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Describe a person who you think is very open

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a person who you think is very open

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • How you know this person
  • Why you think this person is very open
  • And explain how you feel about this person.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Is it difficult for people from your country to express their feelings?
  2. Who do you think talks more, children or adults?
  3. What’s the difference between males and females when it comes to expressing feelings?
  4. Why do you think people these days are not as open as people in the past?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I've had the pleasure of knowing someone who embodies the concept of being open in every sense of the word. My friend Rachel is the kind of person who wears her heart on her sleeve, and it's both inspiring and intimidating at the same time. She has this incredible ability to be vulnerable and honest about her thoughts, feelings, and experiences, without ever coming across as insensitive or attention-seeking.

One of the things that strikes me most about Rachel is her willingness to listen to others without judgment. She has this gift of creating a safe space for people to open up and share their deepest fears, desires, and dreams. She's not afraid to ask tough questions or challenge people's perspectives, but she does it in a way that's constructive and empathetic.

Rachel's openness extends beyond her relationships, too. She's always been someone who is willing to take risks and try new things, even if it means stepping outside of her comfort zone. Whether it's traveling to a new country, trying a new hobby, or speaking her mind on a sensitive topic, she's never afraid to be herself and express her true feelings.

What I admire most about Rachel is that she's not just open with others, but also with herself. She's constantly reflecting on her own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and is willing to confront her own biases and flaws head-on. It's a quality that's both humbling and inspiring, and it's something that I think we could all learn from.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

Wear one's heart on one's sleeve
To openly show one's emotions or feelings
He's always wearing his heart on his sleeve, so it's easy to tell how he's feeling.
She's very private and doesn't like to wear her heart on her sleeve.
Step outside of one's comfort zone
To do something that makes one feel uncomfortable or nervous
I'm trying to step outside of my comfort zone by taking a public speaking class.
She's always been afraid to step outside of her comfort zone and try new things.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Is it difficult for people from your country to express their feelings? In my experience, people from my country tend to be quite reserved when it comes to expressing their feelings. I think this is because we have a cultural norm of being polite and avoiding conflict, which can sometimes be misinterpreted as being closed off or unemotional. However, I believe that beneath the surface, people from my country are just as emotional and passionate as anyone else, but we may need a little more time and trust to open up and share our true feelings.

Who do you think talks more, children or adults? I think children are definitely more open and talkative than adults. When children are young, they haven't yet developed the social filters that adults have, so they tend to speak their minds and express their feelings freely. They're not afraid to say what they think or ask questions, which is really refreshing. As we grow older, we often learn to censor ourselves and be more careful about what we say, which can make us seem less open and communicative.

What’s the difference between males and females when it comes to expressing feelings? In my opinion, women tend to be more open and expressive when it comes to their emotions, at least in my culture. Women are often socialized to be more nurturing and empathetic, which can make them more comfortable with expressing their feelings and vulnerabilities. Men, on the other hand, are often encouraged to be strong and stoic, which can make it harder for them to open up and show their emotions. Of course, this is a generalization, and there are plenty of exceptions, but I think this is a common pattern that I've observed.

Why do you think people these days are not as open as people in the past? I think one reason people might seem less open today is because of the rise of social media. While social media has made it easier for us to connect with others, it's also created a culture of curated perfectionism, where people only share their highlight reels and hide their true thoughts and feelings. This can make it seem like everyone else has their life together, which can be intimidating and make us less likely to be open and vulnerable. Additionally, the fear of being judged or criticized online can also make people more guarded and less willing to express themselves honestly.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

beneath the surface
hidden or not immediately apparent
people from my country are just as emotional and passionate as anyone else, but we may need a little more time and trust to open up and share our true feelings, which are beneath the surface
speak their minds
to express one's thoughts and opinions freely and honestly
children are not afraid to say what they think or ask questions, which is really refreshing, they speak their minds
social filters
the ways in which people modify their behavior or speech to fit in with social norms
as we grow older, we often learn to censor ourselves and be more careful about what we say, which can make us seem less open and communicative, we develop social filters
curated perfectionism
the practice of presenting a perfect or idealized image of oneself on social media
social media has created a culture of curated perfectionism, where people only share their highlight reels and hide their true thoughts and feelings
highlight reels
the most exciting or impressive parts of someone's life, often presented on social media
social media has created a culture of curated perfectionism, where people only share their highlight reels and hide their true thoughts and feelings

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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