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Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend

You should say:

  • When it was
  • Who you met
  • Where it was
  • And explain why you were surprised to meet them.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Why do friends meet up?
  2. Are there any meetings that people need to plan in advance?
  3. Are there any jobs related to unexpected events?
  4. Do unexpected things lead to our civilization’s progress?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was at a music festival in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by thousands of strangers, when I heard a voice behind me yell out my name. I turned around, and there was Rachel, a friend from college I hadn't seen in years. We had lost touch after graduation, and I had no idea she was even into the same kind of music as me. We spent the rest of the day together, dancing to our favorite bands and catching up on each other's lives. It was surreal to see a familiar face in such a chaotic environment.

What struck me most about that encounter was how it challenged my assumptions about the people I know. I had always thought of Rachel as a bookworm, not a festival-goer. But there she was, rocking out to a punk band and having the time of her life. It made me realize how little we really know about the people we think we know, and how much we can miss out on when we make assumptions about others.

That chance encounter also made me appreciate the power of shared experiences in bringing people together. We didn't need to spend hours catching up on everything we'd missed – the music and the moment were enough to reconnect us. It was a reminder that friendships can be rekindled in the most unexpected ways, and that sometimes all it takes is a little serendipity to bring people back together.

Looking back, that surprise meeting at the festival was a much-needed wake-up call. It reminded me to stay open-minded and curious about the people in my life, and to never assume I know someone just because we've hung out a few times. And who knows, maybe our next chance encounter will be just as unexpected – and just as life-changing.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

out of the blue
unexpectedly, without warning
I ran into my old friend out of the blue at the festival.
challenge my assumptions
to make someone question their beliefs or opinions
Meeting Rachel at the festival challenged my assumptions about her interests.
rekindle a friendship
to revive or renew a friendship
The festival was the spark that rekindled my friendship with Rachel.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Why do friends meet up? Friends meet up for a variety of reasons, but ultimately, it's because they want to spend quality time together and strengthen their bond. When I think about it, meeting up with friends is a way to break away from our daily routines and share experiences that create lasting memories. For instance, I recall a time when my friends and I decided to meet up at a music festival. We had all been looking forward to it for weeks, and the excitement was palpable. As we walked through the gates, the atmosphere was electric, and we couldn't wait to explore the different stages and enjoy our favorite artists together. It was a day filled with laughter, dancing, and singing along to our favorite songs. Meeting up with friends allows us to create these shared experiences that bring us closer together and give us something to look back on fondly.

Are there any meetings that people need to plan in advance? Absolutely, there are many meetings that people need to plan in advance. One example that comes to mind is a wedding. When my friend got engaged, we all knew that we had to start planning her bachelorette party well in advance. We booked a weekend getaway to a nearby city, complete with a hotel reservation, dinner reservations, and a fun itinerary of activities. It was a lot of work, but it paid off in the end when we saw how much fun the bride-to-be had. Planning ahead allowed us to ensure that everything went smoothly and that everyone had a great time. It's meetings like these that require careful planning to make sure they're successful and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Are there any jobs related to unexpected events? Yes, there are many jobs related to unexpected events. One example that comes to mind is emergency responders, such as firefighters or EMTs. These individuals have to be prepared to respond to unexpected emergencies at a moment's notice. I have a friend who is a firefighter, and she's always telling me about the unexpected situations she encounters on the job. From responding to fires to helping people in car accidents, her job is all about being prepared for the unexpected. It's a challenging but rewarding career that requires a unique blend of skills, training, and adaptability. Jobs like these are essential to keeping our communities safe and responding to unexpected events.

Do unexpected things lead to our civilization’s progress? I believe that unexpected things can indeed lead to our civilization's progress. Take the example of penicillin, which was discovered by accident by Alexander Fleming. He left a petri dish of bacteria uncovered, and when he returned, he found that mold had grown on it, killing off the surrounding bacteria. This chance discovery revolutionized the field of medicine and saved countless lives. It's a great example of how unexpected events can lead to breakthroughs and innovations that drive progress. In a similar way, many scientists and inventors have made groundbreaking discoveries by accident or through unexpected observations. It just goes to show that sometimes, it's the unexpected twists and turns that lead to the most significant advancements.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

break away
to leave or escape from a place, situation, or routine
Friends meet up to break away from our daily routines
able to be felt or sensed strongly
The excitement was palpable
pay off
to produce a desired result or benefit
It paid off in the end when we saw how much fun the bride-to-be had
at a moment's notice
without warning or preparation
Emergency responders have to be prepared to respond to unexpected emergencies at a moment's notice
by accident
happening unexpectedly or unintentionally
Penicillin was discovered by accident by Alexander Fleming
drive progress
to cause something to move forward or improve
Unexpected events can drive progress
twists and turns
unexpected changes or developments
It's the unexpected twists and turns that lead to the most significant advancements

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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