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Describe a habit a friend has that you want

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a habit a friend has that you want

You should say:

  • Who your friend is
  • What the habit is
  • How you would develop this habit
  • And explain why you want to build this habit.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of habits should children have?
  2. What should parents do to teach their children good habits?
  3. How do children with bad habits influence their friends?
  4. Why do some habits change when people get older?

Sample Cue Card Answer

My friend Emma has this incredible habit of waking up every morning at 5:30 AM, no matter what. I mean, I've seen her stumble out of bed, bleary-eyed, and still manage to get to the gym by 6:00. It's like she has a personal vendetta against sleep. But what's even more impressive is that she's not just doing it for the sake of exercise - she's doing it to clear her mind. She's always been someone who's super creative, and she says that those early morning hours are when she gets her best ideas. I've seen her whip up entire business plans, write poetry, and even compose music during that time. It's like her brain is hardwired to be most productive when the rest of the world is still sleeping.

What I love about Emma's habit is that it's not just about the physical benefits - it's about the mental clarity she gets from it. She's always been someone who's super anxious, but since she started waking up early, she's been able to manage her stress levels so much better. She says it's like a'mental detox' for her, and it sets her up for the rest of the day. I've tried to adopt this habit myself, but let's just say I'm still working on it. I mean, hitting the snooze button is just too easy, you know? But seeing Emma's results has definitely motivated me to keep trying.

I think what I admire most about Emma's habit is that it's not just about her - it's about how it affects the people around her. She's always been someone who's super supportive, and since she started waking up early, she's been able to be even more present for her friends and family. She's always the first one to respond to texts, the first one to offer help when you need it, and the first one to show up to events. It's like she's got this extra reservoir of energy and compassion that she can tap into, and it's infectious.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

mental detox
a period of time spent relaxing and calming one's mind, often through activities such as meditation or exercise
I need a mental detox after this long week
I'm going to take a few days off to do a mental detox

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of habits should children have? One habit that I think children should have is a regular reading routine. Reading is such an essential skill for kids to develop, and it's amazing how it can open up their minds to new worlds and ideas. When kids get into the habit of reading regularly, they start to develop their critical thinking skills, their vocabulary, and their imagination. My friend's kid, for example, has a habit of reading for at least 30 minutes every night before bed. Her parents started this habit when she was really young, really young, and now she just loves getting lost in a good book. She's only 10 years old, but she's already devoured the entire Harry Potter series! It's incredible to see how this habit has helped her develop a love for learning and a curiosity about the world around her.

What should parents do to teach their children good habits? I think one of the most effective ways parents can teach their children good habits is by leading by example. Kids learn by observing, so if parents model good habits themselves, their kids are more likely to follow suit. For instance, if parents want their kids to develop a habit of regular exercise, they should make sure they're exercising regularly themselves. My friend's mom, for example, started taking her kids to the park every Saturday morning for a family bike ride. At first, the kids were resistant, but soon they started to look forward to it and even began to initiate the activity themselves. Now, the whole family has developed a habit of regular physical activity, and it's brought them closer together as a family.

How do children with bad habits influence their friends? Unfortunately, kids with bad habits can have a pretty significant influence on their friends. When kids are around someone who consistently exhibits bad habits, they can start to normalize that behavior and even adopt it themselves. For example, if a kid has a friend who always procrastinates on their homework, they might start to think that it's okay to put off their own schoolwork too. My friend's son, for instance, started hanging out with a kid who had a habit of littering. At first, my friend's son was appalled by this behavior, but after spending more time with this kid, he started to think it was no big deal. Luckily, my friend caught on and had a conversation with her son about why littering is harmful to the environment. It was a good reminder that kids are constantly learning from their friends, and it's up to parents to make sure they're influencing their kids in a positive way.

Why do some habits change when people get older? I think one reason some habits change when people get older is that their priorities shift. As people enter adulthood, they may start to take on more responsibilities, like work or family obligations, and they may no longer have time for habits they had when they were younger. For example, my friend used to have a habit of playing video games for hours on end, but once he started working full-time, he just didn't have the time or energy for it anymore. He had to adjust his habits to fit his new lifestyle. Another reason habits might change is that people's values and interests can change over time. For instance, someone who used to have a habit of smoking may decide to quit when they have kids because they want to set a good example for them. As people grow and develop, their habits often change to reflect their new values and priorities.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

lead by example
to show others how to behave by behaving in that way yourself
If you want your kids to develop good habits, you should lead by example and model those habits yourself.
The teacher tried to lead by example by showing her students how to work together as a team.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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