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Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up

You should say:

  • When you first learned about this person
  • Who this person was
  • What they did
  • And why you would like to become like this person

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of famous people do children like?
  2. What good qualities do famous people have?
  3. Do you think advertisements aimed at children should have celebrity endorsements?
  4. Can you compare the lives of children today and in the past?

Sample Cue Card Answer

Growing up, I was obsessed with the idea of being just like my grandfather. He was this larger-than-life figure - a retired Navy pilot with a heart of gold and a quick wit that could charm the pants off anyone. I mean, the man could tell a story that'd make you laugh, cry, and want to fly a plane all at the same time. I wanted to be just like him - fearless, charismatic, and with a sense of adventure that'd put Indiana Jones to shame.

I'd spend hours listening to his stories about flying combat missions, or racing cars, or just being a general all-around cool guy. And I'd try to mimic him, practicing my 'cool guy' face in the mirror, trying to perfect my 'tough guy' swagger. I even went so far as to join the school's debate team, just because he'd been on his college debate team back in the day. I mean, who wouldn't want to be a smooth-talking, fast-flying, world-traveling superhero, right?

But as I got older, I started to realize that being just like my grandfather wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I mean, the man had his flaws - a quick temper, a tendency to be reckless, and a stubbornness that'd put a mule to shame. And I started to see that maybe, just maybe, being like him wasn't the key to happiness or success. Maybe it was okay to forge my own path, to be my own person, with my own strengths and weaknesses.

Now, I'm not saying I don't still admire my grandfather - I do. But I've come to realize that being like him wasn't the goal. The goal was to be the best version of myself, with all my quirks and flaws. And that's a lesson that's stuck with me to this day - that it's okay to look up to people, but it's even more important to be true to yourself.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

larger-than-life figure
a person who seems more impressive or exciting than a normal person
My grandfather was a larger-than-life figure, always telling stories of his adventures.
The rockstar was a larger-than-life figure, with his flashy clothes and charismatic stage presence.
put someone to shame
to make someone look bad or inferior by comparison
My grandfather's sense of adventure would put Indiana Jones to shame.
Her cooking skills put mine to shame - I can barely boil water!
forge one's own path
to create one's own way or make one's own decisions, rather than following someone else
I decided to forge my own path and start my own business.
She forged her own path in the male-dominated field of engineering.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of famous people do children like? When I was growing up, I think kids my age really looked up to athletes and musicians. For me, it was basketball players like Michael Jordan and Shaquille O'Neal. I mean, who wouldn't want to be like Mike, right? He was an incredible player, and his work ethic was inspiring. I remember watching him play and thinking, 'Wow, I want to be able to fly through the air like that someday.' And Shaq was just so dominant on the court, it was like he was unstoppable. I think kids like us looked up to them because they were larger-than-life figures who seemed to embody the idea that with hard work and determination, we could achieve anything we set our minds to.

What good qualities do famous people have? One quality that I think is really admirable in famous people is their perseverance. I mean, think about it - most celebrities have been working towards their goals for years, facing rejection and criticism along the way. But they don't give up. They keep pushing forward, always striving to improve and be better. For example, J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, was a single mom living on welfare when she started writing her books. She faced so many rejections from publishers, but she didn't let that stop her. She kept writing, and eventually, her books became a global phenomenon. That kind of determination and perseverance is something that I think is really inspiring, and it's something that I try to emulate in my own life.

Do you think advertisements aimed at children should have celebrity endorsements? Honestly, I'm not sure that's such a good idea. I mean, kids are already so impressionable, and when they see their favorite celebrity endorsing a product, they're going to want it, no matter what. And sometimes, those products aren't even good for them! I remember when I was a kid, I saw a commercial for a sugary cereal that was endorsed by a popular cartoon character. I begged my mom to buy it for me, and of course, she did. But looking back, I realize that it wasn't a healthy choice at all. I think it's better for kids to learn about healthy habits and values from their parents and educators, rather than from celebrities who are just trying to sell them something.

Can you compare the lives of children today and in the past? Oh, definitely. I think kids today have so many more opportunities and resources available to them than we did when I was growing up. For example, with the internet, kids can access information and educational resources from all over the world. They can learn about anything they're interested in, at any time. When I was a kid, we had to rely on books and encyclopedias for research, and it was a lot harder to find information. On the other hand, I think kids today are also facing a lot more pressure and stress than we did. They're constantly connected to their devices, and they're exposed to so much more advertising and media than we were. It's like, they're growing up in a completely different world. But despite all the differences, I think kids are still kids, and they still need the same things we did when we were growing up: love, support, and guidance from their families and communities.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

someone or something that seems impressive or extraordinary
The rockstar was a larger-than-life figure, known for his outrageous stage presence and charismatic personality.

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