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Describe an item you bought that cost more than you expected

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an item you bought that cost more than you expected

You should say:

  • What it was
  • How much you spent
  • Why you bought it
  • And explain why you spent more than you expected.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you often buy more than you planned?
  2. What do you think young people spend most of their money on?
  3. Do you think it is important to save money? Why?
  4. Do people buy things they don’t need?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm still reeling from the sticker shock I got when I bought my new bike. I'd been eyeing it for months, and I knew it was an investment, but nothing could've prepared me for the final price tag. I mean, it's just a bike, right? Wrong. This thing is a beast - carbon fiber frame, top-of-the-line gears, the works. I'd been riding a clunker for years, and I figured it was time to upgrade. But $2,500? That's a mortgage payment.

Now, I know what you're thinking - 'Why not just get a cheaper one?' Well, let me tell you, this bike is a game-changer. It's like the difference between a Toyota and a Tesla. Sure, they'll both get you where you need to go, but one of them is going to make you feel like a total boss. And that's what this bike does. It's like an extension of my body, responding to every pedal stroke and turn of the handlebars. It's freedom, plain and simple.

Of course, there are the naysayers who say I'm crazy for spending that kind of cash on a bike. But let me ask you - what's the point of working hard if you can't treat yourself every now and then? This bike is my reward for years of grinding. And besides, it's not just about the bike itself - it's about the experiences I'll have on it. The long rides through the countryside, the thrill of speeding down a hill, the sense of accomplishment when I reach the top of a tough climb. That's what I'm paying for - not just a bike, but a go-live date of October 1st.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

sticker shock
a feeling of surprise or shock at the high price of something
I got sticker shock when I saw the price of the new iPhone.
The sticker shock of buying a house is no joke.
something that has a significant impact or effect
The new policy is a game-changer for our company.
That new restaurant is a game-changer for the food scene in this city.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you often buy more than you planned? To be honest, I'd say I'm guilty of buying more than I planned from time to time. It's usually when I'm out shopping for something specific, but then I see something else that catches my eye. Before I know it, I've got a few extra items in my cart that weren't on my original list. I think it's because I get caught up in the excitement of finding something new and interesting, and I don't always take the time to think through whether I really need it. But I'm working on being more mindful of my spending habits and sticking to my shopping list.

What do you think young people spend most of their money on? From what I've observed, I think young people spend a lot of their money on experiences rather than material possessions. They're more likely to splurge on concert tickets, travel, or trying out a new restaurant than on buying the latest gadget or fashion trend. I think this is because they value creating memories and having unique experiences over accumulating stuff. Plus, with social media, it's easier than ever to share and relive those experiences, which makes them feel more valuable and worthwhile.

Do you think it is important to save money? Why? Absolutely, I think saving money is crucial for achieving financial stability and peace of mind. When you have a cushion of savings, you're better equipped to handle unexpected expenses or financial setbacks. Plus, saving allows you to make long-term plans and work towards big goals, like buying a house or retiring comfortably. For me, saving is about having peace of mind and feeling secure in my financial situation. It's not just about accumulating wealth, but about having the freedom to make choices and pursue my passions without worrying about money.

Do people buy things they don’t need? Unfortunately, I think people often buy things they don't need, and it's often driven by emotions rather than necessity. We might buy something because it's on sale, or because we see someone else with it, or because we're feeling stressed or bored. I think this is because we often use shopping as a way to cope with our emotions or to try to fill a void. But the thing is, buying things we don't need can actually create more problems than it solves – it can lead to clutter, debt, and a sense of dissatisfaction. I think it's essential to be more mindful of our purchasing habits and ask ourselves if we really need something before we buy it.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

buy more than I planned
to purchase more items than originally intended
I bought more than I planned at the store today.
caught up in the excitement
to become excited or enthusiastic about something and lose control of one's actions
I got caught up in the excitement of the sale and bought too much.
splurge on
to spend a lot of money on something, often impulsively
I splurged on a new handbag last week.
value creating memories
to consider experiences and memories to be more important than material possessions
I value creating memories with my family over buying expensive gifts.
cushion of savings
a amount of money saved for emergencies or unexpected expenses
Having a cushion of savings helped me during the financial crisis.
financial stability
a state of being financially secure and stable
cope with emotions
to deal with or manage one's emotions in a healthy way
I cope with stress by going for a walk.
fill a void
to try to satisfy an emotional need or emptiness
I try to fill the void by buying things I don't need.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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