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Describe an application you usually use on your phone or computer

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an application you usually use on your phone or computer

You should say:

  • What it is
  • When you started to use it
  • Why you use it often
  • And explain how you feel about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What’s the most popular app people use on their phones in your country?
  2. Do you think parents should limit the amount of time their children spend playing with their phone?
  3. Do you think people depend too much on their phone?
  4. Do you think some apps are able to help people learn new skills?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm going to talk about an app that I use every single day, and that's my Google Maps app. I mean, who doesn't use it, right? It's like the ultimate navigation tool. I use it to get to work, to find new restaurants, to avoid traffic jams... it's basically my go-to app whenever I need to get somewhere. And the best part is, it's always getting better. The other day, I was driving to a meeting and Google Maps rerouted me around a huge traffic jam. I mean, it literally saved me 30 minutes of sitting in traffic. I was able to get to my meeting on time, and I was even able to grab a coffee on the way.

But what I love most about Google Maps is how it's always learning and adapting to my habits. For example, it knows that I usually take the same route to work every day, so it gives me traffic updates and suggests alternative routes before I even ask for them. It's like having a personal assistant in my pocket. And with the new features they've added, like the ability to book a ride or order food directly from the app, it's becoming more than just a navigation tool - it's a personal concierge.

Now, I know some people might say that relying on Google Maps is making us less aware of our surroundings, but I think it's actually the opposite. It's helping us navigate the world in a way that's more efficient and more enjoyable. And let's be real, who doesn't love the feeling of being able to explore a new city without getting lost? Google Maps has opened up the world for me in a way that I never thought possible.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

the most reliable or preferred option
Google Maps is my go-to app for navigation.
This coffee shop is my go-to spot for a morning coffee.
to change the planned route or course
Google Maps rerouted me around the traffic jam.
The storm forced us to reroute our trip.
personal assistant
a person or device that helps with tasks and organization
Google Maps is like having a personal assistant in my pocket.
I hired a personal assistant to help me with my schedule.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What’s the most popular app people use on their phones in your country? In the US, I'd say the most popular app people use on their phones is probably social media, specifically Facebook. I mean, it's hard to find someone who doesn't have a Facebook account, right? But if I had to narrow it down to a specific app, I'd say it's probably Instagram. Everyone's on Instagram these days, from teenagers to grandparents. I think it's because it's just so easy to use and visually appealing. People love sharing their photos and videos, and it's a great way to stay connected with friends and family who live far away. Plus, it's just so convenient to scroll through your feed and see what's going on in everyone's lives.

Do you think parents should limit the amount of time their children spend playing with their phone? Absolutely, I think parents should limit the amount of time their kids spend on their phones. I mean, it's just not healthy for kids to be staring at screens all day. Not only can it affect their physical health, but it can also impact their mental health and social skills. I've seen kids who are so glued to their phones that they can't even have a conversation with someone face-to-face. It's like they're missing out on so much of life. And it's not just about the amount of time, it's also about the content they're exposed to. There's so much stuff on the internet that's not suitable for kids, and parents need to be aware of that. By limiting screen time, parents can help their kids develop healthier habits and a more balanced lifestyle.

Do you think people depend too much on their phone? Yeah, I definitely think people depend too much on their phones. I mean, it's like, we can't even go to the bathroom without checking our phones, right? It's become such a habit that we don't even realize we're doing it. And it's not just about the constant checking, it's about the anxiety that comes with it. People get so stressed out if they can't find their phone or if they're running low on battery. It's like, what did we do before phones, right? We managed just fine. I think people need to find a better balance between using their phones and living in the moment. It's okay to put your phone away and just enjoy life without the constant distraction of notifications and social media.

Do you think some apps are able to help people learn new skills? Totally, I think some apps are amazing for learning new skills. I mean, there are apps for everything from language learning to cooking to coding. And the best part is, they're so accessible. You can learn a new skill anywhere, anytime, as long as you have your phone. I've personally used apps to learn new languages and even how to play the guitar. It's incredible how much you can learn with just a few minutes a day. And it's not just about the content, it's about the way it's presented. Many apps use gamification and interactive exercises to make learning fun and engaging. It's a great way to stay motivated and track your progress. I think apps have really democratized education and made it possible for people to learn new skills that they might not have had access to otherwise.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

hard to find someone who doesn't
to be very rare or uncommon
It's hard to find someone who doesn't have a Facebook account.
narrow it down
to reduce a list of possibilities to a smaller number
If I had to narrow it down to a specific app, I'd say it's probably Instagram.
glued to
to be completely focused on something and unable to look away
I've seen kids who are so glued to their phones that they can't even have a conversation with someone face-to-face.
missing out on
to not have the opportunity to experience something
It's like they're missing out on so much of life.
in the moment
to be fully present and focused on the current situation
I think people need to find a better balance between using their phones and living in the moment.
completely or entirely
Totally, I think some apps are amazing for learning new skills.
to make something available to everyone, regardless of their background or social status
I think apps have really democratized education and made it possible for people to learn new skills that they might not have had access to otherwise.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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