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Describe a time when you did not tell a friend the truth

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time when you did not tell a friend the truth

You should say:

  • When it was
  • Where it happened
  • Why you didn’t tell the truth
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you think mutual trust between friends is important?
  2. Do you think people need to tell the truth all the time?
  3. Why do children tell lies?
  4. What should parents do if their child lies?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'll never forget the time I didn't tell my best friend, Rachel, the truth. We were in college, and I had just gotten into a huge fight with my boyfriend at the time. Rachel had been asking me for weeks if everything was okay, and I kept brushing it off, telling her that everything was fine. But the truth was, I was miserable. I was feeling trapped in the relationship and didn't know how to get out. I was too proud to admit it to Rachel, and I didn't want to burden her with my problems.

Looking back, I realize that not telling Rachel the truth was a huge mistake. I was so caught up in trying to appear perfect that I didn't give her the opportunity to support me when I needed it most. I was worried that if I told her the truth, she would judge me or think less of me. But in reality, she would have probably been understanding and supportive, and I would have felt so much better if I had just been honest with her.

It wasn't until months later, when I finally confided in Rachel about what was going on, that I realized the weight of not telling her the truth had been carrying. She listened to me with empathy and understanding, and we were able to work through my problems together. I learned a valuable lesson that day: honesty is always the best policy, even when it's hard. By not telling Rachel the truth, I was not only hurting myself but also our friendship. From then on, I made a promise to myself to always be truthful, even if it's difficult.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

Honesty is the best policy
A phrase that means it's always best to tell the truth, even if it's difficult or uncomfortable.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you think mutual trust between friends is important? I think mutual trust between friends is the foundation of any strong and healthy friendship. When you trust your friend, you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with them, and you know they'll be there to support you. Trust is what allows you to be vulnerable and open with each other, which is essential for building a deep and meaningful connection. Without trust, friendships can feel superficial and lacking in intimacy. When I think about my own friendships, I realize that trust is what makes them feel safe and secure. I know I can count on my friends to be honest with me, and that they'll have my back no matter what. And I think that's what makes our friendships so strong and resilient.

Do you think people need to tell the truth all the time? I think people should strive to tell the truth as much as possible, but I also believe that there are situations where withholding the truth might be necessary. For example, if telling the truth would cause harm to someone or put them in danger, then it's probably better to keep quiet. But in general, honesty is always the best policy, especially in relationships. When you're truthful with someone, you build trust and credibility, and you avoid hurting them with lies or half-truths. However, I also think that it's okay to withhold the truth if it's not necessary to share it. For instance, if someone asks you if you like their new haircut and you don't, it's okay to say something kind but not entirely truthful, like 'I think it's a bold choice.' This way, you're not hurting their feelings, but you're also not lying outright.

Why do children tell lies? I think children tell lies for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they might lie because they're afraid of getting in trouble or disappointing their parents. Other times, they might lie because they're trying to impress their friends or get attention. But I think one of the main reasons children tell lies is because they're still learning about the consequences of their actions and the importance of honesty. Children often don't have the cognitive ability to understand the impact of their lies, and they might not have developed the skills to communicate their feelings and needs effectively. For example, a child might lie about breaking a toy because they're afraid of getting in trouble, but they might not understand that lying can damage their relationship with their parents and make it harder to trust them in the future.

What should parents do if their child lies? If a parent catches their child lying, I think the most important thing they can do is to stay calm and not overreact. Yelling or punishing the child can create more harm than good and make them more likely to lie in the future. Instead, parents should try to understand why their child lied and have an open and honest conversation with them about it. They should explain why lying is not acceptable and how it can hurt people, but also reassure their child that they love and accept them no matter what. It's also important for parents to model honest behavior themselves and to create a safe and supportive environment where their child feels comfortable telling the truth. By doing so, parents can help their child develop a strong sense of integrity and a lifelong habit of honesty.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

be there for someone
to support and help someone when they need it
I know I can count on my friends to be there for me, and that they'll have my back no matter what.
have someone's back
to support and protect someone
I know I can count on my friends to be there for me, and that they'll have my back no matter what.
strive to do something
to try very hard to do something
I think people should strive to tell the truth as much as possible.
withhold the truth
to keep the truth secret or not tell the truth
For example, if telling the truth would cause harm to someone or put them in danger, then it's probably better to withhold the truth.
not entirely truthful
not completely honest
it's okay to say something kind but not entirely truthful, like 'I think it's a bold choice.'
get in trouble
to be punished or have problems because of something you have done
Sometimes, they might lie because they're afraid of getting in trouble or disappointing their parents.
disappoint someone
to make someone feel sad or unhappy because you have not done what they expected or wanted you to do
Sometimes, they might lie because they're afraid of getting in trouble or disappointing their parents.
to react too strongly to something
Yelling or punishing the child can create more harm than good and make them more likely to lie in the future.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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