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Describe a successful person that you studied or worked with

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Cue Card

Describe a successful person that you studied or worked with

You should say:

  • who they were
  • when you worked/studied with this person
  • what you did together
  • what this person did to become successful; and,
  • explain how you felt about studying or working with this person.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Is money the only measure of success in your country?
  2. How do you define whether someone is a successful person?
  3. What does it take to be considered successful in your country?
  4. Can someone be both happy and materially successful?
  5. What are some of the factors that influence a student’s grades?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I want to tell you about my former boss, Rachel. She's the CEO of a successful startup, and I had the privilege of working under her for three years. What struck me about Rachel was her ability to balance being a brilliant businesswoman with being an empathetic leader. She had this incredible capacity to understand her team's strengths and weaknesses, and she knew exactly how to bring out the best in each of us. I remember one time when our team was struggling to meet a tight deadline, and Rachel took the time to sit down with each of us, listened to our concerns, and helped us break down the task into manageable chunks. Her calm and composed demeanor was contagious, and we ended up delivering the project on time, exceeding everyone's expectations.

What I admire most about Rachel is her willingness to take risks and challenge the status quo. She's always pushing the boundaries of what's possible, and she encourages her team to do the same. I recall a meeting where she presented a bold new strategy that many of us were skeptical about. Instead of getting defensive, she listened to our concerns and incorporated our feedback into the plan. That's when I realized that true leadership is not about having all the answers, but about being open to new ideas and perspectives.

Rachel's success isn't just about her accomplishments; it's about the people she's inspired along the way. She has this gift of making everyone feel seen and heard, and that's what makes her such an effective leader. As someone who's worked with her, I can attest that her success is not just about her own achievements, but about the impact she has on those around her. She's the kind of person who makes you want to be a better version of yourself, and that's the greatest success of all.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

bring out the best in someone
to help someone perform or behave to the best of their ability
She brought out the best in him, and he ended up acing the presentation.
The coach brought out the best in the team, and they won the championship.
push the boundaries
to try new things and take risks, often to achieve something new or innovative
The artist pushed the boundaries of her craft, creating a unique style that wowed the critics.
The company pushed the boundaries of technology, developing a revolutionary new product.
open to new ideas
willing to consider and accept new thoughts, opinions, or perspectives
The company is open to new ideas, and they encourage their employees to think outside the box.
She's open to new ideas, and that's what makes her such a great collaborator.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Is money the only measure of success in your country? In my opinion, money is not the only measure of success in the United States. While financial stability is certainly important, it's not the sole defining factor. I've seen people who are extremely wealthy, but utterly miserable, and others who are financially strapped, yet content and fulfilled. Success is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of life, including personal growth, relationships, health, and contributions to society. For instance, a person who has dedicated their life to helping others, whether through volunteering or working for a non-profit organization, can be considered highly successful, even if they don't have a large bank account. Ultimately, success is a subjective measure that varies from person to person, and it's up to each individual to define what it means to them.

How do you define whether someone is a successful person? To me, a successful person is someone who has achieved a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their life. They've identified their passions and values, and have aligned their actions and goals accordingly. A successful person is not necessarily someone who has achieved fame or wealth, but rather someone who has made a positive impact in their community, whether through their work or personal relationships. They're also someone who is resilient, adaptable, and continuously learning and growing. For example, I know someone who started a small business from scratch, and through hard work and determination, was able to create a thriving enterprise that not only generated income but also provided jobs and opportunities for others. To me, that's a clear example of success, regardless of their financial situation.

What does it take to be considered successful in your country? In the United States, being considered successful often requires a combination of hard work, determination, and a bit of luck. It's a country that values entrepreneurship, innovation, and self-reliance, so people who are able to think outside the box, take calculated risks, and persevere through challenges are often viewed as successful. Additionally, having a strong education and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt to new situations is highly valued. However, it's also important to note that success is not solely defined by individual achievements, but also by the positive impact one has on their community and society as a whole. For instance, a person who is able to balance their personal ambitions with a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement is often viewed as a successful and well-rounded individual.

Can someone be both happy and materially successful? Absolutely, I believe that it's possible for someone to be both happy and materially successful. In fact, research has shown that once basic needs are met, additional wealth does not necessarily lead to greater happiness. What's more important is finding a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in one's life. When someone is doing work that they love, and is able to pursue their passions, they're more likely to feel happy and satisfied, regardless of their material wealth. Of course, having a certain level of financial security can provide peace of mind and reduce stress, but it's not the only factor that determines happiness. I know someone who is a highly successful business owner, but also prioritizes their family, health, and personal relationships, and as a result, they're able to maintain a great work-life balance and find joy in their life.

What are some of the factors that influence a student’s grades? There are many factors that can influence a student's grades, but one of the most significant is their level of engagement and motivation. When a student is genuinely interested in the subject matter and feels invested in their learning, they're more likely to put in the effort required to achieve good grades. Additionally, the quality of teaching and the learning environment can also play a big role. A supportive teacher who is able to make the material relevant and interesting can make a huge difference in a student's academic performance. Furthermore, a student's personal circumstances, such as their home life, health, and access to resources, can also impact their grades. For example, a student who is dealing with personal issues or has limited access to technology may struggle to keep up with their coursework, regardless of their academic ability.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

measure of success
a standard or criteria used to evaluate the success of something or someone
In my opinion, money is not the only measure of success in the United States.
having many different aspects or features
Success is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of life, including personal growth, relationships, health, and contributions to society.
dedicated their life
to give all of one's time, energy, and resources to something
a person who has dedicated their life to helping others, whether through volunteering or working for a non-profit organization
aligned their actions and goals
to make sure that one's actions and goals are consistent and working together
A successful person is someone who has identified their passions and values, and has aligned their actions and goals accordingly.
made a positive impact
to have a good effect on something or someone
A successful person is not necessarily someone who has achieved fame or wealth, but rather someone who has made a positive impact in their community
think outside the box
to be creative and come up with new and original ideas
In the United States, being considered successful often requires a combination of hard work, determination, and a bit of luck, and people who are able to think outside the box
take calculated risks
to take risks that are carefully thought out and considered
people who are able to think outside the box, take calculated risks, and persevere through challenges are often viewed as successful
sense of purpose
a feeling of direction or meaning in life
When someone is doing work that they love, and is able to pursue their passions, they're more likely to feel happy and satisfied, and have a sense of purpose
work-life balance
a balance between the time and energy devoted to work and personal life
they're able to maintain a great work-life balance and find joy in their life
level of engagement
the degree to which someone is interested and involved in something
one of the most significant is their level of engagement and motivation

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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