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Describe something special you bought while visiting a tourist attraction

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe something special you bought while visiting a tourist attraction

You should say:

  • What it was
  • When you bought it
  • Where you bought it
  • What it was like
  • And explain why you thought it was special.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of souvenirs do people buy while visiting tourist attractions?
  2. Why do some people like to take photos while traveling?
  3. Is it good that locals sell things to tourists?
  4. What are the pros and cons of taking a professional camera with you while traveling?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was wandering through the crowded streets of Tokyo, trying to take in every neon-lit billboard and quirky vending machine, when I stumbled upon a tiny shop tucked away in a quiet alley. The sign above the door read 'Handmade Kimono Accessories' and I just had to venture in. As I browsed the shelves, my eyes landed on a stunning silver hairpin adorned with a delicate cherry blossom design. It was love at first sight. The shopkeeper, an elderly Japanese woman with a warm smile, noticed my fascination and began to tell me the story behind the pin. She explained that it was crafted by a local artisan who spent hours perfecting the intricate details, and that the cherry blossom symbolized the fleeting nature of life. I was sold.

I ended up wearing that hairpin every day for the rest of my trip, and it became a conversation starter with fellow travelers and locals alike. One woman even stopped me on the street to ask where I got it, and we ended up chatting for 20 minutes about our shared love of Japanese culture. That hairpin became more than just a souvenir – it was a tangible connection to the people and experiences I had in Tokyo. And every time I look at it now, I'm transported back to that winding alley and the sense of wonder I felt discovering that hidden gem.

It's funny, because I've bought plenty of souvenirs in my travels, but that hairpin is the one that still holds a special place in my heart. Maybe it's because it was made with such care and attention to detail, or maybe it's because of the story behind it. Whatever the reason, it's a reminder that the best souvenirs are the ones that tell a story, and that sometimes the most meaningful purchases are the ones we least expect to make.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

stumbled upon
to find or discover something by chance
I stumbled upon a great new restaurant last night.
She stumbled upon an old friend at the party.
love at first sight
an immediate and intense attraction to someone or something
It was love at first sight when I saw my future husband.
I fell in love with the city at first sight.
conversation starter
something that helps to start a conversation or discussion
The new art installation in the lobby is a great conversation starter.
Her unique tattoo is always a conversation starter.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of souvenirs do people buy while visiting tourist attractions? When people visit tourist attractions, they often look for souvenirs that remind them of their trip. Some popular souvenirs include local handicrafts, artwork, and specialty foods. For example, someone visiting Japan might buy a handmade kimono or a box of green tea, while someone visiting Italy might buy a handmade leather bag or a bottle of olive oil. The idea is to find something that captures the essence of the place and brings back memories of the trip.

Why do some people like to take photos while traveling? Taking photos while traveling is a way for people to capture the beauty and essence of a place. It's not just about documenting the trip, but also about preserving memories and reliving the experience. For instance, someone visiting the Grand Canyon might take a photo of the stunning sunset, not just to remember the view, but to relive the feeling of awe and wonder they felt in that moment. Photos can also serve as a way to share experiences with others, whether it's through social media or a photo album.

Is it good that locals sell things to tourists? Locals selling things to tourists can be a win-win situation for both parties. On one hand, tourists get to take home a piece of the local culture, and on the other hand, locals get to earn a living and share their community's traditions with visitors. For example, in some African villages, local artisans sell handmade crafts to tourists, which not only supports the local economy but also helps preserve traditional craftsmanship. It's a way for tourists to contribute to the local community and take home a meaningful souvenir.

What are the pros and cons of taking a professional camera with you while traveling? Taking a professional camera while traveling can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, a high-quality camera can capture stunning photos that truly do justice to the beauty of the place. For instance, a photographer visiting the Great Barrier Reef might use a professional camera to capture the vibrant colors and intricate details of the coral and marine life. On the other hand, carrying a bulky camera can be a hassle, and the pressure to take perfect photos can sometimes detract from the actual experience of being in the moment.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

capture the essence
to convey the most important or characteristic features of something
The painting captures the essence of the city's vibrant energy.
The souvenir captures the essence of the local culture.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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