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Describe a special day that you remember well

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a special day that you remember well

You should say:

  • Where you were
  • Who you were with
  • What you did
  • And explain why you remember it well.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. Do you think people spend too much money on their birthday parties or weddings?
  2. How much do you think someone should spend on a birthday party or wedding?
  3. Are photos or videos the best way to remember an event?
  4. What can a forgetful person do to better remember things?

Sample Cue Card Answer

I woke up to the sound of my grandma's laughter, which was a rare occurrence, as she wasn't a morning person. It was my 10th birthday, and she had promised to take me to the beach, just the two of us. I had been counting down the days for what felt like an eternity. We lived in a small town surrounded by cornfields, and the beach was a 2-hour drive away. I had never seen the ocean before, and the excitement was building up inside me like a bursting balloon.

As we hit the road, the anticipation was palpable. My grandma, or 'Nana' as I called her, was beaming with excitement, and I could tell she was just as thrilled as I was. We chatted nonstop about what we would do when we got there – build sandcastles, collect seashells, and maybe even spot some dolphins. The drive felt like an eternity, but the scenery changed from fields to forests to finally, the glint of the ocean on the horizon.

The moment we stepped onto the sand, I felt the warm grains shifting beneath my feet. The sound of the waves was almost deafening, and the smell of saltwater filled my lungs. Nana took my hand, and we walked towards the water's edge. I felt the icy water wash over my toes, and I squealed with delight. We spent the day building the most epic sandcastle the world had ever seen, complete with moats, towers, and a flag made from a piece of Nana's scarf.

As the sun began to set, Nana pulled out a picnic basket, and we sat down to eat sandwiches and watch the stars come out. I felt like the luckiest kid in the world, having this special day with my Nana. It's a memory that's stayed with me to this day, and every time I think about it, I'm transported back to that beach, feeling the sand between my toes and the warmth of Nana's hand in mine.

Looking back, I realize that it wasn't just the beach or the activities that made that day so special – it was the quality time with my Nana. In a world where everyone's always glued to their screens, it's easy to forget the importance of human connection. That day taught me that sometimes, all it takes is a simple, unplugged day with someone you love to create a memory that will last a lifetime.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

counting down the days
to eagerly wait for something to happen by counting the days until it occurs
I'm counting down the days until my vacation.
She's been counting down the days until her birthday.
bursting balloon
something that is full of energy or excitement and is ready to be released
The kids were like bursting balloons on the last day of school.
The crowd was like a bursting balloon, ready to erupt in cheers.

Sample Part 3 Answers

Do you think people spend too much money on their birthday parties or weddings? I definitely think some people spend way too much money on their birthday parties and weddings. I mean, I've seen people go all out and rent a huge venue, hire a live band, and have a multi-tiered cake that costs an arm and a leg. And while it's great to celebrate special occasions, it's just not necessary to break the bank. I think people get caught up in the idea of having the 'perfect' party or wedding, and they lose sight of what's really important - the people they're celebrating with. My friend's wedding, for example, was a beautiful backyard BBQ with close friends and family, and it was one of the most memorable and enjoyable weddings I've ever been to. It just goes to show that you don't need to spend a fortune to have a great time.

How much do you think someone should spend on a birthday party or wedding? Honestly, I think it really depends on the person and their financial situation. If someone is on a tight budget, I think they should prioritize what's most important to them and allocate their funds accordingly. Maybe that means having a smaller, more intimate gathering with close friends and family, or maybe it means splurging on a special activity or experience. For me, personally, I think $500 to $1000 is a reasonable amount to spend on a birthday party or wedding. That way, you can still have a great food, drinks, and music, but you're not breaking the bank. Of course, that's just my opinion, and ultimately, it's up to each person to decide what they're comfortable spending.

Are photos or videos the best way to remember an event? I think photos are definitely the best way to remember an event. There's something about a physical photo that just can't be replicated with a video. I mean, don't get me wrong, videos are great and all, but there's something special about being able to hold a photo in your hand and relive the memory. Plus, photos are just so much easier to share and display - you can put them in a frame, make a album, or even just post them on social media. I have this one photo from my childhood birthday party that my mom took, and every time I look at it, I'm instantly transported back to that day. It's just a really powerful way to capture a moment in time.

What can a forgetful person do to better remember things? I'm definitely a forgetful person, so I've had to develop a few strategies over the years to help me remember things. One thing that works really well for me is writing things down. I carry a little notebook with me everywhere I go, and I make sure to jot down important dates, appointments, and reminders. I also set reminders on my phone, which helps me stay on track. But I think the most effective thing I do is create associations between the thing I need to remember and something else that's meaningful to me. For example, if I need to remember to pick up milk on the way home from work, I'll think about how my favorite coffee creamer requires milk, and that helps me remember to stop at the store. It's all about finding what works for you and sticking to it.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

break the bank
to spend a lot of money
I don't want to break the bank on a new TV, so I'll just get a smaller one.

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