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Describe a good advertisement that you thought was useful

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a good advertisement that you thought was useful

You should say:

  • where you saw it
  • what the advertisement was about
  • why you thought it was useful; and,
  • explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What do you think about online advertising?
  2. Are there any great online adverts?
  3. What do people usually buy?
  4. Why does buying new things make people happy?
  5. Do people watch useless adverts nowadays?
  6. Do you think there's too much advertising nowadays?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was scrolling through Instagram the other day, and I saw an ad that actually made me stop and think. It was for a meditation app, and at first, I was like, 'oh great, another mindfulness thing.' But then I watched the whole thing, and it was so well done. The ad started with a montage of people stuck in traffic, waiting in line, and just generally looking stressed out. And then it cut to this peaceful, serene landscape with a gentle voiceover talking about how we're all just trying to get by, but we're constantly getting in our own way.

The ad wasn't trying to sell me anything; it was just telling a story. It was like a mini-movie, and I was invested. It made me think about how I've been feeling lately - overwhelmed and anxious - and how I've been trying to deal with it. The app wasn't even the focus of the ad; it was just this subtle suggestion at the end, like, 'hey, if you're feeling like this, we've got something that might help.'

What struck me was how the ad didn't try to manipulate me or make me feel bad about myself. It just acknowledged that life can be tough, and that's okay. It was like having a conversation with a friend who gets it. And that's what made it so effective. I ended up downloading the app, not because I felt pressured or guilty, but because I genuinely wanted to try it out.

I think that's what makes a good ad - it's not about being flashy or loud; it's about being honest and relatable. It's about speaking to people in a way that feels authentic and respectful. And that's what this ad did. It spoke to me in a way that felt real, and that's why I remembered it.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

get in our own way
to create problems or obstacles for ourselves, often unintentionally
I've been getting in my own way by procrastinating on this project.
She's getting in her own way by being too self-critical.
subtle suggestion
a gentle or indirect hint or recommendation
The ad made a subtle suggestion that I try their product.
He gave me a subtle suggestion that I should take a break.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What do you think about online advertising? Honestly, I think online advertising has become a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's amazing how targeted and personalized ads can be nowadays. I mean, have you ever searched for something online and then seen an ad for that exact thing on your social media feed? It's like the internet is reading your mind! But on the other hand, it can be really overwhelming and invasive. Sometimes I feel like I'm being bombarded with ads everywhere I go online, and it's hard to escape them. I think the key is finding a balance between relevance and respect for the user's space.

Are there any great online adverts? One ad that really stands out to me is the 'Dove Real Beauty' campaign. You know, the one where they feature real women of all shapes and sizes in their ads? I think it's amazing because it challenges traditional beauty standards and promotes self-acceptance. The ad is so effective because it's not just selling a product, it's selling a message. And that message resonates with people on a deeper level. I think that's what makes it such a great ad – it's not just trying to sell you something, it's trying to make you feel something.

What do people usually buy? I think people usually buy things that solve a problem or make their lives easier in some way. Whether it's a new gadget, a piece of clothing, or a service, people are often looking for something that will improve their daily lives. Take the rise of meal kit delivery services, for example. People are busy and don't have time to cook, so they buy these services because they're convenient and solve the problem of 'what's for dinner?' I think that's what drives most purchasing decisions – finding a solution to a problem or a way to make life easier.

Why does buying new things make people happy? I think buying new things makes people happy because it gives them a sense of excitement and novelty. When you buy something new, it's like a little present to yourself. You get to unwrap it, try it out, and experience the thrill of something fresh and new. Plus, let's be real – there's just something satisfying about treating yourself to something you've been wanting. It's like a little reward for yourself. And I think that's what makes buying new things so appealing – it's a way to indulge and pamper yourself.

Do people watch useless adverts nowadays? Unfortunately, I think a lot of people do watch useless adverts nowadays. With the rise of ad blockers and streaming services, people are more likely to skip or ignore ads that don't resonate with them. But at the same time, I think there's still a place for well-made, engaging ads that tell a story or make you laugh. The problem is, most ads just aren't that interesting or relevant to people's lives. They're just noise in the background. So yeah, I think a lot of people tune out useless ads and only pay attention to the ones that really grab their attention.

Do you think there's too much advertising nowadays? Honestly, I think there is too much advertising nowadays. Everywhere you go, you're being bombarded with ads – on your phone, on TV, on social media, even on the sides of buildings. It's like, can't we just have a moment of peace without being sold to? I think the problem is that advertising has become so ubiquitous that it's just background noise to most people. We tune it out because it's just too much. And that's not even mentioning the creepy factor – with all the data collection and targeted ads, it feels like we're being watched and manipulated all the time. I think there needs to be a better balance between advertising and respect for people's space.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

double-edged sword
Something that has both positive and negative aspects
Online advertising is a double-edged sword – it can be both helpful and annoying.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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