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Describe a complaint that you made and which you were satisfied with the result

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a complaint that you made and which you were satisfied with the result

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who you complained to
  • What you complained about
  • And why you were satisfied with the result

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?
  2. Would you buy something from a shop that you have made a complaint to before?
  3. Is it necessary for companies to set up a customer service department?
  4. Do you think customers’ complaints improve products or services?
  5. Are there any disadvantages to having a customer service department?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm one of those people who's always on the lookout for a good deal, and I'm not afraid to speak up when I don't get it. So when I saw that my favorite coffee shop had raised their prices without warning, I was not happy. I mean, I get it, inflation and all that, but a 20% hike? That's just not cool. I decided to take to social media and express my discontent. I tweeted at the company, explaining how their price increase was going to affect my daily routine and how it was going to make me take my business (and my caffeine addiction) elsewhere.

To my surprise, the company responded almost immediately. They apologized for the inconvenience and explained that they were willing to work with me to find a solution. We went back and forth, and eventually, they offered me a loyalty program that would give me a discount on my daily coffee. I was thrilled! Not only did I get a good deal, but I also felt heard. It was a small victory, but it made me realize the power of speaking up and advocating for myself.

Fast forward a few weeks, and I noticed that the coffee shop had actually rolled out the loyalty program to all their customers. I was proud of myself for being part of the catalyst for that change. It just goes to show that sometimes, all it takes is one person to speak up and make a difference. And let me tell you, it's a great feeling knowing that my morning coffee is not only delicious but also affordable.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

speak up
to express an opinion or complaint, especially in a strong or confident way
I decided to speak up and express my discontent
It's a great feeling knowing that I spoke up and made a difference
take to social media
to use social media to express an opinion, share information, or take action
I took to social media to express my discontent
The company responded to me on social media
work with someone
to cooperate or collaborate with someone to achieve a common goal
The company was willing to work with me to find a solution
We worked together to find a mutually beneficial solution

Sample Part 3 Answers

What products or services do people in your country like to complain about? I think in the United States, people tend to complain a lot about their internet and cable providers. It seems like every time I talk to someone, they're having some kind of issue with their Wi-Fi or their TV service. I think it's because these companies have a monopoly in a lot of areas, so people feel like they don't have a choice but to deal with the problems they're having. Plus, with how much we rely on the internet and TV for entertainment and communication, even small issues can be really frustrating. For example, I had a friend who was trying to work from home, but their internet was down for an entire day. They were really upset because they couldn't get anything done, and they ended up having to go to a coffee shop just to get some work done. It's situations like that which make people complain about their internet providers.

Would you buy something from a shop that you have made a complaint to before? Honestly, it depends on how the complaint was handled. If I had a problem with a product or service and the company really listened to me and made things right, I'd be more likely to give them another chance. In fact, I'd probably be even more loyal to them because they showed me that they value my business and care about my experience. On the other hand, if they just blew me off or didn't do anything to fix the problem, I'd be less likely to go back to them. For instance, I once had a problem with a pair of shoes I bought from a store, and when I took them back, the customer service rep was really helpful and gave me a full refund. Because of that, I've actually gone back to that store several times since then and recommended it to friends.

Is it necessary for companies to set up a customer service department? Absolutely, I think it's essential for companies to have a customer service department. In today's world, customers have so many options and can easily take their business elsewhere if they're not happy with the service they're getting. A good customer service department can really make or break a company's reputation and customer loyalty. For example, I've had experiences where I've had a problem with a product, but the customer service rep was so helpful and friendly that it actually ended up making me feel more positive about the company. On the other hand, if a company doesn't have a good customer service department, it can lead to a lot of negative reviews and word of mouth, which can be really damaging. Plus, with social media, customers can now share their experiences with a huge audience, so it's more important than ever for companies to get it right.

Do you think customers’ complaints improve products or services? I definitely think that customers' complaints can improve products or services. When companies listen to their customers' feedback and concerns, they can identify areas where they need to make changes and improve. For instance, I once complained to a restaurant about their menu options, and they actually ended up adding some new items that I had suggested. It was great to see that they were listening to their customers and willing to make changes to improve their experience. Additionally, companies can use customer complaints to identify patterns and trends, which can help them to make more systemic changes and improvements. Of course, it's not just about making changes, but also about showing customers that their feedback is valued and appreciated.

Are there any disadvantages to having a customer service department? One potential disadvantage of having a customer service department is that it can be expensive to set up and maintain. Companies have to hire and train staff, invest in technology and infrastructure, and dedicate resources to handling customer inquiries and complaints. This can be a significant cost, especially for smaller companies or those with limited budgets. Additionally, if not managed properly, a customer service department can also create more problems than it solves. For example, if customers feel like they're not being heard or that their issues are not being resolved, it can lead to even more frustration and negative reviews. However, I think the benefits of having a good customer service department far outweigh the costs, and it's an investment that companies should be willing to make.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

tend to
to often do something or have a certain habit
people tend to complain a lot about their internet and cable providers
have a monopoly
to have complete control over something, especially a market or industry
these companies have a monopoly in a lot of areas
blow someone off
to ignore or dismiss someone's concerns or needs
if they just blew me off or didn't do anything to fix the problem
make things right
to correct a problem or make amends
if I had a problem with a product or service and the company really listened to me and made things right
break a company's reputation
to damage a company's good name or reputation
it can lead to a lot of negative reviews and word of mouth, which can be really damaging
get it right
to do something correctly or successfully
it's more important than ever for companies to get it right
identify areas where they need to make changes
to recognize where improvements are needed
when companies listen to their customers' concerns and identify areas where they need to make changes
dedicate resources
to allocate or assign resources, such as time, money, or personnel, to a particular task or project
companies have to hire and train staff, invest in technology and infrastructure, and dedicate resources to handling customer inquiries and complaints

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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