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Describe an occasion when you got up early

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Cue Card

Describe an occasion when you got up early

You should say:

  • Why you got up early
  • What you did
  • When you got up
  • And how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of people usually get up early?
  2. Is it easier for older people to get up earlier than younger people?
  3. What are the benefits of getting up early?
  4. What effect does sleeping in late have on a person’s life?

Sample Cue Card Answer

It was the summer before my senior year of high school, and I had just landed an internship at a local bakery. I had to wake up at 4:30 AM every day to make it to work on time. At first, it was tough, but as the days went by, I started to enjoy the quiet morning hours. The world was still, and I had the roads to myself. I'd drive to work with the windows down, feeling the cool morning air on my face, and listening to music that set the tone for the day. It was my time, my moment of peace before the chaos of the day began. I'd get to the bakery, and the smell of freshly baked bread would hit me like a warm hug. I loved watching the sunrise through the windows as I worked, feeling like I was a part of something bigger than myself.

As the weeks went by, I started to appreciate the early morning hours more and more. I'd use the time to reflect on my life, set goals, and plan my day. It was my time for self-reflection, and it helped me stay focused and motivated. I realized that getting up early wasn't just about getting to work on time, but about setting myself up for success. It was about creating a sense of purpose and direction, and it's a habit that has stayed with me to this day.

Looking back, I realize that getting up early wasn't just about the job, it was about the sense of accomplishment I felt every morning. It was about proving to myself that I could do it, that I could get up and tackle the day. And when I did, I felt invincible. I felt like I could take on anything, and that's a feeling that's hard to match. Getting up early wasn't just about the job, it was about the person I was becoming.

Now, I'm not saying it's always easy, but it's worth it. There's something special about experiencing the world in the early morning hours, when the world is still waking up. It's a feeling that's hard to describe, but it's one of peace, of calm, of possibility. And it's a feeling that I'll always cherish, a reminder of the power of getting up early, and the person I've become.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

rise and shine
an expression used to wake someone up, especially in the morning
The alarm clock rang, and my mom said 'rise and shine, it's time to get up!'
make hay while the sun shines
to take advantage of an opportunity while it's available
I'm going to make hay while the sun shines and finish this project before the deadline.
the early bird catches the worm
those who take action early will have an advantage over those who don't
If you want to get the best deals on Black Friday, you have to be an early bird and get to the store before it opens.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of people usually get up early? People who get up early are often those who have a strong sense of purpose and discipline. They're usually individuals who have a clear idea of what they want to achieve in their day and are willing to put in the effort to make it happen. For instance, athletes and fitness enthusiasts often wake up early to get a head start on their training, while entrepreneurs and business owners might rise with the sun to get a jumpstart on their workday. These individuals understand that the early morning hours can be a great time to focus and be productive, before the distractions and interruptions that come later in the day.

Is it easier for older people to get up earlier than younger people? While it's not necessarily true that older people find it easier to get up early, many older adults do tend to become more morning-oriented as they age. This can be due to a variety of factors, including changes in sleep patterns, lifestyle, and priorities. For example, older adults may find that they're more alert and focused in the morning, and that they have more time to devote to their interests and hobbies before the day gets busy. Additionally, many older adults have developed a routine and discipline over the years that makes it easier for them to establish a consistent wake-up time, even if it's early.

What are the benefits of getting up early? Getting up early has a multitude of benefits that can set you up for success in all areas of your life. For one, it allows you to get a head start on your day, before the rest of the world wakes up and the distractions begin. This can be a great time to focus on personal development, whether that's reading, meditating, or working on a project. Additionally, waking up early can give you a sense of control and momentum, which can carry over into the rest of your day. Plus, research has shown that early risers tend to be more productive, have better time management skills, and even have a lower risk of depression and anxiety.

What effect does sleeping in late have on a person’s life? Sleeping in late can have a ripple effect on a person's life, impacting everything from their productivity and mood to their relationships and overall well-being. When you sleep in, you're essentially starting your day on the back foot, playing catch-up from the moment you wake up. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, as you rush to get ready and tackle your to-do list. Furthermore, chronic sleep-in behavior can lead to a sense of lethargy and lack of motivation, making it harder to tackle challenges and pursue goals. And let's not forget the social implications – sleeping in can cause you to miss out on valuable time with loved ones, and even impact your professional relationships and opportunities.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

rise with the sun
to wake up early, at sunrise
She rises with the sun every day to meditate and practice yoga.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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