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Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way

You should say:

  • what the invention is
  • why it created a positive change
  • how people have responded to it; and
  • explain how you feel about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of devices help you at home?
  2. Are there any home appliances that make us more lazy?
  3. What kinds of technology is useful at school?
  4. Do you think artificial intelligence will replace human teachers?

Sample Cue Card Answer

The invention of the polio vaccine has changed the world in a profoundly positive way. Before its introduction in the 1950s, polio was a highly infectious and often deadly disease that paralyzed millions of people worldwide. The vaccine, developed by Jonas Salk and his team, has nearly eradicated the disease, saving countless lives and preventing untold suffering. The impact of this invention cannot be overstated - it has given millions of people the gift of mobility, independence, and a life free from the fear of paralysis.

The polio vaccine has also had a profound impact on global public health. Its widespread adoption has led to a significant reduction in the number of polio cases worldwide, from hundreds of thousands in the 1950s to just a few hundred today. This has not only saved lives but also reduced the economic burden of the disease on families and communities. Moreover, the success of the polio vaccine has paved the way for the development of vaccines against other diseases, such as measles, mumps, and rubella.

The impact of the polio vaccine extends beyond the medical field. Its development and distribution have also had a significant social and economic impact. The vaccine has enabled people with disabilities to participate fully in society, access education and employment, and live independently. It has also reduced the stigma associated with disability and promoted greater inclusion and acceptance. In short, the polio vaccine has changed the world for the better, and its impact will be felt for generations to come.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

something that has a significant and often sudden impact on a situation or industry
The polio vaccine was a game-changer in the fight against infectious diseases.
paradigm shift
a fundamental change in the way something is thought about or done
The polio vaccine marked a paradigm shift in the way we approach public health.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of devices help you at home? One device that's been a game-changer for me at home is my smart speaker. It's amazing how much it's simplified my daily routine. For instance, I can just ask it to set reminders, play my favorite music, or even control the lights in my living room. It's also super helpful when I'm cooking and need to look up a recipe or convert units - I can just ask it and get the answer instantly. Plus, it's always learning my preferences and adapting to my habits, so it feels really personalized.

Are there any home appliances that make us more lazy? I think one appliance that might make us a bit lazier is the microwave. I mean, it's so easy to just heat up a frozen meal or leftovers instead of taking the time to cook something from scratch. And let's be real, who doesn't love the convenience of being able to cook a meal in just a few minutes? But at the same time, it's also made us less inclined to cook healthy, homemade meals, which can have negative effects on our health. So, while it's definitely made our lives easier, it's also had some unintended consequences.

What kinds of technology is useful at school? One technology that's been really useful for me at school is my tablet. I use it to take notes in class, and it's been a huge time-saver. I can just type away and organize my notes by topic or date, which makes it so much easier to study for exams. Plus, I can access all my notes from any device, so I can review them on my phone or laptop whenever I need to. It's also helped me stay more organized and focused, which has definitely improved my grades.

Do you think artificial intelligence will replace human teachers? I don't think artificial intelligence will ever fully replace human teachers. While AI can be great at providing personalized learning experiences and automating certain tasks, it lacks the emotional intelligence and empathy that human teachers bring to the classroom. Teachers are able to pick up on subtle cues and adapt their teaching style to meet the needs of individual students, which is something that AI just can't replicate. Plus, human teachers provide mentorship and guidance that goes beyond just academics - they help us develop important life skills like communication and problem-solving. So, while AI can certainly augment education, I think human teachers will always be essential.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

something that has a significant and positive impact
The new policy has been a game-changer for the company.
The smart speaker has been a game-changer for my daily routine.
simplified my daily routine
made my daily routine easier and more manageable
The smart speaker has simplified my daily routine.
The app has simplified the way I manage my finances.
cooking from scratch
cooking a meal from basic ingredients, rather than using pre-prepared or processed foods
I love cooking from scratch on the weekends.
Cooking from scratch can be healthier and more cost-effective.
unintended consequences
results or effects that were not intended or expected
The new policy has had some unintended consequences.
The microwave has had unintended consequences on our health.
huge time-saver
something that saves a lot of time
The tablet has been a huge time-saver for me.
The app has been a huge time-saver for managing my schedule.
pick up on subtle cues
to notice and respond to small or indirect signals or hints
The teacher is able to pick up on subtle cues from her students.
The manager is able to pick up on subtle cues from her team.
to add to or enhance something, especially by using technology
The AI is designed to augment human intelligence.
The new tool will augment our team's productivity.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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