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Describe an occasion when you received bad service at a restaurant or a shop

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Cue Card

Describe an occasion when you received bad service at a restaurant or a shop

You should say:

  • when and where it happened
  • what happened
  • how you reacted; and,
  • explain how you felt about the experience.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. How do people commonly react to bad service?
  2. Do you think customer service is better now compared to the past?
  3. What would you consider to be bad service?
  4. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they experience bad service?
  5. Who should be responsible for bad service?
  6. What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was at this trendy brunch spot downtown last weekend, and let me tell you, the service was a total disaster. I walked in, and the hostess seemed put off that I was there. She barely looked up from her phone to acknowledge me, and when I asked for a table for one, she sighed and told me it'd be a 20-minute wait. I'm thinking, okay, no big deal, I'll just grab a coffee and wait. But then I realize they don't even have a coffee station set up, so I'm just standing there, twiddling my thumbs.

Finally, I get seated, and my server comes over, clearly overwhelmed. She takes our order, but then it takes an eternity to get our food. I'm talking 45 minutes for a simple eggs benedict. And when it finally arrives, it's cold. I'm not talking lukewarm, I'm talking cold. I politely tell my server, and she just shrugs and says'sorry, dude'. No offer to re-make it, no apology, nothing.

At this point, I'm frustrated, but I'm trying to be understanding. Maybe they're just having a bad day. But then the check comes, and they've added a 20% service charge. I'm thinking, are you kidding me? You've provided some of the worst service I've ever had, and you're expecting a 20% tip? Needless to say, I did not leave a good tip, and I won't be back.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

fashionable or popular at the moment
This restaurant is really trendy right now
She's always wearing the latest trendy clothes
put off
to make someone feel unwelcome or uncomfortable
The hostess seemed put off that I was there
He was put off by her attitude
twiddling my thumbs
to waste time by doing nothing
I was twiddling my thumbs while waiting for my food
He was twiddling his thumbs during the boring meeting

Sample Part 3 Answers

How do people commonly react to bad service? When people experience bad service, they often react with frustration and disappointment. They might express their dissatisfaction to the service provider, either in person or online, and may choose to take their business elsewhere in the future. Some individuals might also share their negative experiences on social media or review platforms, which can impact the reputation of the service provider.

Do you think customer service is better now compared to the past? I think customer service has improved in some ways, but worsened in others. On the one hand, many companies now have multiple channels for customers to reach out, such as social media, live chat, and email support. This increased accessibility can lead to faster resolution times and more personalized support. On the other hand, the rise of automation and outsourcing has sometimes led to a lack of human touch and empathy in customer interactions.

What would you consider to be bad service? To me, bad service is when a service provider fails to meet my expectations in a way that's not just inconvenient, but also shows a lack of care or attention to detail. For instance, if I order food and it takes an hour to arrive, that's frustrating. But if the restaurant doesn't even apologize or offer a solution, that's bad service. It's not just about the mistake, but how it's handled.

Why do some people choose to remain silent when they experience bad service? Some people might choose to remain silent when they experience bad service because they don't want to be confrontational or make a scene. They might feel that speaking up won't make a difference or that it's not worth their time. Others might be hesitant to share their negative experiences online or in person because they don't want to hurt the business or the individual providing the service. They might also feel that their feedback won't be taken seriously or that it will fall on deaf ears.

Who should be responsible for bad service? I think the service provider is ultimately responsible for bad service. Whether it's a restaurant, store, or online platform, they have a responsibility to ensure their customers receive a certain level of quality. However, I also believe that the individual providing the service, such as a server or customer support agent, should be held accountable for their actions and attitude.

What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide? Employers can improve the service their employees provide by investing in ongoing training and development programs. This could include role-playing exercises, workshops on empathy and active listening, and incentives for employees who receive positive feedback from customers. Additionally, employers should foster an environment where employees feel empowered to make decisions and take ownership of their interactions with customers. This could involve giving them more autonomy to resolve issues and providing them with the resources they need to do so.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

Take their business elsewhere
To choose to go to a different store, restaurant, or service provider because you are not satisfied with the current one.
If the service is bad, I'll take my business elsewhere.
Lack of human touch
When a service or interaction feels impersonal or robotic, without any personal care or attention.
The automated customer service system had a lack of human touch.
Meet my expectations
To fulfill or satisfy what someone is hoping or expecting to happen.
The restaurant didn't meet my expectations, the food was terrible.
Make a scene
To cause a disturbance or draw attention to oneself, often in a public place.
I didn't want to make a scene, so I just left the restaurant.
Hurt the business
To cause harm or damage to a company or organization.
I didn't want to hurt the business, so I didn't leave a bad review.
Taken seriously
To be considered important or worthy of attention.
I don't think my complaint will be taken seriously.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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