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Describe a healthy lifestyle you know

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a healthy lifestyle you know

You should say:

  • What the lifestyle is
  • How you know about it
  • What this lifestyle entails
  • And explain why it is healthy.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. How should schools teach students to live healthily?
  2. What can doctors do to help people solve health-related issues?
  3. What kinds of lifestyles are unhealthy?
  4. What do people in your country do to maintain their health?

Sample Cue Card Answer

My grandma's daily routine is the epitome of a healthy lifestyle. She's 75, but she's got more energy than most people half her age. Every morning, she wakes up at 5:30 AM and starts her day with a 30-minute meditation session. She sits on her porch, sips green tea, and just focuses on her breath. She says it clears her mind and sets her up for the day. Then, she heads out for a 45-minute walk around the block. She doesn't just walk, though - she power walks. She's got her arms swinging, her feet moving, and a big smile on her face. She says it gets her blood pumping and her heart rate up.

After her walk, she heads back home and whips up a healthy breakfast. She's big on oatmeal with fruit and nuts. She says it's the perfect combo of complex carbs, fiber, and protein to keep her full until lunchtime. And let me tell you, her cooking is insane. She's always experimenting with new recipes and ingredients. She's got this amazing garden in her backyard where she grows her own herbs and veggies. She says it's the best way to ensure she's eating clean and sustainable food.

The rest of her day is all about balance. She spends time with her friends, works on her hobbies, and takes naps when she needs to. She's not afraid to say no to things that drain her energy and yes to things that give her joy. She's got this amazing energy about her that's just infectious. And the craziest part? She's been doing this for decades. She's proof that a healthy lifestyle isn't just about physical health - it's about mental and emotional well-being too.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

power walk
to walk quickly and energetically, often with long strides
She power walks around the block every morning to get her blood pumping.
clears her mind
to calm and focus one's thoughts
Meditation clears her mind and sets her up for the day.
big on
to be very enthusiastic or supportive of something
She's big on oatmeal with fruit and nuts for breakfast.

Sample Part 3 Answers

How should schools teach students to live healthily? Schools play a vital role in shaping students' habits and behaviors, and teaching them to live healthily is a crucial part of that. One approach that I think is really effective is to incorporate hands-on learning experiences into the curriculum. For example, instead of just lecturing about the importance of nutrition, schools could have students participate in cooking classes where they learn to prepare healthy meals. This way, students can see the value of healthy eating firsthand and develop practical skills that they can apply in their daily lives. By making learning fun and interactive, schools can help students develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

What can doctors do to help people solve health-related issues? Doctors are often the first point of contact for people dealing with health-related issues, and they play a critical role in helping patients navigate the healthcare system. One thing that I think doctors can do to make a bigger impact is to take a more holistic approach to patient care. Instead of just treating symptoms, doctors should take the time to understand the underlying causes of a patient's condition and address those root causes. For example, if a patient is struggling with anxiety, a doctor might recommend therapy or stress-reducing techniques in addition to prescribing medication. By taking a more comprehensive approach, doctors can help patients achieve lasting health and wellness.

What kinds of lifestyles are unhealthy? There are many lifestyles that can be detrimental to our health, but one that I think is particularly problematic is a sedentary lifestyle. When we spend too much time sitting or engaging in low-activity pursuits, we put ourselves at risk for a range of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. I think this is especially true in today's world, where many of us have jobs that involve sitting at a desk all day and then come home and spend hours watching TV or scrolling through our phones. By contrast, incorporating physical activity into our daily routine – whether that's through exercise, sports, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator – can have a huge impact on our overall health and wellbeing.

What do people in your country do to maintain their health? In the US, I think people are really starting to prioritize their health and wellbeing, and there are a lot of different strategies that people use to maintain their health. One trend that I've noticed is the growing interest in mindfulness and self-care. More and more people are recognizing the importance of taking care of their mental health, and they're incorporating practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing into their daily routines. Additionally, many people are making an effort to eat more plant-based diets and get regular exercise, whether that's through going to the gym, playing sports, or simply taking a walk around the block. By making healthy habits a priority, people in the US are taking proactive steps to maintain their health and wellbeing.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

hands-on learning
learning by doing, rather than just listening or reading
The cooking class was a great example of hands-on learning, where students got to practice their skills in a real-world setting.
holistic approach
considering the whole person – physical, mental, and emotional – when treating a health issue
The doctor took a holistic approach to treating my anxiety, recommending therapy and stress-reducing techniques in addition to medication.
sedentary lifestyle
a lifestyle that involves too much sitting or inactivity
After a few years of working a desk job, I realized I needed to make a change and start exercising more to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
to give something importance or attention before other things
I'm trying to prioritize my health and wellbeing by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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