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Describe a successful businessperson you know

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Cue Card

Describe a successful businessperson you know

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • how you came to know them
  • what kinds of businesses they run; and,
  • explain why they are successful.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of factors lead to success?
  2. What do people need to sacrifice in order to be successful?
  3. Are family businesses more likely to be successful than a large corporation?
  4. Is it easy for a business to be successful without harming the environment?
  5. Are there any famous family-run businesses in your country?
  6. What kinds of qualities should be considered when recruiting a new employee?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm gonna tell you about my friend Rachel, the founder of a sustainable fashion brand that's killing the game. This woman is a force to be reckoned with. She's got a vision, she's got drive, and she's got a whole lot of grit. I met Rachel back in college, and even then, she was always talking about her passion for fashion and the environment. She was like, 'I'm gonna make clothes that are not only stylish but also good for the planet.' And I was like, 'Girl, that's a tall order.' But she was dead serious.

Fast forward a few years, and Rachel's brand is now a household name. She's got a team of designers, manufacturers, and marketers working for her, and she's still the driving force behind it all. What I admire most about Rachel is her ability to balance creativity with business savvy. She's not just a designer; she's a CEO, a problem-solver, and a leader. She's always looking for ways to innovate and stay ahead of the curve.

One thing that sets Rachel apart is her commitment to sustainability. She's always pushing the boundaries of what's possible with eco-friendly materials and production methods. And it's not just about saving the planet; it's also about making a profit. She's proven that you can do well by doing good, and that's a lesson we can all learn from. Rachel's success isn't just about her; it's about the impact she's having on the world.

So, what's the secret to Rachel's success? For starters, she's got a clear vision and a strong work ethic. She's also not afraid to take risks and try new things. And she's got a team of people who believe in her and her mission. But I think what really sets her apart is her passion. She's not just in it for the money or the fame; she's in it because she genuinely wants to make a difference.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

killing the game
to be extremely successful or dominant in a particular field or activity
The new restaurant is killing the game with its unique menu.
She's killing the game in her career as a lawyer.
a force to be reckoned with
a person or thing that is strong, powerful, or influential
The new CEO is a force to be reckoned with in the business world.
The hurricane was a force to be reckoned with, causing widespread destruction.
dead serious
completely serious and not joking
I'm dead serious about quitting my job if they don't give me a raise.
He was dead serious about his plan to travel the world.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of factors lead to success? In my opinion, one of the most significant factors that lead to success is adaptability. I've seen many businesspeople who are able to pivot quickly in response to changes in the market or industry, and that's what sets them apart. For example, I know a successful entrepreneur who started out selling products online, but when the market became saturated, she quickly shifted her focus to creating educational content around her products. This not only helped her stay ahead of the competition but also established her as an authority in her field. Her ability to adapt to changing circumstances was key to her success.

What do people need to sacrifice in order to be successful? I think one thing people often need to sacrifice in order to be successful is a traditional work-life balance. Many successful businesspeople I know put in incredibly long hours, especially in the early stages of their careers. They're willing to make short-term sacrifices in order to achieve their long-term goals. For instance, I know a tech entrepreneur who spent years working 12-hour days, 6 days a week, in order to get his startup off the ground. It wasn't easy, but it paid off in the end. Of course, this doesn't mean that work-life balance is impossible, but it does mean being willing to make some sacrifices in order to achieve success.

Are family businesses more likely to be successful than a large corporation? I don't think it's necessarily true that family businesses are more likely to be successful than large corporations. What I do think is that family businesses often have a unique advantage when it comes to long-term thinking. Because they're not beholden to quarterly profits, they can take a more patient approach to decision-making. For example, I know a family-owned winery that's been in business for generations. They're able to take a 10- or 20-year view when it comes to their business decisions, which allows them to make investments that might not pay off immediately but will benefit the business in the long run.

Is it easy for a business to be successful without harming the environment? I think it's getting easier for businesses to be successful without harming the environment, but it's still not easy. One thing that's helping is the growing demand from consumers for sustainable products and practices. This is creating a market incentive for businesses to prioritize the environment. For instance, I know a fashion brand that's made a commitment to using only sustainable materials in their products. It's not just good for the environment, it's also good for their bottom line, because consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products.

Are there any famous family-run businesses in your country? One famous family-run business in the US is the Mars candy company. It's been family-owned for over 100 years and is still run by the Mars family today. What's interesting about Mars is that they've managed to balance their commitment to family ownership with the need to stay competitive in a rapidly changing industry. They've done this by investing in new technologies and innovations, while still maintaining their core values and mission. It's a great example of how family businesses can thrive over the long term.

What kinds of qualities should be considered when recruiting a new employee? When recruiting a new employee, I think one of the most important qualities to consider is a growth mindset. You want to hire people who are curious, love to learn, and are always looking for ways to improve. This is especially important in today's fast-changing business environment, where adaptability is key. For example, I know a company that hires people based on their potential, rather than just their existing skills. They look for people who are eager to learn and take on new challenges, and then provide them with the training and support they need to succeed.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

think outside the box
to be creative and come up with new ideas

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