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Describe a time when you felt bored

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Cue Card

Describe a time when you felt bored

You should say:

  • When it was
  • Who you were with
  • What you were doing
  • And explain why you felt bored.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. In what situations do people feel bored?
  2. What can people do when they feel bored?
  3. Do people get bored easily with their daily routine?
  4. Are young people more easily bored than old people?

Sample Cue Card Answer

So, I want to share a story about a time when I felt bored. It was during my summer break in high school. I had just finished my sophomore year and I was so excited to finally have some time off. But, as the days went by, I started to feel this overwhelming sense of boredom. I had no idea what to do with myself. I would wake up every morning, scroll through my phone for hours, watch TV, and just feel like I was wasting my time.

I tried to find ways to entertain myself, but nothing seemed to work. I would start a book, but I couldn't focus. I would try to watch a movie, but I would get bored halfway through. I even tried to learn a new skill, but I just couldn't seem to get into it. It was like I had lost all motivation and interest in anything.

One day, my mom sat me down and asked me what was wrong. I told her how I was feeling and she just listened. She didn't try to offer any solutions or tell me to 'just go outside and play.' She just listened. And then she said something that really stuck with me. She said, 'Sometimes, boredom is just a sign that you need to slow down and listen to yourself.'

At first, I didn't really understand what she meant. But, as I thought about it more, I realized that she was right. I had been so focused on trying to find something to do, that I hadn't taken the time to really think about what I wanted. So, I started to take some time for myself, to really think about what I wanted to do with my time. And, slowly but surely, I started to find things that interested me again.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

wasting my time
to spend time doing something that is not useful or enjoyable
I felt like I was wasting my time watching TV all day.
I don't want to waste my time on a job I don't love.
lost all motivation
to no longer have the desire or enthusiasm to do something
After a few months, I lost all motivation to learn the new language.
I lost all motivation to exercise after I got injured.
slow down
to do something more slowly and carefully
I need to slow down and think about what I'm doing.
You need to slow down and focus on your driving.

Sample Part 3 Answers

In what situations do people feel bored? I think people often feel bored when they're stuck in situations where they're not being challenged or engaged. For example, if someone's sitting in a long, drawn-out meeting at work where nothing interesting is being discussed, they might start to feel their minds wander and get bored. Or, if someone's on a long road trip with nothing to do but stare out the window, they might start to feel a little restless. It's like, our brains are wired to respond to novelty and stimulation, so when we're not getting that, we can start to feel bored. And it's not just about being physically active, either - even if someone's just sitting around doing nothing, if they're not engaged with something mentally stimulating, like a book or a puzzle, they might start to feel bored too.

What can people do when they feel bored? When people feel bored, I think they should try to shake things up a bit. Like, if they're feeling stuck in a rut, they could try doing something completely different from their usual routine. For instance, if someone's always watching TV, they might try picking up a book or going for a walk. Or, if they're always playing video games, they might try drawing or cooking something new. The key is to find something that challenges them in a new way, and gets their creative juices flowing. Plus, sometimes just taking a break and stepping away from whatever's boring them can be enough to refresh their perspective and make them feel more engaged.

Do people get bored easily with their daily routine? I think people can definitely get bored with their daily routine, especially if it's too repetitive or predictable. When we do the same things over and over, our brains can start to go on autopilot, and we might feel like we're just going through the motions. But, at the same time, some people might find comfort in routine, and actually prefer having a set schedule to follow. It really depends on the person, but I think it's common for people to feel a little bored with their routine at some point or another - and that's okay! It's just a sign that it's time to mix things up a bit.

Are young people more easily bored than old people? I'm not sure if it's necessarily true that young people are more easily bored than old people, but I think it's possible that younger people might get bored more easily because they're used to being constantly stimulated by technology and social media. I mean, think about it - with our phones, we have access to endless information and entertainment at our fingertips, so when we're not getting that constant stream of stimulation, we might feel a little bored or restless. On the other hand, older people might be more used to finding ways to entertain themselves without relying on technology, so they might be less prone to boredom. But, that's just a theory - I think boredom is pretty universal, regardless of age!

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

go on autopilot
to do something automatically, without thinking about it
When we do the same things over and over, our brains can start to go on autopilot.
going through the motions
to do something without enthusiasm or interest
When we do the same things over and over, we might feel like we're just going through the motions.
shake things up
to make changes or do something new to make things more interesting
When people feel bored, I think they should try to shake things up a bit.
get their creative juices flowing
to start thinking creatively and coming up with new ideas
The key is to find something that challenges them in a new way, and gets their creative juices flowing.
step away
to move away from something or someone to take a break or get some perspective
Sometimes just taking a break and stepping away from whatever's boring them can be enough to refresh their perspective.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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