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Describe an occasion when you lost something but got it back

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an occasion when you lost something but got it back

You should say:

  • What you lost
  • How you lost it
  • Where you found it
  • And how you felt about the experience.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Why do people lose their things?
  2. What kinds of things do people usually lose?
  3. What can people do to find things they’ve lost?
  4. What can people do to avoid losing their stuff?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was at the beach on a family vacation when I lost my grandmother's locket. It was a beautiful, antique piece that had been passed down through generations, and I was devastated. I had been swimming in the ocean and must have taken it off when I went in, but when I came out, it was gone. I searched the beach frantically, but it was nowhere to be found. I felt so guilty and worried that I would never see it again.

Days turned into weeks, and I had given up hope of ever finding the locket. But then, something amazing happened. A kind stranger contacted me through social media and told me she had found it on the beach. She had been walking along the shore and saw something glinting in the sand. She picked it up and realized it was a locket, but she had no idea who it belonged to. She posted about it on social media, and someone who knew me saw the post and tagged me.

I was overjoyed when I got the message from the stranger. We arranged to meet, and she returned the locket to me. I was so grateful to have it back, and I thanked her profusely. It was a reminder that there are still good people in the world who will go out of their way to help others. I learned a valuable lesson that day about the importance of kindness and the power of social media to connect people.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

passed down
given or transmitted to someone, typically from an older person to a younger person, especially within a family
The family recipe was passed down from my grandmother to my mother to me.
extremely sad or upset
I was devastated when my team lost the championship game.
given up hope
stopped believing that something will happen or that a problem will be solved
After months of searching, I had given up hope of finding a new job.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Why do people lose their things? People lose their things for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it's simply a matter of being careless or distracted. For example, you might be in a rush to get to work or school, and in your haste, you accidentally leave your wallet or phone on the kitchen counter. Other times, people lose things due to a lack of organization or routine. If you don't have a designated spot for your keys or purse, it's easy to misplace them. Additionally, people's lives are often filled with a multitude of tasks and responsibilities, making it easy to forget where they placed something. Whatever the reason, losing something can be frustrating and stressful, but it's a common experience that many people can relate to.

What kinds of things do people usually lose? People tend to lose things that are small, portable, and easily misplaced. Keys, phones, and wallets are probably the most commonly lost items. These are things that people use frequently and often carry with them, making it easy to misplace them in the chaos of daily life. Other items like umbrellas, sunglasses, and headphones are also frequently lost, often because they're easy to forget or leave behind. Sometimes, people even lose important documents or identification, which can be a major hassle to replace. Whatever the item, losing something can be a real inconvenience, but it's often a minor setback that can be resolved with a little effort.

What can people do to find things they’ve lost? When people lose something, the first step is often to retrace their steps and try to remember the last time they had the item. This can help them figure out where they might have left it. If that doesn't work, people can try searching the usual places they keep the item, like a designated spot in their home or a specific pocket in their bag. If the item is still nowhere to be found, people can ask others if they've seen it, or post on social media to spread the word. In some cases, people might even use technology, like tracking devices or apps, to help locate their lost item. By taking a methodical approach and being persistent, people can often recover their lost belongings.

What can people do to avoid losing their stuff? One of the best ways to avoid losing things is to establish a routine or system for keeping track of your belongings. For example, designating a specific spot near the front door for your keys or wallet can help you develop a habit of always putting them in the same place. People can also use tools like labels or tags to help identify their belongings and make them easier to keep track of. Another strategy is to be more mindful and present in the moment, avoiding distractions like phones or conversations when handling important items. By being more intentional and organized, people can reduce the likelihood of losing their belongings and save themselves a lot of stress and hassle.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

lose track of
to stop being able to find or remember the location of something
I lost track of my keys and couldn't find them anywhere.
She lost track of her phone and had to buy a new one.
to put something in the wrong place, so that it cannot be found
I misplaced my wallet and couldn't find it anywhere.
He misplaced his keys and had to wait for a spare set.
retrace one's steps
to try to remember the actions you took before something happened, in order to understand what happened or to find something
I retraced my steps to try to find my lost phone.
She retraced her steps to remember where she left her purse.
to officially choose or decide something
I designated a spot near the door for my keys.
She designated a specific pocket in her bag for her phone.
be mindful
to be fully present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings
I need to be more mindful of my belongings so I don't lose them.
She was mindful of her phone and made sure to keep it safe.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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