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Describe something that you do to help you concentrate on your work/studies

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe something that you do to help you concentrate on your work/studies

You should say:

  • what you do
  • how it helps you concentrate
  • when you do it; and
  • explain how you feel about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you think it is more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays, compared to the past?
  2. Do you think technology harms children’s ability to concentrate?
  3. Can exercise help people improve their concentration?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm a big believer in the power of a change of scenery to boost focus. When I'm feeling stuck or distracted, I grab my laptop and head to the local park. There's something about being surrounded by nature that helps me clear my mind and get in the zone. I find a quiet spot under a tree, set up my laptop, and get to work. The fresh air and sounds of birds chirping are a welcome change from the hum of my apartment's air conditioner, and I find that I can focus for hours without getting restless.

Another thing that helps me concentrate is making a'stop doing' list. Yep, you read that right - a list of things I'm not going to do. I write down all the things that distract me the most, like checking my phone or scrolling through social media, and then I make a conscious effort to avoid them. It's amazing how much more productive I am when I'm not constantly checking my notifications. I also try to eliminate any other distractions, like turning off the TV or finding a quiet room in the house.

I've also started using the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in focused 25-minute increments, followed by a five-minute break. It sounds simple, but it's been a game-changer for me. I find that I can stay focused for those short bursts, and the breaks give me a chance to recharge before diving back in. Plus, it's a great way to make progress on big projects without feeling overwhelmed.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

get in the zone
to become completely focused and immersed in an activity
I get in the zone when I'm coding and can work for hours without noticing the time.
hum of the air conditioner
a low, steady noise
The hum of the air conditioner was driving me crazy, so I turned it off.
make a conscious effort
to deliberately try to do something
I'm making a conscious effort to eat healthier and exercise more.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you think it is more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays, compared to the past? I think it's definitely more challenging for kids to concentrate these days. One reason is the sheer amount of stimulation they're exposed to from a very young age. With the rise of smartphones and social media, kids are constantly bombarded with notifications, messages, and endless streams of information. This can make it tough for them to focus on one thing for an extended period. In the past, kids might have had fewer distractions, and their attention spans were likely longer as a result. For example, my parents used to tell me that when they were kids, they'd spend hours playing outside, using their imagination, and engaging in activities that required sustained attention. Nowadays, it's not uncommon to see kids glued to screens for hours on end, which can lead to a decrease in their ability to concentrate.

Do you think technology harms children’s ability to concentrate? I believe technology can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to kids' concentration. On the one hand, technology provides access to a wealth of educational resources and tools that can help kids learn and engage with material in new and innovative ways. However, excessive screen time and the constant stream of notifications can be detrimental to their ability to focus. I think the key is finding a balance. When used in moderation, technology can be a powerful tool to help kids develop their concentration skills. For instance, apps like Duolingo or Khan Academy can make learning fun and interactive, which can actually help kids stay focused. But when technology becomes an addiction, it can have the opposite effect. Parents and caregivers need to be mindful of this and set limits to ensure kids have a healthy relationship with technology.

Can exercise help people improve their concentration? Exercise is a game-changer when it comes to improving concentration. When we engage in physical activity, our brains release endorphins, which are chemicals that help us feel more alert and focused. Exercise also improves blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function and boost concentration. I think one of the reasons exercise is so effective is that it allows us to clear our minds and reduce stress. When we're physically active, we're able to quiet the constant chatter in our minds and focus on the task at hand. For example, I know a lot of people who swear by going for a run or doing a quick workout before a big exam or important meeting. The physical activity helps them feel more centered and focused, which in turn improves their concentration and mental clarity.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

bombarded with notifications
to be overwhelmed with a large number of messages or information
With the rise of smartphones and social media, kids are constantly bombarded with notifications, messages, and endless streams of information.
glued to screens
to be completely focused on a screen, often for an extended period of time
Nowadays, it's not uncommon to see kids glued to screens for hours on end, which can lead to a decrease in their ability to concentrate.
a blessing and a curse
something that has both positive and negative effects
I believe technology can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to kids' concentration.
find a balance
to find a middle ground or compromise between two extremes
I think the key is finding a balance. When used in moderation, technology can be a powerful tool to help kids develop their concentration.
something that has a significant and positive impact
Exercise is a game-changer when it comes to improving concentration.
clear our minds
to calm and focus one's thoughts
When we're physically active, we're able to clear our minds and reduce stress.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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