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Describe a film you watched recently that was disappointing

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Cue Card

Describe a film you watched recently that was disappointing

You should say:

  • when and where it was
  • who you went with
  • what the film was about
  • why you decided to watch it; and,
  • explain why you felt disappointed.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you pay attention to film reviews when choosing a film?
  2. What are the different types of films in your country?
  3. Are historical films popular in your country?
  4. Do you think famous actors and actresses are more talented than others?
  5. Why are Japanese animated films so popular?
  6. Should famous actors and actresses be paid a lot of money?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I just got back from the cinema and I'm still trying to process the mess that was 'Galactic Odyssey 2: The Next Chapter'. I mean, the trailer looked epic - stunning visuals, heart-pumping action sequences, and a star-studded cast. But let me tell you, the actual movie was a total snooze fest. The plot was predictable, the dialogue was cheesy, and the characters were about as deep as a kiddie pool. I swear, I've seen better acting in a high school play.

I think what really got my goat was the wasted potential. The first Galactic Odyssey was a game-changer - it had this gritty, realistic take on space exploration that really drew you in. But the sequel just felt like a lazy cash-grab. They took all the things that made the first one great and replaced them with tired cliches and over-the-top special effects. It was like they thought they could just phone it in and the fans would still eat it up.

And don't even get me started on the 'twist' ending. I mean, I saw it coming a mile away. It was like they took every sci-fi trope from the past 20 years and mashed them all together into this big, messy ball of predictability. I was literally checking my watch by the time the credits rolled.

I guess what's really disappointing is that I was genuinely excited to see this movie. I loved the first one, and I was hoping for more of the same. But instead, I got a shallow, uninspired sequel that felt like a total waste of my time. Maybe I'm just getting too old for blockbuster movies, but I expect more from my entertainment. Has anyone else seen Galactic Odyssey 2? Am I just being too harsh?

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

get my goat
to annoy or irritate someone
The noise from the construction site really gets my goat.
I hate it when people litter - it gets my goat.
phone it in
to do something with a lack of effort or enthusiasm, often because one is bored or uninterested
I feel like the actor phoned in his performance - it was so unconvincing.
I'm so tired of this project, I'm just going to phone it in and hope no one notices.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you pay attention to film reviews when choosing a film? Honestly, I used to pay a lot of attention to film reviews when choosing a film, but not so much anymore. I think I used to rely too heavily on reviews, and it would really influence my decision on whether or not to watch a movie. But I've realized that reviews are just one person's opinion, and what might be a great movie to one person might not be as great to another. Now, I try to read a few reviews to get a general idea of what to expect, but I also trust my own instincts and watch trailers to get a feel for the movie. I think it's a good balance between being informed and not being swayed by someone else's opinion.

What are the different types of films in your country? In the United States, we have a really diverse film industry, and there are many different types of films that cater to various tastes and interests. We have big-budget blockbusters, independent films, documentaries, animated movies, and many more. I think one of the things that sets American cinema apart is the diversity of genres and styles. We have films that are specifically geared towards different age groups, cultures, and interests, which I think is really cool. For example, we have films like superhero movies that are great for families and action fans, while we also have indie films that are more suited for art-house enthusiasts.

Are historical films popular in your country? Historical films are definitely popular in the United States, and I think it's because people are naturally drawn to stories that are based on real events or figures. There's something about seeing a piece of history come to life on the big screen that's really captivating. I think historical films also offer a unique way to learn about the past, and they can be a great way to spark people's interest in history. Plus, many historical films are also critically acclaimed and have won numerous awards, which I think adds to their appeal.

Do you think famous actors and actresses are more talented than others? I don't think that famous actors and actresses are necessarily more talented than others, but I do think they often have more opportunities and resources available to them. I mean, when you're a well-known actor or actress, you're more likely to get offered roles in big-budget films and have access to top-notch directors and producers. But at the same time, I think there are many talented actors and actresses who aren't as well-known, and they might not have the same opportunities. I think talent is one thing, but opportunity and circumstance play a big role in determining who becomes a household name.

Why are Japanese animated films so popular? I think Japanese animated films, also known as anime, are so popular because they offer a unique blend of storytelling, visuals, and culture. Anime often has a distinct style that's different from Western animation, and I think that's part of its appeal. The stories are often complex and layered, with deep characters and themes, which I think resonates with audiences. Plus, anime often explores topics and genres that might not be as common in Western animation, like science fiction and fantasy. I think that's part of why anime has such a dedicated fan base.

Should famous actors and actresses be paid a lot of money? I think it's a complex issue, and there are valid arguments on both sides. On one hand, famous actors and actresses are often the face of a film and can make or break its success. They also often have to put in a lot of time and effort to prepare for their roles, and they might have to deal with a lot of scrutiny and pressure. On the other hand, I think it's hard to justify paying someone tens of millions of dollars for a single film, especially when there are so many other people who work hard behind the scenes to make a movie happen. I think it's a matter of finding a fair balance between compensating actors and actresses for their work and not overpaying them to the point where it's unsustainable.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

make or break
to have the power to cause something to succeed or fail
The lead actor's performance can make or break the movie.
The new policy can make or break the company's reputation.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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