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Describe a leisure activity you do with your family

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a leisure activity you do with your family

You should say:

  • What it is
  • When you do it
  • How you do it
  • And explain how you feel about it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of leisure activities are popular in your country?
  2. What leisure activities do young people like?
  3. Do leisure activities have to be educational?
  4. Do men and women like different leisure activities?

Sample Cue Card Answer

So, every summer, my family and I go on this crazy road trip to the beach. We're talking 12 hours in the car, fighting over who gets to control the aux cord, and eating way too much fast food. But the second we hit the coast, all that chaos melts away. We spend our days soaking up the sun, playing beach volleyball, and just enjoying each other's company. It's our one time of the year where we can just unplug and be present with each other.

One of my favorite parts of the trip is our annual sandcastle building competition. My siblings and I get super competitive, and my parents are always the judges. We spend hours crafting these intricate structures, only to have the tide come in and destroy them. It's hilarious. But what I love most is the bonding time. We're all working together, laughing, and just having a blast. It's a time for us to reconnect and make memories that'll last a lifetime.

As we've gotten older, our trips have become less about the destination and more about the journey. We take turns picking the music, and we always have a sing-along party in the car. My mom's a total rockstar, by the way. We also make sure to stop at all the quirky roadside attractions and take silly photos. It's become a tradition that I cherish deeply.

In a world where everyone's always glued to their screens, it's refreshing to have this time to disconnect and just be with the people I love. It's a reminder that there's more to life than just likes and followers. Our annual beach trip is more than just a vacation – it's a chance for us to recharge, refocus, and remember what's truly important.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

to disconnect from technology and take a break from the digital world
We like to unplug and go on a digital detox during our vacation.
aux cord
a cable used to connect a phone or music player to a car stereo
Can you pass the aux cord so I can play my music?
roadside attractions
unusual or quirky places to visit along the side of the road, often featuring giant statues or strange museums
We love stopping at roadside attractions on our road trips.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of leisure activities are popular in your country? In the United States, one of the most popular leisure activities is outdoor recreation. People love spending time in nature, whether it's hiking, camping, or simply having a picnic in a park. I think this is because many Americans value freedom and independence, and being outdoors gives them a sense of escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Plus, with so many beautiful national parks and forests, there's no shortage of amazing places to explore. For my family, a favorite weekend activity is going on a hike together, enjoying the scenery and getting some exercise at the same time.

What leisure activities do young people like? I think young people today are really into creative pursuits, like music, art, and writing. With the rise of social media, there are so many platforms for self-expression and sharing your talents with others. For example, my niece is really into photography, and she loves taking her camera with her wherever she goes to capture interesting moments and scenes. She's even started a Instagram account where she shares her photos and gets feedback from others. It's amazing to see how technology has opened up new opportunities for young people to explore their passions and connect with like-minded individuals.

Do leisure activities have to be educational? I don't think leisure activities have to be educational, but they can definitely be enriching in their own way. For instance, my family loves playing board games together, which may not seem like an obviously educational activity, but it actually helps us develop important skills like strategy, critical thinking, and teamwork. Plus, it's just a lot of fun! We always have a great time competing with each other and laughing together. I think the key is to find activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether they're educational or not.

Do men and women like different leisure activities? I think it's true that men and women often have different interests when it comes to leisure activities, but it's not always a hard and fast rule. For example, my wife loves playing sports, like soccer and basketball, which are often stereotypically male-dominated activities. On the other hand, my brother is really into cooking and trying out new recipes, which is often seen as a more feminine pursuit. Ultimately, I think people should do what makes them happy, regardless of traditional gender roles. In my family, we try to be supportive of each other's interests and hobbies, even if they're not necessarily what we would choose for ourselves.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

hustle and bustle
a busy and exciting atmosphere
The city was full of hustle and bustle, with people rushing to and fro.
the act of expressing one's thoughts, feelings, or opinions
Social media has become a powerful tool for self-expression.
making something more interesting or enjoyable
The trip was enriching, and I learned a lot about the culture.
according to a common but often inaccurate idea or image
The movie challenged stereotypical views of women in the workplace.
an activity or interest that someone enjoys or is good at
She has a passion for music, and it's her favorite pursuit.
comments or opinions about something, especially given to help improve it
She asked for feedback on her art project to make it better.
the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal
The team's success was due to their excellent teamwork.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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