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Describe an ideal job that you would like to have in the future

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe an ideal job that you would like to have in the future

You should say:

  • What is is
  • What you know about it
  • What it would be like
  • And explain why it is your ideal job.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kinds of jobs do children think are appealing?
  2. Do you think people like to choose the same profession as their parents?
  3. What kinds of things do people regret about their career choices as they get older?
  4. What should consider when they’re choosing a job?

Sample Cue Card Answer

Imagine a job where creativity knows no bounds, and innovation is the only constant. My dream job is to be a 'Future Experience Designer' – a profession that doesn't exist yet, but desperately needs to. I'd be responsible for crafting immersive, real-world experiences that simulate life on other planets. Think of it as a mix of theme park design, video game development, and NASA engineering. My team and I would create sprawling, futuristic cities that mimic the environments of Mars, the moon, or even exoplanets. We'd design habitats, life support systems, and infrastructure to make humanity's next giant leap for mankind a tangible reality.

Imagine walking into a massive, dome-shaped structure that simulates a Martian colony. The air is thick, the sky is crimson, and the landscape stretches out in every direction. You can almost smell the rust. As you explore, you'd encounter real-world challenges that astronauts would face on the red planet – like managing resources, navigating low gravity, and dealing with isolation. But here's the twist: you'd also have the chance to contribute to the colony's growth, make decisions that impact the community, and even influence the course of human history.

As a Future Experience Designer, my goal would be to inspire a new generation of space enthusiasts, scientists, and explorers. By making the impossible feel possible, I believe we can accelerate humanity's progress and create a better future for all. It's a job that requires creativity, technical expertise, and a willingness to push boundaries. And I'm convinced that, together, we can make the future a reality – one immersive experience at a time.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

push boundaries
to go beyond what is considered normal or acceptable
The artist's latest sculpture really pushes the boundaries of what's considered 'art'.
The company's innovative approach pushes the boundaries of what's possible in the tech industry.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kinds of jobs do children think are appealing? I think kids are often drawn to jobs that seem exciting and adventurous, like being an astronaut or a professional athlete. For example, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a firefighter because I thought it would be cool to ride in a big truck with sirens blaring and help people in emergency situations. I think kids are naturally curious and want to do something that makes a difference, and jobs like these seem to offer that sense of purpose and thrill. Plus, who wouldn't want to wear a cool uniform and have a special vehicle to drive around in?

Do you think people like to choose the same profession as their parents? I think some people might be influenced by their parents' professions, but it's not always a guarantee that they'll follow in their footsteps. Sometimes, people might be drawn to a particular field because they've grown up around it and have a natural interest, but other times they might want to do something completely different just to carve their own path. For instance, I know someone whose parents were both doctors, but she ended up becoming a graphic designer because she loved art and wanted to do something creative. Ultimately, I think people want to pursue careers that align with their own passions and strengths, regardless of what their parents do.

What kinds of things do people regret about their career choices as they get older? I think one of the biggest regrets people have about their career choices is not pursuing something they truly love. When you're younger, you might choose a career for the wrong reasons, like for the money or because it's what your parents want you to do. But as you get older, you realize that you're spending most of your waking hours doing something that doesn't bring you joy, and that can be really unfulfilling. I've heard people say things like, 'I wish I had taken more risks and pursued my passion instead of playing it safe.' It's like, you can always make more money, but you can't get back the time you've spent doing something that doesn't make you happy.

What should consider when they’re choosing a job? I think one of the most important things to consider when choosing a job is the company culture and values. You can have a great job title and salary, but if the work environment is toxic or the company values don't align with your own, you're going to be miserable. I've had friends who took jobs that seemed perfect on paper, but the company culture was so bad that they ended up quitting after a few months. On the other hand, I know people who love their jobs because they work for a company that truly cares about its employees and the community. So, I think it's really important to do your research and find a company that aligns with your own values and priorities.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

follow in someone's footsteps
to do the same job or activity as someone else, usually because they have been inspired by that person
She followed in her mother's footsteps and became a teacher.
He followed in his father's footsteps and started his own business.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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