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Describe a famous person you are interested in

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Cue Card

Describe a famous person you are interested in

You should say:

  • Who they are
  • How you know about them
  • What they were like before they became famous
  • And explain why you are interested in them.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you think the media puts too much attention on famous people?
  2. Do you think famous people are always good at what they do?
  3. What are the differences between famous people from the past and famous people today?
  4. What kinds of famous people are there in your country?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I'm obsessed with the life of Frida Kahlo. This woman was a force of nature - an artist, a feminist, a rebel. Born in Mexico in 1907, Frida's life was marked by physical and emotional pain, but also by an unrelenting passion for art and self-expression. She's famous for her vibrant self-portraits, but what I find fascinating is how she turned her suffering into a catalyst for creativity.

Frida's story is one of resilience. At 18, she survived a devastating bus accident that left her with multiple injuries, including a broken spine, pelvis, and leg. She underwent multiple surgeries, but the pain never fully went away. Yet, during her recovery, she began to paint, using her art as a way to express the emotions and experiences she couldn't verbalize. Her artwork is a window into her inner world - a world of color, symbolism, and intense emotion.

What I admire most about Frida is her refusal to be defined by her circumstances. She was a woman in a patriarchal society, a Mexican in a world dominated by European art movements, and an artist with a disability. But she didn't let any of that hold her back. Instead, she used her unique perspective to create something entirely new and innovative. Her art is a testament to the power of the human spirit - a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always the possibility for transformation and growth.

Frida's legacy extends far beyond her artwork. She's a cultural icon, a symbol of female empowerment, and a reminder that our experiences, no matter how difficult, can be transformed into something beautiful. For me, Frida Kahlo represents the ultimate triumph of the human spirit - a spirit that is unbreakable, creative, and forever inspiring.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

a force of nature
a person or thing that is extremely powerful or influential
Frida Kahlo was a force of nature in the art world.
The hurricane was a force of nature that destroyed the city.
turning suffering into a catalyst for creativity
using difficult experiences as inspiration for artistic or innovative work
Frida Kahlo turned her physical pain into a catalyst for her art.
The writer used his personal struggles as a catalyst for his novel.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you think the media puts too much attention on famous people? I think the media does put too much attention on famous people, and it's mainly because of the way our society is structured. We're living in a time where social media is omnipresent, and people are obsessed with staying connected and informed. The media knows this, so they capitalize on our fascination with celebrities by bombarding us with their every move. It's not just about reporting on their work or achievements; it's about sensationalizing their personal lives, relationships, and controversies. This can be damaging, not just for the celebrities themselves, but also for the public, who start to idolize them to an unhealthy degree. We begin to forget that they're human beings with flaws and imperfections, just like us.

Do you think famous people are always good at what they do? I don't think famous people are always good at what they do. While many of them are incredibly talented and have worked hard to hone their craft, there are also those who have simply been in the right place at the right time or have a strong marketing machine behind them. Take reality TV stars, for example. Some of them have built entire careers on their personalities or physical appearances, rather than any actual talent. And then there are those who have been catapulted to fame due to a single viral moment or a well-connected manager. Of course, there are many talented famous people out there, but it's not a guarantee that someone is good at what they do just because they're famous.

What are the differences between famous people from the past and famous people today? One of the main differences between famous people from the past and famous people today is the level of accessibility and scrutiny they face. In the past, celebrities were often seen as untouchable and mysterious, with the public only getting glimpses of their lives through carefully crafted interviews and public appearances. Today, with social media, we have 24/7 access to their thoughts, feelings, and daily lives. This has created a sense of familiarity and intimacy that didn't exist before. Additionally, the types of people who become famous have changed. In the past, it was mostly actors, musicians, and politicians, whereas today, we have influencers, YouTubers, and reality TV stars who have built massive followings and become household names.

What kinds of famous people are there in your country? In the US, we have a diverse range of famous people across various fields. We have Hollywood actors and actresses, of course, but also musicians, athletes, politicians, and business leaders. We have famous authors, artists, and musicians who have made significant contributions to their respective fields. We also have a growing number of social media influencers and content creators who have built massive followings and become famous in their own right. And then there are the famous figures from the world of sports, such as basketball players, football players, and tennis stars. We also have famous chefs, fashion designers, and entrepreneurs who have made a name for themselves through their innovative ideas and hard work.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

in the right place at the right time
to be in a situation where one can take advantage of an opportunity
She was in the right place at the right time to get the job she wanted.
He was in the right place at the right time to meet his future business partner.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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