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Describe a time you received positive feedback

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time you received positive feedback

You should say:

  • who gave you the feedback
  • when it was
  • why they gave you the positive feedback; and
  • explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do children need lots of encouragement as they grow up?
  2. Which do people find most useful, positive or negative feedback?
  3. Do you think people seek fame and public recognition nowadays?
  4. Do you think famous people should do more charity work?
  5. Do you think people seek fame and public recognition nowadays?
  6. Do you think people seek fame and public recognition nowadays?
  7. Should bosses and managers give employees positive feedback? Why?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'll never forget the time I received an email from my boss after a big project I worked on. It was a team effort, but I had taken the lead on it and put in countless hours to make sure it was perfect. The email was brief, but it made my day. It said something like, 'Great job on the project, your hard work really paid off.' It was a simple sentence, but it made me feel seen and appreciated.

What struck me most about that feedback was that it was specific. My boss didn't just say 'good job' or 'nice work.' He specifically mentioned the project and how my hard work had paid off. That made it feel more genuine and sincere.

Getting that kind of feedback was a huge confidence booster for me. It made me feel like all my hard work was worth it, and that my boss actually noticed and appreciated it. It's funny, because after that email, I felt like I could take on anything. I was more motivated to tackle new projects and push myself even harder.

Looking back, I realize that positive feedback like that is so important. It's not just about feeling good, it's about feeling seen and appreciated. It's about knowing that your hard work is worth it. And it's not just about the person giving the feedback, it's about the person receiving it too. It's about how we respond to it and how we use it to motivate ourselves to be better.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

paid off
to produce a desired or successful result
His hard work on the project paid off when he got a promotion.
The investment paid off when the company's stock price rose.
confidence booster
something that increases a person's confidence
Getting a new job was a huge confidence booster for me.
The compliment from my boss was a confidence booster.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do children need lots of encouragement as they grow up? I definitely think that children need lots of encouragement as they grow up. When kids receive positive feedback, it helps to build their confidence and self-esteem. It's especially important during childhood, when they're still learning and developing their skills. Positive reinforcement can help them feel more secure and motivated to continue learning and trying new things. I've seen it firsthand with the kids I've worked with - when they receive praise and encouragement, they light up and become more eager to take on new challenges.

Which do people find most useful, positive or negative feedback? I think people generally find positive feedback more useful. While negative feedback can be helpful in identifying areas for improvement, positive feedback is more motivating and encouraging. It helps people feel good about themselves and their accomplishments, and it can boost their confidence and self-esteem. Plus, positive feedback is often more specific and actionable, which makes it more useful for making changes and improvements.

Do you think people seek fame and public recognition nowadays? I think some people do seek fame and public recognition, but not everyone. With the rise of social media, it's easier than ever to share your life and accomplishments with others and get feedback and validation. Some people crave that attention and affirmation, and they'll do whatever it takes to get it. But others are more low-key and don't need or want all that attention. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and what motivates them.

Do you think famous people should do more charity work? I think famous people have a platform and a responsibility to use their influence for good. Doing charity work is a great way for them to give back to their communities and make a positive impact. It's also a way for them to show their fans that they care about more than just their own fame and fortune. Of course, not all famous people are obligated to do charity work, but I think it's a great way for them to use their platform to make a difference.

Do you think people seek fame and public recognition nowadays? I think some people do seek fame and public recognition, but not everyone. With the rise of social media, it's easier than ever to share your life and accomplishments with others and get feedback and validation. Some people crave that attention, and they'll do whatever it takes to get it. But others are more low-key and don't need or want all that attention. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and what motivates them.

Do you think people seek fame and public recognition nowadays? I think some people do seek fame and public recognition, but not everyone. With the rise of social media, it's easier than ever to share your life and accomplishments with others and get feedback and validation. Some people crave that attention, and they'll do whatever it takes to get it. But others are more low-key and don't need or want all that attention. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and what motivates them.

Should bosses and managers give employees positive feedback? Why? I think bosses and managers should definitely give employees positive feedback. It's a great way to motivate and encourage employees to do their best work. When employees receive positive feedback, they feel valued and appreciated, and it boosts their confidence and morale. It also helps to create a positive work environment and can improve productivity and job satisfaction. Plus, it's just good management practice - employees want to know that their hard work is recognized and appreciated.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

build their confidence and self-esteem
to increase someone's faith in their own abilities and worth
Positive reinforcement can help children build their confidence and self-esteem.
boost their confidence and morale
to increase someone's faith in their own abilities and overall mood
Positive feedback can boost employees' confidence and morale.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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