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Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

You should say:

  • Where you went
  • Who you were with
  • What you did
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Why do people choose to travel by public transport?
  2. What are the disadvantages of traveling by public transport?
  3. Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in your city?
  4. Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm a firm believer that the best way to experience a city is by taking public transportation. And I'm not just talking about getting from point A to point B – I'm talking about the journey itself. I recall a trip I took on the California Zephyr train from Chicago to San Francisco. As we chugged along the Rockies, the scenery outside my window was like a constantly changing work of art. The train wound its way through tunnels and over trestle bridges, offering glimpses of turquoise lakes and snow-capped peaks. I felt like I was witnessing the country's most breathtaking vistas without ever having to leave my seat.

But what really made the trip special was the people I met along the way. There was the retired couple celebrating their anniversary, the group of rowdy college kids on spring break, and the solo traveler who became my impromptu dinner companion. We shared stories, laughed, and even exchanged numbers – it was like being part of a temporary community, all brought together by the rhythm of the rails.

Of course, not all public transportation journeys are as picturesque. I've had my fair share of crowded buses and delayed subways. But even in those moments, there's a strange sort of camaraderie that develops among fellow commuters. We exchange sympathetic glances, share a collective groan when the bus hits a pothole, and sometimes even strike up a conversation with the stranger sitting next to us.

That's the beauty of public transportation – it's not just about getting where you need to go, it's about the experience itself. It's about the people you meet, the sights you see, and the unexpected moments that make the journey worthwhile. So next time you're tempted to take an Uber or drive yourself, consider hopping on a bus or train instead. You never know what adventures – or connections – you might find along the way.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

take the scenic route
to take a longer route that is more enjoyable because of its scenic views
Instead of taking the highway, we decided to take the scenic route along the coast.
The scenic route added an hour to our journey, but it was worth it for the views.
strike up a conversation
to start talking to someone you don't know, often in a friendly or casual way
I struck up a conversation with the person sitting next to me on the plane.
She struck up a conversation with the bartender and ended up getting a free drink.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Why do people choose to travel by public transport? People choose to travel by public transport for a variety of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it's often the most cost-effective option. When you think about it, owning a car can be a huge expense, from the purchase price to maintenance, insurance, and parking fees. Public transport, on the other hand, is often a flat fee, and in many cities, you can get a monthly pass that covers all your transportation needs. Plus, you don't have to worry about the hassle of driving in traffic or finding a parking spot, which can be a huge stress reliever. For many people, the convenience and affordability of public transport make it the obvious choice.

What are the disadvantages of traveling by public transport? One of the biggest disadvantages of traveling by public transport is the lack of flexibility. When you're on a bus or train, you're at the mercy of the schedule, and if you miss your stop or the bus is late, you're stuck waiting for the next one. This can be frustrating, especially if you're in a hurry or have a tight schedule to keep. Additionally, public transport can be crowded and uncomfortable, especially during rush hour, which can make for a pretty unpleasant commute. And let's not forget about the potential for delays or cancellations, which can really throw a wrench in your plans.

Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in your city? Offering free public transport is definitely an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it would completely solve traffic problems in my city. On the one hand, making public transport free would likely encourage more people to use it, which could reduce the number of cars on the road and alleviate some of the traffic congestion. However, it's also possible that free public transport would attract even more people to the city, which could ultimately lead to more traffic and congestion in the long run. Plus, there's the issue of funding - who would pay for the free public transport, and how would it be sustained in the long term? It's a complex issue, and while free public transport might be a step in the right direction, it's unlikely to be a silver bullet solution.

Why do more and more people like to travel by plane? I think more and more people are choosing to travel by plane because of the convenience and speed it offers. With a plane, you can travel vast distances in a relatively short amount of time, which is especially appealing in today's fast-paced world. Plus, air travel has become more accessible and affordable in recent years, with budget airlines and online booking platforms making it easier than ever to find a flight that fits your schedule and budget. And let's not forget about the excitement of flying - there's something thrilling about soaring through the skies and seeing the world from a new perspective. Of course, there are also the practical benefits, like being able to visit distant loved ones or explore new destinations that would be difficult or impossible to reach by other means.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

at the mercy of
completely controlled or influenced by something or someone
We were at the mercy of the weather, and our plans were ruined by the storm.
The company was at the mercy of the market, and its stock prices fluctuated wildly.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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