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Describe a time when you told a friend an important truth

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time when you told a friend an important truth

You should say:

  • Who your friend is
  • What you told them
  • What your friend’s reaction was
  • And explain why you think it was important to tell your friend this truth.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you think people should tell the truth all the time?
  2. How do you know when other people are lying?
  3. Do you think it’s more important to win a sports match or follow all the game’s rules?
  4. Do you think people should sometimes tell lies?

Sample Cue Card Answer

So, I'm gonna share with you a story about my friend Alex, who was stuck in a toxic relationship. We'd been friends since college, and I'd seen her go through a few rough patches, but this one was different. She was constantly stressed, anxious, and just seemed... lost. I knew I had to say something, but it was hard, you know? I didn't want to overstep or make things worse. But one night, we were out grabbing drinks, and she just broke down in tears. That's when I knew I had to tell her the truth - that she deserved so much better than the guy she was with.

I took a deep breath and told her exactly what I thought - that her partner was manipulating her, making her doubt herself, and slowly draining her energy. I told her she was an amazing person, worthy of love and respect, and that she needed to get out of that relationship ASAP. It was tough, but I knew it was necessary. And you know what? She listened. She took my words to heart, and a few weeks later, she ended things with him.

It wasn't easy, and it wasn't pretty, but it was necessary. And you know what the craziest part is? She's now in a healthy, loving relationship with someone who adores her. I'm not saying it was all because of me, but I like to think my honesty played a small part. The thing is, telling a friend an important truth can be scary, but it's often the best thing you can do for them. It's not about being brutal or insensitive; it's about being honest and caring enough to want what's best for them.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

stuck in a toxic relationship
trapped in a relationship that is harmful or abusive
She was stuck in a toxic relationship and didn't know how to escape.
He finally broke free from the toxic relationship and started fresh.
broke down in tears
to suddenly start crying, often due to emotional distress
She broke down in tears when she received the news.
He broke down in tears during the funeral.
took my words to heart
to take someone's advice or criticism seriously and consider it deeply
She took my words to heart and made some big changes.
He took my criticism to heart and apologized.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you think people should tell the truth all the time? I think telling the truth is one of the most important values we can have, but I also believe there are situations where telling the truth might not be the best option. For example, if someone asks you if they look good in a certain outfit and they clearly don't, it's not necessary to hurt their feelings by telling them the truth. However, if someone asks you if you've done something wrong, like broken something or made a mistake, it's essential to own up to it and tell the truth. In my opinion, honesty builds trust and respect, and it's crucial in any relationship, whether it's personal or professional.

How do you know when other people are lying? I've noticed that when people are lying, they often exhibit certain behaviors that can give them away. For instance, they might avoid eye contact or fidget with their hands. Their body language can also be a dead giveaway - they might cross their arms or legs, indicating that they're closed off or defensive. Additionally, liars often use more words than necessary to explain themselves, or they might repeat themselves. I've also found that if someone is lying, they might have difficulty remembering the details of their story or contradict themselves. Of course, these are just general signs, and it's not always easy to tell when someone is lying. But by paying attention to these subtle cues, you can get a sense of whether someone is being truthful or not.

Do you think it’s more important to win a sports match or follow all the game’s rules? For me, following the rules of the game is essential, even if it means not winning. The rules are in place to ensure fair play and sportsmanship, and if you don't follow them, you're not only cheating yourself, but also your opponents and the game itself. Winning at all costs can lead to a hollow victory, and it can also damage your reputation and relationships with others. I think it's more important to focus on playing with integrity and respect for the game, rather than just trying to win. When you do that, you can hold your head high, regardless of the outcome.

Do you think people should sometimes tell lies? While honesty is usually the best policy, there are situations where telling a lie might be necessary. For example, if someone is asking for information that could put someone else in harm's way, it's better to tell a lie to protect that person. Or, if you're in a situation where telling the truth could cause unnecessary harm or offense, a white lie might be in order. However, it's essential to remember that lies can quickly spiral out of control, and it's often better to be honest and direct whenever possible. In general, I think people should strive to be truthful, but also be aware of the potential consequences of their words and adjust accordingly.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

Honesty is the best policy
The idea that telling the truth is always the best choice, even if it's difficult or uncomfortable
I believe honesty is the best policy, even if it means having an uncomfortable conversation.
My parents always taught me that honesty is the best policy, and I try to live by those words.
Give someone away
To reveal or expose someone's secret or true nature
Her nervous behavior gave her away as a liar.
The politician's body language gave him away during the debate.
Own up to something
To admit or take responsibility for something, especially something wrong or embarrassing
I own up to my mistake and apologize for it.
He refused to own up to his role in the accident.
At all costs
Regardless of the consequences or difficulties
I want to win the competition at all costs.
She's willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goal at all costs.
Hollow victory
A win or achievement that is empty or unsatisfying
Winning the game by cheating would be a hollow victory.
Getting the job through connections rather than merit would be a hollow victory for me.
White lie
A small, harmless lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to maintain social politeness
I told a white lie to my friend to avoid hurting her feelings.
It's okay to tell a white lie in some situations, like when someone asks how you like their gift.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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