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Describe an old friend that you got in contact with again

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an old friend that you got in contact with again

You should say:

  • Who they were
  • What they’re like
  • How you got in contact
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What influence does social media have on friendships?
  2. Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation?
  3. Do people in your country like to make new friends?
  4. Do you think friends are more important to old people or young people?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was scrolling through my social media feed when I stumbled upon a familiar face - Rachel, my best friend from high school. We had lost touch after graduation, but one glance at her profile picture and I was instantly transported back to our crazy teenage years. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about our late-night sleepovers, our ridiculous fashion choices, and our endless laughter.

I sent her a message, and to my surprise, she replied almost immediately. We exchanged numbers, and before I knew it, we were chatting like no time had passed at all. It was as if we had just picked up where we left off. We talked about everything - our careers, our families, our dreams. It was surreal how easily we fell back into our old rhythm.

What struck me most, though, was how much we'd both grown. Rachel had become a successful entrepreneur, and I was amazed by her drive and determination. I, on the other hand, had pursued a career in the arts, and she was impressed by my creativity. It was incredible to see how our paths had diverged, yet our connection remained strong.

As we caught up, I realized that reconnecting with Rachel wasn't just about reminiscing about old times; it was about celebrating the people we'd become. We'd both been through our fair share of ups and downs, but our friendship remained a constant. It was a reminder that true friendships can withstand time, distance, and change.

Now, we make it a point to schedule regular video calls, and it's like we're back in high school again, gossiping and laughing together. It's amazing how some friendships can pick up right where they left off, even after all these years. Rachel and I may have lost touch, but our bond remains unbroken, and I'm grateful for that.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

lost touch
to stop communicating or being in contact with someone
We lost touch after high school.
I lost touch with my old friends after I moved away.
picked up where we left off
to resume something from where it was stopped or interrupted
We picked up where we left off in our conversation.
The project picked up where it left off after the break.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What influence does social media have on friendships? I think social media has had a profound impact on friendships. On one hand, it's made it so much easier to stay in touch with people, no matter where they are in the world. I mean, I've got friends from college who I still keep in touch with on Facebook, and it's amazing to see what they're up to. But on the other hand, I think social media can also create this illusion of connection. We might think we're staying in touch with someone just because we see their posts and updates, but in reality, we're not really investing in the relationship. It's a superficial connection, you know? So, while social media has definitely made it easier to maintain friendships, I think it's also made it easier to neglect them.

Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation? I think people lose contact with their friends after graduation because life just gets in the way. When we're in school, we're all in the same boat, you know? We're all going through the same struggles, and we're all in the same place. But after graduation, people start to go their separate ways. Some people move away for work, others start families, and before you know it, it's been years since you've seen each other. I think it's also because we don't make the effort to stay in touch. We get caught up in our own lives and forget to reach out to our friends. It's not that we don't care about them, it's just that life gets busy. But I think that's why it's so great when we do reconnect with old friends – it's like no time has passed at all.

Do people in your country like to make new friends? I think people in my country are definitely open to making new friends, but it's not always easy. I mean, we're a pretty individualistic society, so people can be a bit guarded when it comes to meeting new people. But once you break through that initial barrier, I think people are really warm and welcoming. I've met some of my closest friends through work or hobbies, and it's amazing how quickly you can form a connection with someone when you've got a shared interest. I think the key is to be open and willing to put yourself out there – don't be afraid to strike up a conversation or invite someone to grab coffee. You never know who you might meet.

Do you think friends are more important to old people or young people? That's a really interesting question. I think friends are important to people of all ages, but in different ways. When we're young, friends are our social network, our support system, our everything. We're figuring out who we are and where we fit in, and our friends are right there with us. As we get older, I think friends take on a different role. They become more of a source of comfort, a reminder of where we've been and how far we've come. Older people often have a deeper appreciation for their friends, I think, because they've experienced more of life's ups and downs. They know what's truly important, and that's the relationships they've built over the years.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

get in touch
to contact or communicate with someone, especially after a period of not being in contact
I got in touch with my old friend from college and we caught up on each other's lives.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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