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Describe a place you went to where there were lots of people

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a place you went to where there were lots of people

You should say:

  • where it was
  • who you were with
  • what people were doing there; and,
  • explain why there were lots of people.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Where do young people like to go?
  2. Are people happy living in a crowded apartment?
  3. Are there any places that often have long queues of people?
  4. What are the advantages of living on a higher floor?
  5. What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?
  6. What do you think of people who are willing to wait for an hour to be seated at a restaurant?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm talking about the streets of Tokyo during cherry blossom season. I mean, have you ever seen anything like it? The entire city is awash in pastel pink, and the energy is electric. I was swept up in a sea of people, all of us united in our quest to capture the perfect Instagram shot. I swear, the Japanese have a special talent for making even the most mundane moments feel like a festival. And the food! Oh man, the food. I'm pretty sure I single-handedly kept the yakitori vendors in business that day.

But what really struck me was the way the crowds moved. It was like a choreographed dance, everyone flowing together in a mesmerizing rhythm. I found myself getting caught up in the tide of humanity, carried along by the sheer force of the crowd. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once. I mean, I'm a bit of a introvert, so being surrounded by that many people should have been my worst nightmare. But somehow, it felt... liberating.

I think what I loved most about that experience was the sense of connection I felt with all those strangers. We were all there for the same reason, united in our wonder and awe. And in that moment, it didn't matter where we came from or what our stories were. We were all just... present. Together. It was a truly transcendent experience, and one that I'll carry with me for a long time.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

swept up in a sea of people
to be surrounded by a large crowd of people, often in a way that feels overwhelming or exhilarating
I was swept up in a sea of people at the concert and lost my friends.
The protesters were swept up in a sea of police officers, and the situation quickly escalated.
choreographed dance
a movement or action that is carefully planned and executed, often in a way that is aesthetically pleasing
The flash mob performed a choreographed dance routine in the middle of the mall.
The couple's wedding proposal was a beautifully choreographed dance of love and commitment.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Where do young people like to go? You know, I've noticed that young people love to hang out at trendy coffee shops. There's this one place downtown that's always buzzing with energy. It's got a super chill vibe, with comfy couches and a great selection of coffee drinks. I think what draws them in is the atmosphere – it's a great spot to catch up with friends, work on your laptop, or just people-watch. Plus, they have live music events and art exhibits, which adds to the allure. It's become a hub for creatives and students, and it's not uncommon to see a line out the door on weekends.

Are people happy living in a crowded apartment? Honestly, I think it really depends on the person. Some people thrive in crowded apartments, while others feel suffocated. I've got a friend who lives in a tiny studio with three roommates, and she loves it. She says it's like one big sleepover, and they always have someone to hang out with. But, on the other hand, I've got another friend who values her alone time and would go crazy in a situation like that. For her, having her own space is essential to her happiness. I think it's all about finding what works for you and your personality.

Are there any places that often have long queues of people? Absolutely! I've noticed that popular brunch spots are notorious for long wait times. There's this one restaurant in my neighborhood that's famous for its pancakes, and people line up around the block on Sundays. I think it's because people are willing to wait for a great meal, especially if it's a special occasion or a treat. The wait can be up to an hour or more, but the atmosphere is lively, and people often make friends with those around them in line. It's become a bit of an event in itself – you can grab a coffee and catch up on some work or chat with strangers while you wait.

What are the advantages of living on a higher floor? I think one of the biggest advantages of living on a higher floor is the view. There's something about waking up to a stunning cityscape or a breathtaking sunset that just sets a positive tone for the day. Plus, it's often quieter up high, away from the hustle and bustle of street level. I've got a friend who lives on the 20th floor, and she says it's like having her own little oasis in the sky. She can see for miles, and it's amazing to watch the city come alive at night. Of course, there's also the added security of being farther away from potential break-ins or street noise.

What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor? One of the biggest downsides of living on a lower floor is the noise. I've got a friend who lives on the second floor of an apartment building, and she says it's like living on the street. She can hear every car horn, every conversation, and every noise from the bars and restaurants below. It can be tough to get a good night's sleep, especially if you're a light sleeper. Additionally, there's the issue of safety – it's easier for potential intruders to access lower-floor apartments, which can be a concern for some people.

What do you think of people who are willing to wait for an hour to be seated at a restaurant? Honestly, I think it's a testament to the power of good food and good company. When people are willing to wait that long, it's because they're expecting an exceptional experience. Maybe it's a special occasion, or maybe they've heard rave reviews about the restaurant. Either way, they're willing to invest their time in anticipation of something amazing. I think it's also a sign of patience and dedication – in today's fast-paced world, it's refreshing to see people willing to slow down and savor the experience. Plus, it's a great opportunity to people-watch and enjoy the atmosphere while you wait!

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

hang out
to spend time in a place, usually in a relaxed way
They like to hang out at trendy coffee shops.
buzzing with energy
full of excitement and activity
The coffee shop is always buzzing with energy.
chill vibe
a relaxed and casual atmosphere
The coffee shop has a super chill vibe.
to watch and observe people, often for entertainment
It's a great spot to people-watch.
hub for creatives and students
a central place where people with similar interests gather
It's become a hub for creatives and students.
thrives in
to grow or develop well in a particular environment
Some people thrive in crowded apartments.
to feel trapped or uncomfortable
Others feel suffocated in crowded apartments.
one big sleepover
a fun and social gathering that lasts overnight
It's like one big sleepover.
notorious for
famous for something, often in a negative way
Popular brunch spots are notorious for long wait times.
line up around the block
to form a long line of people waiting for something
People line up around the block on Sundays.
full of energy and activity
The atmosphere is lively.
make friends with
to become friends with someone
People often make friends with those around them in line.
extremely impressive or beautiful
The view is breathtaking.
sets a positive tone
to create a good atmosphere or mood
Waking up to a stunning cityscape sets a positive tone for the day.
oasis in the sky
a peaceful and calm place in a busy environment
It's like having her own little oasis in the sky.
hustle and bustle
the noise and activity of a busy place
It's quieter up high, away from the hustle and bustle of street level.
the act of entering a building or room without permission
There's the added security of being farther away from potential break-ins.
living on the street
to experience the noise and activity of the street
It's like living on the street.
testament to
proof or evidence of something
It's a testament to the power of good food and good company.
savor the experience
to enjoy and appreciate something slowly and carefully
It's refreshing to see people willing to slow down and savor the experience.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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