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Describe a day that made you happy

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a day that made you happy

You should say:

  • Where you were
  • Who you were with
  • What you did
  • And explain why you were happy.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Are people today happier than people in the past?
  2. Who do you like to celebrate with more: friends or family?
  3. Can money make people happy?
  4. Why are some people unhappy nowadays?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'll never forget the day I spent at the beach with my family when I was a kid. It was one of those perfect summer days where the sun was shining bright, and the waves were crashing against the shore. We arrived early in the morning, and my siblings and I immediately ran straight into the water, laughing and screaming as the cold water hit our skin. My parents set up a big umbrella and a cooler with sandwiches, fruit, and snacks, and we spent the day soaking up the sun, playing in the waves, and building sandcastles.

As the day went on, we decided to have a sand-digging contest to see who could dig the biggest hole. I was determined to win, and I dug and dug until I hit water. My siblings were amazed, and we all cheered and high-fived each other. After that, we took a break and had a big picnic lunch on the beach. My mom had made all of our favorite foods, and we sat around the umbrella, eating and chatting and enjoying each other's company.

After lunch, we went for a walk along the beach, looking for seashells and interesting rocks. My dad showed us how to skip stones across the water, and we spent hours trying to see who could skip the most stones. As the day came to a close, we gathered around a bonfire and made s'mores. We sat there, watching the sunset and listening to the sound of the waves, feeling happy and content. It was one of those days that I'll always treasure, a day that made me happy and reminded me of the importance of spending time with the people I love.

Looking back, I realize that it was the simple things that made that day so special. It wasn't a fancy vacation or an expensive activity, just a day at the beach with the people I love. It was a reminder that happiness can be found in the everyday moments, the moments we often overlook in our busy lives. So, I encourage you to take time to appreciate the little things, to slow down and enjoy the beauty of the world around you. You never know when you'll have a day that will make you happy, a day that you'll always treasure.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

soaking up the sun
to enjoy the warmth and light of the sun, often in a leisurely or relaxing way
We spent the day soaking up the sun on the beach.
She loves to soak up the sun on her days off.
a gesture of celebration or congratulations, where two people slap each other's hands together
We high-fived each other after winning the game.
The team high-fived each other after scoring a goal.
skip stones
to throw flat stones across the surface of water, making them bounce or skip
We spent hours skipping stones across the lake.
He loves to skip stones on the beach.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Are people today happier than people in the past? I think people today have a lot more opportunities to be happy than people in the past. I mean, we have so many more options for entertainment, travel, and even just connecting with others. But at the same time, I think people today also have a lot more stress and pressure to be constantly connected and productive. So, it's hard to say if people today are actually happier overall. But one thing that I think has stayed the same is the importance of human connection in making us happy. Whether it's a family dinner or a night out with friends, spending time with loved ones is what truly brings us joy.

Who do you like to celebrate with more: friends or family? For me, it's definitely a tie between friends and family. I love celebrating with my family because it's always so special to share those moments with the people who have known me my whole life. But at the same time, I also love celebrating with friends because we can just let loose and have so much fun together. I think what makes celebrating with friends so special is that we've all chosen to be in each other's lives, you know, we've all made a conscious decision to be friends. So, when we celebrate together, it feels like we're really honoring that choice and the bond we've formed.

Can money make people happy? I think money can definitely provide a certain level of comfort and security, which can contribute to happiness. But I don't think it's the key to true happiness. I mean, there are plenty of people who have a lot of money but are still miserable. And on the other hand, there are people who have very little but are incredibly happy. I think what money can do is provide opportunities for experiences and connections that can bring us joy. For example, being able to travel or try new things can be really fulfilling. But at the end of the day, it's not the money itself that's making us happy, it's what we're using it for.

Why are some people unhappy nowadays? I think one reason some people are unhappy nowadays is because of the constant pressure to present a perfect image on social media. It's easy to get caught up in comparing our lives to others and feeling like we don't measure up. And it's not just social media - I think there's also a lot of pressure to be constantly productive and achieve more and more. It's like, we're always being told that we need to be doing more, earning more, achieving more. And that can be really overwhelming and stressful. I think people are starting to realize that it's okay to slow down and focus on what truly makes them happy, rather than trying to keep up with some unrealistic ideal.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

let loose
to relax and have fun, often in a way that is a little wild or uninhibited
We let loose and had a great time at the party.
I love letting loose on the dance floor and just dancing the night away.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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