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Describe a magazine that you like

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a magazine that you like

You should say:

  • What the magazine is
  • When you started reading the magazine
  • What the content is
  • And explain why you like this magazine

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of magazines are most popular?
  2. Do men like to read fashion magazines?
  3. Do people read magazines for fun or to learn something?
  4. Do you like to read news magazines?
  5. Do you think journalists are subjective in their reports?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm obsessed with this magazine called 'The New Philosopher'. It's not your typical glossy mag, it's more like a thought-provoking journal that makes you question everything. The first thing that caught my attention was the cover art - it's always this stunning, minimalist design that sets the tone for the rest of the issue. But what really gets me is the content. They tackle topics like the ethics of AI, the impact of social media on our mental health, and the search for meaning in a post-truth world.

What I love about 'The New Philosopher' is that it's not afraid to get real. The writers aren't trying to sell you anything or push an agenda - they're just exploring the biggest questions of our time. And it's not just the articles, the illustrations and photography are also incredible. They're like little works of art that add another layer of depth to the stories. I mean, who wouldn't want to read about the intersection of technology and humanity, or the future of work, in a magazine that's as visually stunning as it is thought-provoking?

I've been reading 'The New Philosopher' for a while now, and it's become my go-to source for inspiration. It's like having a conversation with a really smart friend who's always pushing me to think differently. I've even started a little ritual where I buy a copy every month and read it cover-to-cover in one sitting. It's my own personal'me time', and it always leaves me feeling energized and motivated to take on the world.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

get real
to be honest and authentic, without pretending or hiding the truth
The magazine isn't afraid to get real about the impact of social media on our mental health.
I love how the writers get real about the challenges of modern life.
causing people to think deeply and carefully about something
The magazine is full of thought-provoking articles that make you question everything.
I love reading thought-provoking books that challenge my assumptions.
post-truth world
a world where facts are no longer considered the most important thing, and people are more influenced by emotions and personal opinions
We're living in a post-truth world where it's hard to know what's real and what's not.
The magazine explores the implications of living in a post-truth world.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of magazines are most popular? I think one of the most popular types of magazines out there are lifestyle magazines. You know, the ones that cover a wide range of topics like travel, food, fashion, and entertainment. People just love to escape into a world of luxury and fantasy, and these magazines provide just that. They're like a mini-vacation from our daily routines. I mean, who wouldn't want to flip through the pages of a magazine and imagine themselves sipping champagne on a yacht in the Mediterranean or trying out the latest fashion trends on the streets of Paris? Lifestyle magazines tap into our desires and aspirations, and that's what makes them so appealing to so many people.

Do men like to read fashion magazines? While fashion magazines are often associated with women, I think men are increasingly interested in reading them too. In fact, many men's fashion magazines have popped up in recent years, catering to the growing demand for men's fashion and grooming advice. These magazines often feature stylish and influential men on their covers, and inside, they showcase the latest fashion trends, grooming tips, and lifestyle advice. I think men are drawn to these magazines because they want to look and feel their best, just like women do. Plus, with the rise of social media, men are under just as much pressure to present a polished image as women are. So, yeah, I definitely think men like to read fashion magazines – they're just as interested in staying stylish and on-trend as women are!

Do people read magazines for fun or to learn something? I think people read magazines for a mix of both, to be honest. On one hand, magazines can be a great source of entertainment – they're like a guilty pleasure. We might pick up a magazine to escape into a world of celebrity gossip, fashion, or to get inspiration for our own lives. But on the other hand, many people also read magazines to learn something new or to stay informed about current events. For example, someone might read a magazine to stay up-to-date on the latest scientific breakthroughs or to learn more about a particular hobby or interest. I think the best magazines are the ones that strike a balance between entertainment and education – they make learning fun and engaging, rather than dry and boring.

Do you like to read news magazines? I do like to read news magazines, but I have to admit that I don't always have the time to keep up with them. I mean, with the 24-hour news cycle and social media, it's easy to stay informed about current events without having to read a physical magazine. That being said, I do appreciate the in-depth analysis and commentary that news magazines often provide. They offer a level of depth and nuance that you might not find in online news sources, and they often feature thoughtful opinions and perspectives from experts in the field. Plus, there's something to be said for holding a physical magazine in your hands and flipping through the pages – it's a more tactile experience than scrolling through news on your phone.

Do you think journalists are subjective in their reports? I think it's impossible for journalists to be completely objective in their reporting – we're all human beings with our own biases and perspectives, after all. That being said, good journalists strive to be as objective as possible, seeking out multiple sources and presenting different viewpoints in their reporting. However, even with the best intentions, journalists can sometimes unintentionally inject their own biases into their reporting. I think it's up to readers to be aware of this and to seek out multiple sources when researching a topic. By doing so, we can get a more well-rounded understanding of the issue at hand and make our own informed decisions.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

tap into
to connect with or access something, especially a feeling or an idea
Lifestyle magazines tap into our desires and aspirations, and that's what makes them so appealing to so many people.
a short break or time of relaxation
They're like a mini-vacation from our daily routines.
polished image
a well-presented and attractive appearance
With the rise of social media, men are under just as much pressure to present a polished image as women are.
guilty pleasure
something that someone enjoys but feels slightly ashamed or embarrassed about
We might pick up a magazine to escape into a world of celebrity gossip, fashion, or to get inspiration for our own lives - it's like a guilty pleasure.
strike a balance
to find a middle ground or compromise between two things
I think the best magazines are the ones that strike a balance between entertainment and education.
24-hour news cycle
the constant and continuous reporting of news on television, radio, and online
With the 24-hour news cycle and social media, it's easy to stay informed about current events.
to introduce or add something, especially an idea or feeling
However, even with the best intentions, journalists can sometimes unintentionally inject their own biases into their reporting.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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