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Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment

You should say:

  • what the appointment was for
  • who the appointment was with
  • why you forgot/missed it; and
  • explain how you felt about the experience.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. How do busy people keep track of the things they need to do?
  2. Do you think people should make plans to meet their family?
  3. If someone doesn’t like the person they’re going to meet, do you think they will deliberately miss the appointment?
  4. Which do you think is most important: work meetings, or meetings with friends?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'll never forget the day I missed my job interview at Google. I had been preparing for weeks, researching the company, practicing my responses to common interview questions, and rehearsing my presentation. I was so confident that I was going to nail it. But, as I was getting ready to leave for the interview, I realized that I had forgotten to set my alarm clock. I woke up an hour after the interview was supposed to start, and my heart sank. I quickly got dressed and rushed out the door, but I knew I was already too late.

I arrived at the Google office, out of breath and flustered, and was greeted by the receptionist, who looked at me with a mixture of confusion and disappointment. I explained the situation, and she kindly offered to reschedule the interview for another day. I was relieved, but also frustrated with myself for being so careless.

Looking back, I realize that missing that interview was a blessing in disguise. It taught me a valuable lesson about responsibility and the importance of double-checking my schedule. I ended up getting the job a few weeks later, and I made sure to set multiple alarms and reminders to ensure that I wouldn't miss another important appointment.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

blessing in disguise
an event or situation that seems unfortunate or unlucky at first, but ultimately turns out to be beneficial
Missing the interview was a blessing in disguise, as it taught me a valuable lesson about responsibility.

Sample Part 3 Answers

How do busy people keep track of the things they need to do? You know, I think busy people have to be super organized to keep track of everything they need to do. For me, it's all about writing things down in a planner or setting reminders on my phone. I also try to prioritize my tasks, so I know what needs to be done first. But I think what really helps is having a routine, you know, like a daily or weekly schedule that I stick to. That way, I can make sure I'm getting everything done that I need to, without having to think about it too much. And, of course, technology is a big help too - I mean, I can set reminders and calendar events on my phone, and even get notifications to make sure I don't forget anything. It's all about finding a system that works for you and sticking to it, I think.

Do you think people should make plans to meet their family? Absolutely, I think making plans to meet with family is really important. I mean, family is a big part of our lives, and spending time with them is essential for building and maintaining those relationships. Plus, it's a great way to create memories and catch up on each other's lives. I think it's especially important for people who live far apart, because it can be easy to lose touch if you don't make an effort to stay in touch. For me, making plans to meet with family is a priority, whether it's a weekly dinner or a yearly vacation. It's a way to show that I care and that I'm invested in our relationships.

If someone doesn’t like the person they’re going to meet, do you think they will deliberately miss the appointment? I think it's definitely possible that someone might deliberately miss an appointment if they don't like the person they're supposed to meet. I mean, if someone is really dreading a meeting or interaction, they might find excuses to avoid it or just not show up. But, I think it's also possible that someone might still show up, even if they don't like the person, out of obligation or a sense of duty. Maybe they feel like they have to be there for work or social reasons, even if they don't want to be. Either way, it's not a great situation to be in, and I think it's better to try to resolve any issues or conflicts beforehand, rather than avoiding the meeting altogether.

Which do you think is most important: work meetings, or meetings with friends? I think both work meetings and meetings with friends are important, but in different ways. Work meetings are important for getting things done and advancing in your career, but meetings with friends are important for maintaining relationships and taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. If I had to choose, I'd say that meetings with friends are more important, because relationships with friends can have a big impact on our happiness and overall quality of life. Plus, meeting with friends can be a great way to take a break from work and recharge. That being said, I think it's all about finding a balance between work and personal life, and making time for both.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

take care of
to give attention to someone or something in order to keep them safe, healthy, or in good condition
She takes care of her children by making sure they eat healthy food and get enough sleep.
He takes care of his car by washing it every week and changing the oil regularly.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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