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Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste

You should say:

  • where you saw the plastic waste
  • why there was a lot of plastic waste there
  • what you did; and
  • explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you think we should use plastic?
  2. What are some ways we can reduce the amount of plastic we use?
  3. Why do people typically produce a lot of plastic waste?
  4. Why do people like to use plastic products?
  5. What can governments do to reduce the use of plastic?
  6. Do you think we can completely stop using plastic in the future?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was on a beach cleanup in Hawaii last summer, and it was like walking into a nightmare. The shore was littered with plastic bottles, straws, and bags as far as the eye could see. I mean, we're talking about a place that's supposed to be a tropical paradise, but it looked like a dumping ground. I saw a sea turtle trapped in a six-pack ring, and it just broke my heart. I mean, who does that? Who throws away their trash without thinking about where it's gonna end up?

We spent hours picking up trash, but it was like trying to hold back a tide. There was just so much of it. I saw a kid's toy, a beach ball, a fishing net – all made of plastic, all discarded like they were worthless. And the worst part is, it's not just the aesthetics. Plastic waste is killing our oceans, our wildlife, our planet. It's like we're addicted to this stuff, and we can't stop consuming it even though we know it's destroying us.

But here's the thing: I didn't just see trash that day. I saw a community come together to clean it up. I saw people of all ages, from all walks of life, working together to make a difference. And that gave me hope. It made me realize that we can do better. We can choose to use reusable bags and water bottles. We can choose to recycle. We can choose to care. So, let's make that choice. Let's take responsibility for our actions. Let's clean up our act – literally.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

broke my heart
to cause someone great sadness or disappointment
The news of the natural disaster broke my heart.
Seeing the homeless person broke my heart.
hold back a tide
to try to stop or control something that is difficult or impossible to stop
The government tried to hold back the tide of public opinion, but it was too late.
The firefighters tried to hold back the tide of the flames, but the fire was too powerful.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you think we should use plastic? I don't think we should use plastic as much as we do. I mean, think about it, plastic is everywhere, and it's not biodegradable, so it just ends up in our oceans and landfills. I was at the beach last summer, and it was heartbreaking to see all the plastic waste scattered all over the shore. It's not just the plastic bags and water bottles, but also the microplastics that are in our clothes and cosmetics. It's like, we're literally poisoning our planet with plastic. I think we should try to reduce our plastic use as much as possible and switch to more sustainable materials.

What are some ways we can reduce the amount of plastic we use? One way to reduce plastic use is to make a few simple changes to our daily habits. For example, I've started carrying a reusable water bottle and coffee cup with me wherever I go. It's amazing how much plastic waste you can avoid just by doing that. I also try to avoid buying products with excess packaging, like individually wrapped snacks or single-use plastics. And when I'm shopping, I opt for products with minimal or biodegradable packaging. It's all about being mindful of our consumption habits and making small changes that add up.

Why do people typically produce a lot of plastic waste? I think people produce a lot of plastic waste because it's just so convenient. We're living in a fast-paced world where we want things quick and easy, and plastic makes that possible. But the thing is, that convenience comes at a cost. We're not thinking about the long-term effects of our actions, and that's why we're seeing so much plastic waste. It's like, we're addicted to plastic, and it's hard to break that habit. But I think if we start to educate ourselves and others about the impact of plastic waste, we can start to make a change.

Why do people like to use plastic products? People like to use plastic products because they're cheap and convenient. Plastic is also very versatile, so it's used in everything from packaging to clothing. But I think people also like plastic products because they're often designed to be disposable, which can be appealing in a world where we're always on the go. However, that disposability comes at a cost, and I think we need to start valuing durability and sustainability over convenience. It's a mindset shift, but I think it's necessary if we want to reduce our plastic use.

What can governments do to reduce the use of plastic? Governments can play a huge role in reducing plastic use by implementing policies that promote sustainability. For example, they can ban single-use plastics, like straws and bags, or implement a plastic tax to discourage companies from using excess packaging. They can also invest in recycling infrastructure and education programs to teach people about the impact of plastic waste. Governments can also incentivize companies to use biodegradable materials and sustainable practices by offering tax breaks or subsidies. It's all about creating a system that rewards sustainability and punishes waste.

Do you think we can completely stop using plastic in the future? I think it's possible to significantly reduce our plastic use, but completely stopping it might be a stretch. Plastic is just so deeply ingrained in our society, and it's used in so many different products. However, I do think we can get to a point where plastic use is minimal and sustainable. It's going to take a lot of effort and innovation, but I think it's worth it. We need to start thinking about the long-term effects of our actions and prioritize sustainability over convenience. It's a big challenge, but I think we can do it if we work together.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

break the habit
to stop doing something that you do regularly
I'm trying to break the habit of using plastic bags when I go shopping.
She's trying to break the habit of checking her phone every five minutes.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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