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Describe a time you solved a problem using the internet

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a time you solved a problem using the internet

You should say:

  • What the problem was
  • How you solved this problem
  • How long it took to solve
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What do people do online in their free time?
  2. What impact does the internet have on schools?
  3. Do you think many people waste their time online?
  4. What do you think people will do online in the future?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was on a road trip with friends, driving through the middle of nowhere, when our car's GPS stopped working. We were lost in a rural area with no phone signal, and the sun was setting fast. We had to find a way to get back on track, but how? That's when I remembered a YouTube video I watched about using the stars to navigate. I quickly grabbed my phone and opened the Sky Map app, which uses your location and time to show a virtual representation of the night sky. I aligned the app with the actual stars above us, and voila! We were able to determine our direction and find our way back to civilization.

But that was just the beginning. As we continued driving, we stumbled upon a small town with a quirky little restaurant that served the most incredible food. But, they didn't take credit cards, and we were all out of cash. That's when I remembered a Reddit thread I read about using mobile payment apps to pay for services. I quickly downloaded an app called Square Cash, which allowed me to send money directly to the restaurant's owner. We were able to enjoy our meal and even left a generous tip, all thanks to the power of the internet.

These two experiences made me realize just how powerful the internet can be in solving real-world problems. Whether it's navigating through the wilderness or paying for a meal, the internet has made it possible to access a vast amount of information and resources that can help us in our daily lives. And it's not just about having access to information - it's about having the right tools and resources at our fingertips to solve problems in creative and innovative ways.

Looking back, I realize that the internet is not just a tool, but a problem-solving partner. It's a partner that's always available, always learning, and always adapting to our needs. And as we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life, it's clear that the internet will play an increasingly important role in helping us solve problems and overcome challenges. So the next time you're faced with a problem, don't be afraid to reach out to your trusty sidekick - the internet!

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

think outside the box
to think creatively and come up with new and original ideas
Using the Sky Map app to navigate was a great example of thinking outside the box
Downloading Square Cash to pay for the meal was another example of thinking outside the box
on the fly
to do something quickly and spontaneously, without much planning or preparation
I downloaded the Sky Map app on the fly to navigate
I used Square Cash on the fly to pay for the meal

Sample Part 3 Answers

What do people do online in their free time? People do a variety of things online in their free time, but one thing that's really popular is watching videos. Whether it's YouTube, Netflix, or another streaming service, people love to unwind and be entertained online. I think this is because it's so easy to find content that interests you, and you can watch it anywhere, anytime. Plus, there's just so much to choose from - whether you're into music videos, educational content, or just funny animal clips, there's something for everyone.

What impact does the internet have on schools? The internet has had a huge impact on schools, and one of the biggest ways is by changing the way students do research. In the past, students would have to spend hours in the library searching through books and articles to find information for a project. But now, with the internet, all that information is just a few clicks away. This has made it so much easier for students to learn and get their work done, but it's also created new challenges, like making sure students are using credible sources and not just copying and pasting from Wikipedia.

Do you think many people waste their time online? I think it's easy to get sucked into wasting time online, especially with social media. It's so easy to mindlessly scroll through your feeds and get caught up in what everyone else is doing, rather than focusing on what you need to be doing. But at the same time, I think the internet can also be a huge time-saver. For example, I can pay my bills, order groceries, and even do my taxes online - it's amazing how much time that saves me in the long run. So, it really depends on how you use the internet, and whether you're using it to make your life easier or just as a distraction.

What do you think people will do online in the future? I think one thing that's going to become even more popular in the future is online shopping. Already, so many people shop online, and I think that's just going to keep growing. With the rise of things like drone delivery and same-day shipping, it's becoming easier and easier to get what you need without ever having to leave your house. And it's not just shopping - I think we'll also see more and more people using the internet to take care of everyday tasks, like scheduling appointments and paying bills. It's going to be amazing to see how the internet continues to make our lives easier and more convenient.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

in the long run
eventually, after a period of time
I know it's hard to save money now, but it'll pay off in the long run.
I'm not sure if this new policy will work, but I think it'll be better for us in the long run.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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