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Describe a friend you like to talk to

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a friend you like to talk to

You should say:

  • who they are
  • what you talk about
  • why you like to talk to them; and
  • explain how you feel about them.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Where do young people like to meet?
  2. What do young people like to talk about?
  3. Do you think people should always be honest with their friends?
  4. On what occasions do people talk to strangers?

Sample Cue Card Answer

You know, there's this one friend of mine who's just a breath of fresh air. Every time we talk, I feel like I'm having a conversation with a kindred spirit. She's got this infectious energy that makes me feel like I can be myself, without fear of judgment. We can talk about anything from our favorite TV shows to our deepest fears, and she always knows how to listen. She's got this amazing ability to balance empathy and humor, which makes even the most mundane conversations feel like therapy sessions. I mean, we can be talking about something as boring as our daily routines, and she'll find a way to make it sound like a hilarious adventure. And the best part is, she never tries to one-up me or make the conversation all about herself. She's got this amazing ability to be present in the moment, and that makes all the difference.

What I love most about our conversations is that they're never superficial. We dive deep into topics, exploring all the nuances and complexities. We challenge each other's perspectives, but never in a confrontational way. It's more like a collaborative exploration of ideas. And even when we disagree, it's not about winning an argument, but about understanding each other's viewpoints. That's what makes our conversations so enriching – we're not just exchanging information, we're exchanging perspectives, and that's what makes our friendship so special.

I think what I appreciate most about our friendship is that it's a two-way street. We both bring our own unique experiences and insights to the table, and that's what makes our conversations so rich. We're not just talking about surface-level stuff; we're diving deep into the human experience. And that's what makes our friendship so meaningful – we're not just friends, we're fellow travelers on this journey of life, exploring the ups and downs together.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

breath of fresh air
a person or thing that brings a sense of relief or renewal
She's a breath of fresh air in a stuffy office environment.
to try to outdo or surpass someone, often in a competitive or aggressive way
He's always trying to one-up his colleagues with his stories of adventure.
two-way street
a situation or relationship in which both parties benefit or contribute equally
Their friendship is a two-way street, with both of them supporting each other through thick and thin.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Where do young people like to meet? I think young people love to meet at trendy coffee shops or cafes. There's something about the casual vibe that makes it easy to catch up with friends. I mean, you can grab a coffee or snack, and just hang out for a bit. It's not too formal, but it's not too laid-back either. Plus, there's always something to talk about, whether it's the latest coffee drinks or the cool decor. And, let's be real, it's a great spot to people-watch, which is always entertaining. I've had some of my best conversations with friends at a coffee shop, just chatting about life and everything in between.

What do young people like to talk about? I think young people love to talk about their passions and interests. For me, it's music. I could talk about my favorite artists and albums for hours. But I've also had friends who are super into fashion, or video games, or even cooking. Whatever it is, when you're talking about something you love, it's infectious. You get excited, and your friends get excited too. It's a great way to bond over shared interests and learn more about each other. I've discovered some amazing new music and artists just from talking to friends about what they're into.

Do you think people should always be honest with their friends? I think honesty is key in any friendship, but it's not always easy. I mean, sometimes the truth can be hard to hear, and it's tempting to sugarcoat things to avoid hurting someone's feelings. But in the long run, being honest with your friends is what builds trust and respect. I've had friends who've been brutally honest with me about something, and at first, it stung. But looking back, I realize they were coming from a good place, and it actually helped me grow as a person. Of course, there's a fine line between being honest and being cruel. You have to be kind and considerate in how you deliver the truth.

On what occasions do people talk to strangers? I think people talk to strangers on occasions when they're in a new environment or trying something new. For example, when I traveled to a new city, I met so many interesting people at hostels or on tours. Everyone's in the same boat, so to speak, and it's easy to strike up a conversation. Festivals or concerts are another great place to meet new people. There's a shared energy and excitement that makes it easy to chat with the person next to you. Even at work or school, when you're in a new team or class, you're more likely to talk to strangers as you're all figuring things out together.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

to be in the same boat
to be in a similar situation or have a shared experience
We're all in the same boat, trying to figure out this new project.
I met some fellow travelers at the hostel, and we were all in the same boat, navigating the city for the first time.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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