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Describe a time a child made you laugh

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Cue Card

Describe a time a child made you laugh

You should say:

  • When it was
  • Where you were
  • Who the child was
  • What the child did
  • And explain why you laughed.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What can make children laugh?
  2. What do you think is the best age for people to have children?
  3. Do you think people should receive training before becoming a parent?
  4. Do you think childhood is the most important part of someone’s development?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'll never forget the time my little niece, Emma, made me laugh so hard I snorted my coffee out my nose. She was only four years old at the time, and we were playing a game of make-believe in her living room. She was pretending to be a princess, and I was her trusty knight, sworn to protect her from the evil dragon (aka her stuffed animal, Mr. Whiskers). As we were 'battling' the dragon, Emma suddenly stopped, looked up at me with a mischievous grin, and declared, 'I'm not a princess, I'm a superhero! And my superpower is... I can FART!' She then proceeded to make the most ridiculous, over-the-top fart noises with her mouth, complete with sound effects and dramatic arm flailing. I was taken aback at first, but her infectious laughter soon had me giggling uncontrollably. We spent the next 10 minutes laughing and making fart noises together, completely absorbed in our silly game.

What struck me most about that moment was the unbridled joy and creativity that children bring to play. Emma's imagination was running wild, and she was completely unselfconscious about it. She wasn't worried about what others might think or whether her fart noises were 'cool' or not. She was simply having the time of her life, and that was infectious. As adults, we often lose that sense of playfulness and creativity as we get caught up in the seriousness of everyday life. But children remind us that laughter and play are essential to our well-being, and that sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of silliness to bring us back to life.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

unbridled joy
complete and uncontrolled happiness
The children's unbridled joy was palpable as they played in the park.
The crowd erupted in unbridled joy when the home team scored the winning goal.
not worrying about what others think
She was unselfconscious about her singing, belting out her favorite tunes at the top of her lungs.
He was unselfconscious about his dancing, spinning and twirling across the dance floor with abandon.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What can make children laugh? You know, I've found that kids have this incredible ability to find humor in the most mundane things. Like, I was at the park with my niece the other day, and she was absolutely cracking up because a squirrel was chasing its tail. I mean, it was just a normal squirrel doing its thing, but to her, it was the most hilarious thing she'd ever seen. I think what makes kids laugh is their sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. They're still learning about everything, and they're not yet jaded by the things that we adults take for granted. So, they find joy in the simple things, like a silly animal or a game of peek-a-boo.

What do you think is the best age for people to have children? I think the best age for people to have children is when they're emotionally and financially ready. For some people, that might be in their early twenties, while for others, it might be in their thirties or even forties. What's most important is that they're in a stable place in their lives, where they can provide a loving and supportive environment for their child. I've seen people have kids at all different ages, and what matters most is that they're committed to being good parents, not necessarily how old they are. Of course, there are pros and cons to having kids at different ages, but ultimately, it's about being ready to take on that responsibility and provide for another human being.

Do you think people should receive training before becoming a parent? I definitely think that people should receive some kind of training or preparation before becoming a parent. I mean, having a child is a huge responsibility, and it's not something that you can just wing. There are so many things to consider, from childcare and discipline to education and emotional support. While you can't prepare for everything, having some kind of training or guidance can really help new parents feel more confident and equipped to handle the challenges of parenthood. Plus, it's not just about the parents – it's about giving the child the best possible start in life. I think that's really important.

Do you think childhood is the most important part of someone’s development? I think childhood is a really critical part of someone's development, but I'm not sure if it's the most important part. I mean, every stage of life has its own unique challenges and opportunities for growth. That being said, childhood is a time when we learn so many fundamental skills and values that shape who we become as adults. It's a time when we develop our sense of self, our relationships with others, and our understanding of the world around us. If we don't get a solid foundation in childhood, it can be harder to build on that later in life. So, while I don't think it's the only important part of someone's development, I do think it's a really crucial time that sets the stage for everything that comes later.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

find humor in
to discover or appreciate something as funny
I find humor in the most mundane things
Kids find humor in silly animals
sense of wonder
a feeling of amazement or curiosity
Kids have a sense of wonder about the world
A sense of wonder is what makes kids laugh
emotionally and financially ready
prepared and stable in terms of emotions and money
I think the best age for people to have children is when they're emotionally and financially ready
Being emotionally and financially ready is important for being a good parent
take on responsibility
to accept and handle a duty or obligation
Being a parent is a huge responsibility
Taking on responsibility is important for being a good parent
wing it
to do something without planning or preparation
Having a child is not something you can just wing
Winging it is not a good idea when it comes to parenting
give someone the best possible start in life
to provide someone with the best opportunities and support for their future
Giving a child the best possible start in life is important
It's about giving the child the best possible start in life
set the stage
to prepare or create a situation for something to happen
Childhood sets the stage for everything that comes later
A solid foundation in childhood sets the stage for a successful life

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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