultural insights and perspectives with her, enriching her own understanding of the language and its context. It's a job that requires patience, creativity, and energy, but it can be incredibly fulfilling.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

broaden their cultural understanding
to increase one's knowledge and appreciation of different cultures
By learning the language, she was able to broaden her cultural understanding and connect with others on a deeper level.
build bridges between cultures and communities
to establish connections and foster relationships between different groups of people
It's experiences like these that show how language learning can be a powerful tool for building bridges between cultures and communities.
make the learning process feel like an adventure
to make learning exciting and enjoyable
A good language teacher is someone who can make the learning process feel like an adventure, rather than a chore.
create a sense of community
to establish a feeling of belonging and connection among a group of people
She'd often have us work in small groups to complete tasks, and she'd circulate around the room, offering feedback and encouragement, creating a sense of community in the classroom.
the foundation upon which something is built
the basis or starting point for something
Grammar is the foundation upon which all communication is built.
opened up a whole new world of expression
to provide new opportunities or possibilities for communication
Once I finally grasped the subjunctive mood, it opened up a whole new world of expression for me.
the light bulb goes off
a moment of sudden understanding or realization
You get to see the light bulb go off in students' heads when they finally understand a difficult concept.
stay up-to-date
to keep current with the latest developments or information
As a language teacher, you have to stay up-to-date on new language trends, cultural developments, and teaching methods.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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