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Describe a risk you took that had a positive result

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a risk you took that had a positive result

You should say:

  • What it was
  • Why you took this risk
  • What the outcome was
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?
  2. Are action films popular in your country?
  3. Do you think it’s a good thing for a leader to take risks?
  4. Do you think men and women think differently about risk-taking?
  5. Do you think young people and old people think differently about risk-taking?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'll never forget the time I decided to leave my corporate job to start my own business. It was a risk that made my friends and family think I was crazy, but it ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made. I had always been passionate about sustainable energy, and I saw an opportunity to create a company that could make a real impact in the industry. Of course, there were plenty of sleepless nights and moments of doubt, but I was driven by my vision and determination.

The risk paid off in ways I never could have imagined. Not only did my company take off, but I also discovered a sense of purpose and fulfillment that I had been missing in my previous job. I learned that sometimes, taking a risk can be the best way to discover your true potential. And, as it turned out, my company ended up creating a new standard for sustainable energy in our industry, which was a truly rewarding outcome.

Looking back, I realize that taking that risk was not just about starting a business, but about discovering my own resilience and capabilities. It taught me to trust my instincts and to be open to new opportunities, even if they scare me. And, as I look to the future, I know that I'll continue to take calculated risks to drive innovation and growth, both personally and professionally.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

take a risk
to do something that might be dangerous or have an uncertain outcome, but could also lead to great rewards
I took a risk and invested in the stock market.
She took a risk and quit her job to travel the world.
pay off
to have a successful or desirable outcome
The risk paid off and the company became very successful.
Her hard work paid off when she got the promotion.
drive innovation
to encourage and support the creation of new and original ideas
The company's culture drives innovation and creativity.
The new policy aims to drive innovation in the industry.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Why do some people enjoy extreme sports? I think some people enjoy extreme sports because it gives them a rush of adrenaline and a sense of accomplishment that they can't get from other activities. For example, skydivers often talk about the thrill of free-falling from 10,000 feet and the sense of pride they feel when they land safely. It's not just about the physical thrill, but also the mental challenge of pushing themselves to do something that most people wouldn't dare to try. By taking on these risks, they're able to test their limits and discover what they're truly capable of.

Are action films popular in your country? Action films are incredibly popular in the United States, and I think it's because they allow viewers to experience thrilling situations vicariously. We get to see our favorite heroes take risks and face danger head-on, all from the safety of our movie seats. It's a way for us to live out our own fantasies and experience the rush of adrenaline without actually putting ourselves in harm's way. Plus, action films often feature complex plots and memorable characters, which adds to their appeal.

Do you think it’s a good thing for a leader to take risks? I believe that taking calculated risks can be a great quality for a leader to have. When a leader takes a thoughtful risk, it shows that they're willing to challenge the status quo and try new approaches to solve problems. This can lead to innovation and progress, which can be incredibly beneficial for their organization or community. Of course, there's a fine line between taking a calculated risk and being reckless, but when done correctly, risk-taking can be a sign of a leader's confidence and willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

Do you think men and women think differently about risk-taking? While there's no straightforward answer to this question, research suggests that men and women may have different attitudes towards risk-taking due to a combination of biological and cultural factors. For example, some studies have shown that men tend to be more likely to take physical risks, such as engaging in extreme sports, while women may be more cautious in these situations. However, when it comes to social risks, such as speaking up in a meeting or switching careers, women may be more willing to take the leap. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that individual personalities and experiences play a much bigger role in shaping our attitudes towards risk-taking than our gender.

Do you think young people and old people think differently about risk-taking? I think that young people and old people often have different perspectives on risk-taking due to their varying life experiences and priorities. Young people, for instance, may be more likely to take risks because they have their whole lives ahead of them and may feel like they have less to lose. They're also more likely to be in a phase of exploration and experimentation, which can involve taking risks to discover their passions and interests. On the other hand, older people may be more cautious due to their accumulated responsibilities, such as family and financial obligations, and may be more focused on preserving what they have rather than taking bold risks.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

take the leap
to take a risk and do something new or challenging
She decided to take the leap and start her own business.
He took the leap and moved to a new country to pursue his dream job.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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