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Describe an intelligent person you know

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Cue Card

Describe an intelligent person you know

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • How you know this person
  • What this person does
  • And explain why you think this person is intelligent

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?
  2. What do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teachers or parents?
  3. Why are some children more intelligent than others?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm going to tell you about my friend Rachel, who's a neuroscientist. She's one of those people who can effortlessly switch between explaining the intricacies of brain function and debating the merits of the latest sci-fi TV show. What strikes me most about Rachel is her insatiable curiosity – she's always asking questions, always seeking to understand the underlying mechanisms of things. Whether we're discussing politics, art, or the latest breakthroughs in her field, she's always pushing the conversation forward with her thoughtful insights.

What's remarkable about Rachel is that she's not just book-smart; she's also incredibly resourceful and creative. I've seen her MacGyver solutions to complex problems using nothing but a few scraps of wire and some duct tape. Her ability to think outside the box and find innovative solutions is truly inspiring. And yet, despite her many accomplishments, she's humble and unassuming – always willing to listen and learn from others.

One of the things that I admire most about Rachel is her passion for sharing her knowledge with others. She's always looking for ways to make complex concepts more accessible and engaging for a broader audience. Whether she's leading a workshop or simply explaining a difficult idea to a friend, she has a gift for breaking things down in a way that's both clear and compelling. In a world where misinformation and confusion can spread so quickly, Rachel's commitment to clarity and critical thinking is a breath of the most valuable assets I can think of.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

insatiable curiosity
an intense and unrelenting desire to learn and understand new things
She has an insatiable curiosity about the natural world.
His insatiable curiosity led him to become a lifelong learner.
think outside the box
to come up with creative and unconventional solutions to a problem
The company needs someone who can think outside the box to solve this complex issue.
She's always been able to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you think smart people tend to be selfish? I've had the pleasure of knowing someone who is undoubtedly one of the most intelligent people I've ever met, and I'd like to share a story that might challenge the notion that smart people tend to be selfish. My friend, let's call her Emma, is a brilliant scientist who has dedicated her life to finding innovative solutions to pressing environmental issues. What strikes me about Emma is her willingness to share her knowledge and expertise with others, often putting the needs of her community before her own. She spends countless hours mentoring students, collaborating with colleagues, and even offering her services pro bono to organizations that can't afford her expertise. Emma's selflessness is not just about being kind; it's about recognizing that her intelligence is not just a personal asset, but a tool that can be used to make a positive impact on the world. She understands that true intelligence is not about accumulating knowledge for personal gain, but about using it to elevate others and create positive change. In my experience, people like Emma are the exception rather than the rule, and they prove that intelligence and selfishness are not necessarily correlated.

What do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teachers or parents? I've had the privilege of observing the relationship between my friend Emma, the scientist, and her young daughter, and it's clear that both parents and teachers play a vital role in a child's development. However, if I had to tip the scales, I'd say that parents have a more profound impact on a child's early years. Emma's daughter is a curious and bright child, and it's evident that Emma's influence has played a significant role in shaping her daughter's love for learning. From a young age, Emma has encouraged her daughter to ask questions, explore, and seek answers, fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder that will serve her well throughout her life. While teachers are essential in providing structure and guidance, parents like Emma have the unique opportunity to model values, behaviors, and attitudes that can shape a child's worldview and set them up for success. In this case, Emma's passion for science and her commitment to lifelong learning have created a nurturing environment that has allowed her daughter to thrive.

Why are some children more intelligent than others? I've often wondered why some children seem to have an innate ability to grasp complex concepts and think critically, while others may struggle. In my observation, it's not just about genetics or innate ability; it's about the environment and opportunities that children are exposed to from a young age. Emma's daughter, for instance, has been surrounded by books, puzzles, and educational toys since she was a toddler. Emma has also made a conscious effort to engage her daughter in conversations about science, history, and culture, encouraging her to ask questions and think critically. This kind of nurturing environment, combined with access to quality education and resources, can play a significant role in fostering intelligence. Additionally, Emma's emphasis on praising effort over talent has helped her daughter develop a growth mindset, which research has shown is essential for cognitive development and academic success. While there's no single formula for creating intelligence, it's clear that a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and opportunities can all contribute to a child's cognitive abilities.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

dedicated her life
to give all of one's time, energy, and resources to a particular activity or cause
She dedicated her life to finding a cure for the disease.
He dedicated his life to helping others.
putting the needs of her community before her own
to prioritize the needs of others over one's own needs
She put the needs of her family before her own.
He put the needs of his team before his own.
elevate others
to help someone improve their situation or status
The charity aims to elevate the living standards of the poor.
The teacher helped elevate her students' understanding of the subject.
nurturing environment
a supportive and caring environment that helps someone grow and develop
The child thrived in the nurturing environment of her family.
The company provides a nurturing environment for its employees to grow and develop.
growth mindset
the idea that one's abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work and dedication
She has a growth mindset and is always looking for ways to improve.
He has a growth mindset and is not afraid to take on new challenges.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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