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Describe an old friend you got in contact with again

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an old friend you got in contact with again

You should say:

  • Who they were
  • Why you got in contact with them again
  • How you got in contact with them
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What influence does social media have on people’s friendships?
  2. Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation?
  3. Do people in your country like to make new friends?
  4. Do you think old friends are more important than new friends?

Sample Cue Card Answer

It's crazy how life can take us on different paths, and before you know it, years have passed since you last spoke to someone who was once a huge part of your life. For me, that someone was Rachel. We met in college, bonding over late-night pizza and study sessions. We were inseparable, sharing every secret, dream, and fear with each other. But after graduation, we went our separate ways - I moved to the city for work, and she stayed in our hometown to pursue a master's degree. We'd occasionally like each other's social media posts, but that was about it. Until one day, I stumbled upon an old photo of us on Facebook, and I sent her a message. 'Hey, stranger!' I typed, not knowing what to expect.

To my surprise, she replied almost instantly. We spent hours catching up, reminiscing about old times and sharing updates about our lives. It was like no time had passed at all. We talked about everything - our careers, relationships, and even our struggles with anxiety. It was refreshing to reconnect with someone who knew me so well, yet had a completely different perspective on life. We laughed, we cried, and we even made plans to meet up soon.

Reconnecting with Rachel reminded me that true friendships can withstand time and distance. It's not about being in constant contact; it's about picking up where you left off, whenever that may be. Our conversation was a breath of fresh air, a reminder that some relationships are worth holding onto, no matter what life throws your way. Now, we make it a point to schedule regular video calls, and I'm grateful to have her back in my life.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

pick up where you left off
to resume a conversation, activity, or relationship at the point where it was interrupted or stopped
We picked up where we left off and started working on the project again.
I picked up where I left off in the book and finished reading it.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What influence does social media have on people’s friendships? I think social media has had a profound impact on the way we maintain friendships. On one hand, it's made it easier to stay connected with people we might have otherwise lost touch with. I mean, I've been able to reconnect with old friends from high school and college through Facebook and Instagram, and it's been amazing to see what they're up to. But on the other hand, I think social media can also create a false sense of connection. We might think we're staying in touch with someone because we're liking their posts and commenting on their updates, but in reality, we're not really investing in the relationship. It's like, I can see what my friends are doing, but I'm not really engaging with them on a deeper level. So, while social media has made it easier to stay connected, it's also created a bit of a superficiality to our friendships.

Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation? I think people lose contact with their friends after graduation because life just gets in the way. When you're in school, you're surrounded by your friends all the time, and it's easy to stay close. But after graduation, everyone starts going their separate ways. Some people move to different cities, some people start working, and some people go on to further education. It's just hard to maintain those relationships when you're not seeing each other every day. Plus, I think people often get caught up in their own lives and priorities, and friendships can take a backseat. I've definitely been guilty of that myself. But I think it's also because we don't make the effort to stay in touch. We get busy, and we assume our friends are busy too, so we don't reach out. But the thing is, if we don't make the effort, those friendships can just fade away.

Do people in your country like to make new friends? I think people in the US are generally pretty open to making new friends. We're a pretty social culture, and we tend to value community and connection. I mean, think about it - we have all these social events and gatherings, from sports games to concerts to potlucks. And with the rise of coworking spaces and social clubs, it's easier than ever to meet new people. Plus, I think there's a growing recognition of the importance of social connections for our mental and emotional health. So, yeah, I think people in the US are definitely interested in making new friends. Of course, it can be tough to break into new social circles, but I think most people are willing to put in the effort if it means meeting new people and building meaningful relationships.

Do you think old friends are more important than new friends? I think old friends are definitely special, but I don't think they're necessarily more important than new friends. I mean, old friends have a shared history and a deeper understanding of who you are, which is definitely valuable. But new friends can bring new perspectives and experiences into your life, which can be really enriching. Plus, I think it's possible to form deep connections with new friends, it just might take a little more time and effort. For me, it's not really about old vs. new friends - it's about the quality of the relationship. If I have a new friend who I really click with, that's just as valuable to me as an old friend. At the end of the day, it's all about the people who are in your life and the connections you make with them, regardless of how long you've known them.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

get in the way
to prevent something from happening or to cause problems
I wanted to go to the party, but work got in the way.
I was going to call you, but something got in the way.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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