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Describe something that surprised you and made you happy

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe something that surprised you and made you happy

You should say:

  • what it was
  • when it happened
  • what surprised you; and explain
  • why it made you happy.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. How do people express their happiness in your culture?
  2. What impact do emotions have on our decisions?
  3. How can people be happy?
  4. Is it good for people to feel sadness?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was at a music festival last summer, surrounded by thousands of strangers, when I stumbled upon a tiny, makeshift art installation. It was a small, glowing tree, tucked away in a corner of the festival grounds. What caught my attention was the fact that it was made entirely out of discarded plastic bottles and LED lights. I mean, who does that? It was like a beacon of hope in a sea of chaos. I was surprised by the beauty and creativity of it all. And then, something even more amazing happened. A group of people started to gather around the tree, and soon, we were all chatting and laughing together. Strangers became friends, united by this tiny, glowing tree. It was like a little community had formed, right there in the middle of the festival.

As I looked around at these people, I realized that we were all there for the same reason - to experience something beautiful, something that would make us feel alive. And in that moment, surrounded by the glow of that tree, I felt a deep sense of connection to these strangers. It was like we were all in on some secret, some hidden truth that only reveals itself in moments like these. And that's when it hit me - happiness isn't just some feeling we get from external sources; it's a choice we make in the present moment. We can choose to see the beauty in the world, even in the most unexpected places.

That little glowing tree taught me that happiness is contagious. When we choose to see the beauty in the world, we create a ripple effect. We inspire others to do the same, and before we know it, we've created a community of people who are all about spreading joy and positivity. It's a powerful thing, and it's something that we can all tap into, no matter where we are or what we're doing. So, the next time you're at a music festival, or just walking down the street, keep an eye out for those little moments of beauty. You never know when you might stumble upon something that will surprise you and make you happy.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

a beacon of hope
something that gives people a sense of hope or inspiration
The new community center is a beacon of hope for the neighborhood.
The discovery of the cure was a beacon of hope for those suffering from the disease.
in on some secret
to be part of a shared understanding or knowledge that is not widely known
The two friends were in on some secret, exchanging knowing glances throughout the conversation.
The company's employees were in on some secret, as they all seemed to know something that the rest of us didn't.

Sample Part 3 Answers

How do people express their happiness in your culture? In my culture, people express their happiness in a variety of ways, but one thing that stands out is the way we use physical touch to show affection and joy. For example, when someone is happy, they might give their friends or family members a big hug or a high-five. We also use verbal expressions like 'I'm so stoked!' or 'I'm beyond excited!' to convey our happiness. But what I find really interesting is how we use celebrations to express happiness. Whether it's a birthday party, a wedding, or a graduation, we love to come together with loved ones and mark special occasions with food, music, and laughter. It's a way of sharing our joy with others and creating memories that last a lifetime.

What impact do emotions have on our decisions? Emotions play a huge role in our decision-making process, often in ways we're not even aware of. For instance, when we're feeling anxious or stressed, we might be more likely to make impulsive decisions that we later regret. On the other hand, when we're feeling calm and confident, we're more likely to take our time and weigh our options carefully. But what's really fascinating is how our emotions can influence our decisions in subtle ways. For example, if we're feeling nostalgic for a particular time or place, we might be more likely to make decisions that help us recapture that feeling. It's like our emotions are constantly whispering in our ear, guiding us towards certain choices and away from others.

How can people be happy? I think one of the most important things we can do to be happy is to cultivate a sense of gratitude. When we focus on the things we're thankful for, rather than dwelling on what's lacking, it shifts our entire perspective. It's like our minds are constantly filtering the world around us, and when we choose to focus on the good stuff, it's like the whole world brightens up. For me, it's about taking a few minutes each day to reflect on the things I'm grateful for, whether it's a beautiful sunset, a good cup of coffee, or a supportive friend. It's amazing how such a simple practice can have such a profound impact on our overall happiness.

Is it good for people to feel sadness? While it might seem counterintuitive, I think it's actually really important for people to feel sadness from time to time. When we allow ourselves to feel and process our emotions, including the difficult ones, it can be incredibly cathartic. It's like our emotions are trying to tell us something, and when we listen to them, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Plus, feeling sadness can actually help us appreciate the happy times more. When we've experienced the full range of human emotions, we can develop a greater sense of empathy and compassion for others, and that's a truly beautiful thing.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

beyond excited
extremely enthusiastic or thrilled
I'm beyond excited for the concert tonight!
She's beyond excited to start her new job.
extremely pleased or excited
I'm stoked for the weekend!
He's stoked to be going on vacation.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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