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Describe something that you found that was lost by someone else

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe something that you found that was lost by someone else

You should say:

  • Who it belonged to
  • When it was lost
  • How the person lost it
  • How you found it
  • And explain how you felt about it

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Why do some people like to collect things?
  2. Do people collect things to maintain memories?
  3. What do you like to collect?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of collecting things?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I was on a solo hike in the mountains, enjoying the peacefulness of nature, when I stumbled upon a small, leather-bound journal. It was tucked away in a crevice, partially hidden by a bush. As I picked it up, I noticed it was filled with handwritten notes, sketches, and poetry. The entries were dated from several years ago, and it seemed like it belonged to a young traveler who had been on a similar journey. I couldn't help but wonder what their story was, and how this journal ended up here, lost and forgotten.

As I flipped through the pages, I found a ticket stub from a concert, a receipt from a small café, and a postcard from a friend. It was like I was holding a piece of someone's history, a glimpse into their life. I felt a sense of responsibility, like I had stumbled upon a treasure that wasn't mine to keep. I decided to try and find the owner, but as I looked through the journal, I realized that the owner's name was nowhere to be found.

I took the journal back to my cabin and spent the evening reading through it, trying to piece together the story of its owner. The writing was poetic, and the sketches were beautiful. I felt a connection to this person, like we shared a common love for nature and adventure. The next day, I posted about the journal on social media, hoping to find the owner. Weeks went by, and I had almost given up hope when I received a message from a young woman who claimed the journal was hers. We exchanged messages, and I learned that she had lost it on a hike several years ago. She was overjoyed to have it back, and we ended up meeting up for coffee to return the journal. It was a surreal experience, reconnecting someone with a piece of their past.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

stumbled upon
to find something by chance, often in an unexpected way
I stumbled upon a great restaurant in the city.
She stumbled upon an old photograph in her attic.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Why do some people like to collect things? I think people like to collect things because it gives them a sense of ownership and control. When you collect something, you're not just accumulating stuff, you're curating a piece of yourself. You're saying, 'This is what I like, this is what I value.' And that can be really powerful. For some people, collecting is a way to connect with their past or their heritage. Maybe they collect vintage toys because they remind them of their childhood, or maybe they collect traditional clothing because it connects them to their cultural roots. Whatever the reason, collecting gives people a way to hold onto memories and experiences, and to share them with others.

Do people collect things to maintain memories? Absolutely, people collect things to maintain memories. Think about it - when you hold onto something that belonged to someone you love, or that reminds you of a special time or place, it's like you're holding onto the memory itself. The object becomes a tangible connection to the past, a way to relive the emotions and sensations of a particular moment. And that's why people collect things like ticket stubs from concerts, or postcards from trips. They're not just collecting pieces of paper - they're collecting the memories that come with them.

What do you like to collect? You know, I'm a bit of a sentimental person, so I like to collect things that hold emotional value. I've got a collection of old photographs that I've found at thrift stores and antique shops. Each one is like a little window into someone else's life, and I love trying to imagine the stories behind them. I also collect old keys - I don't know why, exactly, but there's something about the way they feel in my hand that I love. Maybe it's the weight of them, or the way they seem to hold secrets. Whatever it is, I just love the way they make me feel.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of collecting things? I think the biggest advantage of collecting things is the joy it brings. When you're passionate about something, it's infectious - it makes you happy, and it makes the people around you happy too. And let's be real, collecting can also be a great way to learn about history, or culture, or art. But on the other hand, collecting can also be a real burden. It can take up space, and time, and money. And sometimes, it can even become an obsession. I've seen people get so caught up in collecting that they lose sight of what's really important. So I think the key is to find a balance - to collect things that bring you joy, but not to let them consume you.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

hold onto
to keep or retain something, often for sentimental reasons
She held onto the locket her grandmother gave her.
He held onto the memory of his first love.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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